Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1401: Lost his life

Harnessing the world chess board, Chu Yan flies all the way forward.

He didn't just fly in a random direction.

The continent is vast, and if you fly at random and have bad luck, you may not see the town for several months.

When Chu Yan was in Shijie Village before, he saw a caravan passing by.

In the direction of the caravan, there must be towns.

So there is absolutely nothing wrong with flying in that direction.

It was as expected, and two days later, he came to a small town.

In the town, the highest monk is just Ningmai.

Chu Yan went to ask where he was, and the monks in the town naturally knew everything.

He soon knew that he was now in the territory of the Jinshan Territory.

If the three holy mountains are compared to the three territories, then it is almost like the Tang Dynasty, Yunao and Jinshan territories, bordering each other.

There is a city about four or five days away from the town.

In cities, teleport arrays can be used.

In the four or five days that the monks in the town said, it took Chu Yan more than a day to arrive.

After revealing his identity as a disciple of Tianxiangzong of the Kingdom of the Lord, he used the teleportation array in the city without any hindrance.

As a matter of fact, the masters of a city in Xinjiang are usually just monks who have just entered the realm of the earth.

It was learned that there were disciples of Shangzongmen passing through this place, and they were also strong in the realm of stabilizing themselves.

After several consecutive transmissions, Chu Yan successfully reached the border of Baoxiang Shangguo.

Chu Yan had already passed the rhinoceros jade in advance and knew the location of the King Kongxian Palace.

So it was a hurry, and finally arrived at the palace in late January to meet with the crowd.

This trip to Sansheng Mountain can be said to be a life of nine deaths.

The degree of danger is a hundred times more serious than originally estimated.

The monks who entered the Black Soul City were almost 90%, and even the bones could not be recovered.

Like Chu Yan them, there is nothing missing from one person, and even on the basis of the original number, there is an increase, which is simply a miracle in a miracle.

In this courtyard that Kong Xian specially prepared for everyone, Lin Miaoran, Wusi Lanma, Su Yuqing and others saw Chu Yan at the moment, and they became red eyes.

Li Xiu, Su Jianyuan and others hugged Chu Yan vigorously and patted each other's backs. There is no need to say too much between the brothers.

Tangtang fluttered into Chu Yan's arms, and the fluffy tiger's head fluttered in Chu Yan's arms, constantly spoiling.

The handsome man jumped on Chu Yan's shoulders and shouted to celebrate Chu Yan's return tonight. He must add a meal, and it will eat ten roasted wild cattle.

Since showing his ability to speak in Black Soul City, the handsome man never hides.

The main reason is the experience of living and living together in the Black Soul City and fighting together, so that the handsome mind has recognized everyone.

Pu Yangyi stood outside the crowd and originally wanted to say hello to Chu Yan.

After all, he and Chu Yan are old knowledge.

After all, this time Chu Yan saved him, and strictly speaking, he saved it twice.

But when he saw Chu Yan, he suddenly stunned, eyes widened, lips narrowed, and speechless for a long time.


What's wrong with this guy? "

After noticing the difference in Pu Yangyi, Chu Yan turned his head in confusion and asked everyone about humanity.

The crowd looked at each other at this time.

Li Yangyi's expression looked strange.

"Chu Yan! You changed!"

When everyone was puzzled, Li Yang screamed sharply.

His rounded eyes were not surprised at the moment, but an indescribable light.

It's like the treasure fan saw the treasure, the ghost saw the food, and the satyr saw the beauty.

The next moment, he rushed towards Chu Yan with a snot and a tear.

Of course, His Royal Highness Chu didn't let him hit, without moving his face, and took a step to the side, letting Pu Yangyi make a splash.

Pu Yangyi didn't mind it either, so she stood in front of Chu Yan and kept saying, "You are counted back to Chu Yan! Do you know how powerful I think you are recently?"

I ca n’t eat or sleep every day, I ca n’t sleep well, and I ca n’t concentrate. I keep thinking about where you are, how you are doing, why I have n’t seen you, have you encountered any dangers, and how have you I haven't come back yet, I will go to you if you don't come back.

But in fact, I also know that you are so powerful. From the very first moment I saw you, I felt that you were the king of people and the strongest in fairy, so there would be no big danger.

What a danger, there is a piece of cake in front of you.

I admire you that it is like the endless stream.

When I was practicing at Xuanyue Gate, whenever I encountered difficulties and fell down, I would bathe and burn incense, and then I took out a small note and wrote the two words Chu Chuong on it.

Your name is the motivation that motivates me, the backbone of my spirit, and the light that illuminates my life ... "Look at him with a mouth, and he wo n’t even breathe, right? So much, everyone suddenly shocked.

This guy is so concerned about Chu Yan?

This guy used to think of Chu Yan as an example?

I really didn't see it before.

This guy who feels slightly frivolous turned out to be even more exaggerated in his heart! Everyone's mouth gradually opened, and they could even see the small tongue in their throats.

Even Tangtang, at this moment, looked into Chu Yan's arms with a look of fright.

Throughout the courtyard, at this moment, you can only hear the sound of Li Yangyi, wow, passionate speech.

Seeing that the other person spoke so much without stopping, and it did not seem to stop, Chu Yan looked towards Yunyang and interrupted the other side relentlessly: "Speak someone."

"Uh ..." Pu Yangyi paused immediately.

A guilty look at Chu Yan again, seeing the other side squinting at his own eyes, Yun Yang narrowed his neck: "You are the letter of my life-" The last word "Yang" did not have time to say, Chu Yan said lightly :"Ok?"

A sharp killing taste came out of nowhere.

Puyang Yi suddenly shrank her head, her shoulders shrugged, and she jumped back a long distance, and said loudly, "The vitality that entangles you is gone! It's gone!"


The sound came very abruptly. Everyone at the scene suddenly stopped. I didn't know what Su Yangyi said so suddenly and thoughtlessly, what did it mean.

However, Chu Yan's eyes burst into the air at this moment.

After a moment, Usila Mara opened her eyes suddenly, her eyes blooming with joy.

The two of them were present when he accidentally rescued Yun Yangyi in the Black Soul City, so only Chu Yan and Uzrama knew what the other party meant.

Pu Yangyi once said that Chu Yan's life was entangled with death. If you don't want to solve it, I'm afraid my life will soon die.

But now, with his performance, he proved that the vitality that cut off Chu Yan's life was gone!

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