Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1409: Feng Gang's Plea

"That's why you want me to kill the dragon sword?"

On an isolated island in the sea, Chu Yan's eyes were faint, and at this moment Tang Yan and Feng Gang said kneeling on their knees.

This day was the first day of February. It was just ten days after he met with the crowd at the palace.

Two days ago, Chu Yan set out to meet Tang Yan and Feng Gang.

On the one hand, he wanted to observe the current status of the two, and on the other hand, to see if he could send them to his mouth, and to hear about what Kong Xian said, about the fall of Ziweimen Heavenly King.

In fact, the news about the fall of the King of Heaven, Chu Yan did not hold much hope for Tang Yan and Feng Gang.

Because the fall of this heavenly king, if it is related to the collapse of Sansheng Mountain, then it must be impossible to spread it.

In the end, I am afraid that it is limited to the few people at the top of Ziweimen.

As for the disciples below, it is naturally impossible to know anything.

And the king of Ziweimen is just a title for these low-level disciples.

Low-level disciples are not qualified to see the King of Heaven.

Therefore, even if Ziweimen re-promotes a person in the future to replace the fallen King, it will not be known to those outside the minority.

And the reality is indeed as expected by Chu Yan.

Tang Wei and Feng Gang just knew that Ziweimen's senior management seemed to be making some changes recently, so some affairs were suspended.

More rumors, these disciples, they have no way to know.

This matter was expected by Chu Yan, so he did not feel disappointed.

But this time, something happened that surprised Chu Yan a little.

This matter is just Feng Gang's request for himself.

"Master, please, take the shot and kill the dragon sword that has just been promoted to the Master of Heaven."

The character of Ji Longjian, Chu Yan long ago, had heard of Tang Ji and Feng Gang, so he was no stranger.

At that time, they all called him Brother Yun.

As for the reason, Feng Gang also said just now.

But Chu Yan felt that those reasons were not enough.

"Although he did not raise his disciple level, it is an indisputable fact that Xun Longjian is now promoted to heaven.

The state of heaven, that is, the teacher.

Even though Tianyazong was the first door of Baoxiang Shangguo, it was not that a newly promoted guru had fallen, and he would remain indifferent.

Kill him, of course.

But then you need to take risks, how can you make me think it is worth the shot. "

Chu Yan needs Feng Gang to give more sufficient reasons.

But at the moment, listening to Feng Gang's ears made him excited.

The reason is simple. In these remarks, Chu Yan acknowledged one thing: he could indeed kill the sword of the dragon.

My heart was upright and excited and shocked. Suddenly, Feng Gang felt a horrible pressure and came suddenly.

Not only him, but also Tang Yan beside him, his face suddenly changed at this moment.

Sweat soaked in the clothes of the two men almost instantly.

The original one-knee kneeling, also instantly became kneeling knees.

Tang Yan and Feng Gang's foreheads hit the ground, their bodies shaking like sieve braces.

At this moment, their brains became blank, and they couldn't even think about it. Why was the adult opposite him suddenly so angry?

And at this time, Chu Yan's voice also condescended and came over.

"You know, there's a very simple word called" Wolf-riding, "and a more straightforward word, called" Killing with a knife. "

Do you think that I look a lot like that knife? "

Chu Yan's voice was already unreserved killing.

At this moment, Feng Gang felt that his breathing was stagnant, as if he was holding his neck by an invisible big hand, and it was like a blade pressing his throat! "My lord! I have absolutely no meaning to that, my lord!"

In a panic, Feng Gang almost shouted aloud.

He was afraid he would be slow to speak, and he would be killed by the other party.

"Slaying the dragon sword is of great benefit to both the adult and me! Please believe me, my lord! Give me a chance, I will tell you!"

"Oh, yes, the courage to admit it is good for you."

Chu Yan nodded, "You say it."

"That's, that's because ..." Because Feng Gang was too nervous and scared, Feng Gang's throat tightened at this moment.

He swallowed a bit, and then continued: "If you kill the dragon sword, then in the next period of time, the dragon dragon sword and I will be replaced."


Chu Yan had his eyes fixed.

Because of the damage of Qian Luo's ghost face, Chu Yan came to see the two men this time, and his whole body was covered under the bright armor of the Blood River.

The **** blood from the bright armor of the Blood River was no less than that in front of Tang Mao and Feng Gang, showing an ancient battlefield and a sea of ​​blood.

So at this time, even if his emotions only changed extremely slightly, it was enough to make the two of them horrified.

Feng Gang's complexion at this time, white and blue, was able to keep from fainting, which is already a remarkable performance.

"To be specific, why can you take his place."

Seeing that the other party was in a wrong state, Chu Yan converged some momentum, and then continued to ask.

"Yes, it looks like this."

Feng Gang breathed a sigh of relief and said hardly: "Although Jiu Longjian has been promoted to the state of heaven, his status at Ziweimen is still a sixth-class disciple, capable of handling things in the same way as in the past.

As a subordinate disciple under his name, we usually have the most frequent contact with him.

According to Ziweimen's regulations, if a disciple dies and, for some reason, there is no other person to take over the affairs in this position, then the subordinate disciples under his command can temporarily replace it.

So if the grown-up can take advantage of this opportunity to slay the dragon dragon sword, then the affairs he is currently handling will be left to me and sister Tang Shi to complete.

In this way, we can also find out more about Ziweimen for you.

As far as Sister Tang and I are concerned, taking over the affairs of Jian Longjian can also help us gain more training resources.

And if we seize the opportunity this time and get the training resources of Ji Longjian, then we can go further in terms of realm.

In this way, if you ascend to the triple level of the Diyuan Realm, you can be directly promoted to a sixth-class disciple. At that time, you will no longer be temporarily replaced, but you can directly sit in the position where the dragon sword is sitting.

This method is a win-win situation for both adults and us.

But if he waits to be promoted to a fifth-class disciple, even if he is beheaded, the affairs he is currently dealing with will not be able to take over temporarily.

And Xun Longjian is suspicious of this life.

Although we all pushed onto He Yonghuan's affairs, he must have had a feeling of distrust in us in his heart.

This emotion will get heavier over time.

At that time, even if we want to cheat him out, the chance will become very slim.

It is for this reason that I only dared to ask an adult to slay this time to slay the dragon sword. "

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