Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1412: Troubled problem

"Ah, it was seen."

Chu Yan blinked, looked at Lin Miaoran, and sighed helplessly.

"Because you are not attentive."

Lin Miaoran said.

"Not attentive?"

Chu Yan wondered, "When did I lose my focus?"

"You practice dragon ..." Lin Miaoran just spoke, suddenly as if he realized something, he bit his lip, a flush of cheeks appeared on his cheeks, his eyes were bright, and he looked at Chu Yan, but stopped talking.

"No, I was attentive at that time."

Chu Yan felt very wronged.

"Well, don't say this."

Lin Miaoran turned the topic seriously, "What's wrong with you?

I feel that you have been bored today. "

Chu Yan is indeed mindful.

In fact, it was a long time ago, and it was earlier than when the trial of Sansheng Mountain started, he was thinking about this problem.

After pondering for a moment, after pondering over the words, Chu Yan said, "I have walked through the spiritual road."

After speaking, he was silent again.

This time the silence was relatively long.

Lin Miaoran seemed to understand Chu Yan's feelings, and did not urge him. Instead, he put his hands on Chu Yan's hands, and the two hands clasped to encourage Chu Yan in his own way.

After a long time, Chu Yan smiled bitterly: "In fact, at this time, I don't know if it is the right choice for you to take the road of beheading."

"very dangerous?"

Lin Miaoran guessed the key to the problem at once.

"very dangerous."

Chu Yan used an affirmative sentence, "It is much more dangerous than Sansheng Mountain."

"Then talk about it."

Lin Miaoran said.

"The dangers to beware in the road of slayers come from all sides.

Even the End of the World would encourage fighting among monks.

I also learned after experiencing the way of cutting spirits. It turns out that in this world, the methods of monks are endless and there are many patterns.

Before we were only in the gates of Xinjiang, we had too little knowledge. "

"This is the more you see, the more you feel small?"

Lin Miaoran responded.

"Well, that's it."

Chu Yan nodded, "So I'm worried that some of you will fall.

At that time I will definitely be waiting for you at the exit, but if someone does not come out, until the exit is closed, they will not be able to come out. "

Chu Yan paused, and twitched.

But he wasn't laughing, he just wanted to relax and continue: "This process is very painful."

"I know."

Lin Miaoran nodded.

She can even feel that it is not just the torment of waiting. Once the waiting person really does not come out, when the exit is closed, the loss, remorse, and even a beast at the bottom of the heart, People engulf.

Looking at Chu Yan, Lin Miaoran thought for a while and said, "But I think what bothers you is probably not the problem.

Emotions, how do you say it? It would be more appropriate to put it on a sentimental person.

But if you put it on you, it will feel a little ... well, incompatible?

Therefore, on the road of beheading, what troubles you should be another problem. "


Chu Yan nodded, "I have personal experience, so I know that there is actually a way to avoid the danger on the road of beheading."

"How to do it?"

Lin Miaoran asked.

She plays a good listener role at the moment.

"That's people who trust each other, and get together as soon as possible. The larger the number, the higher the realm, and the safer it will be."

Chu Yan said: "It's almost impossible to drill into the rules.

For so many years, Tianyazong has opened the road of killing souls.

Even if there are loopholes in the rules at the beginning, it is impossible to exist now.

Therefore, being clever or whatever can only lead to cleverness and misunderstanding.

The most sure way to finish the path of cutting the spirit is to use Yangmou to directly overtake him.

There are two ways for Yang Mou. "

Lin Miaoran already knew what Chu Yan meant at this time.

She said softly: "The first way is to achieve complete crushing of strength, and to treat all the dangers on the road of cutting spirit as mustard; the other way is what you just said, people who trust each other get together as soon as possible .

For example, if we people gather together as soon as possible, the possibility of encountering danger will be greatly reduced. "


Chu Yan nodded.

But at this moment, without waiting for Chu Yan to speak again, Lin Miaoran made a gesture and said, "Don't say it first, let me guess.

According to what you just said, the problem that bothers you is how to get us to gather as quickly as possible is a difficult task. "

After speaking, Lin Miaoran turned her head and looked at Chu Yan: "I guess right?"

"Yeah--" Chu Yan sighed, reaching out to embrace Lin Miaoran's shoulder.

Lin Miaoran leaned against Chu Yan, leaned her head, and leaned on Chu Yan's shoulder: "How hard is it?"

"Probably it's so difficult to use the rhinoceros."

Chu Yan said.

"It's so difficult--" Lin Miaoran imitated Chu Yan's tone and stretched out his hand for a gesture.

Having said that, Lin Miaoran also understood why Chu Yan was so upset.

If you ca n’t even use the spirit rhinoceros, the messenger will be even more impossible to use.

In addition, Cho Ling Road is an area that no one has ever set foot in before. If you want to say a specific coordinate, and then let everyone come together, it is naturally impossible.

"It's really annoying."

Lin Miaoran grumbled, and his legs swayed inadvertently.

"From the moment I knew that Tianyazong was going to open the road of cutting spirits, I was thinking about how to solve this problem, but until now I have no specific clue."

Chu Yan shook his head, "Foreign objects are completely useless. There may be higher magic weapons that can ignore the rules there, but with my current strength, there is no way to reach them.

And even if you get such a magic weapon, you should not be able to use it in your current realm.

So sometimes, I can't help but think, if you can communicate with each other, it will be good. As soon as you talk to each other, the other party will know. "

Chu Yan will have such thoughts, mainly from his experience of communicating with the gates of Hell.

Ignore the rules of time and space completely. If you want to spray, you just spray, if you want to ask questions, there is no obstacle at all.

"But this method can only be thought about--" Lin Miaoran cooperated with Chu Yan and sighed.

"Wan Nian pretty dragon."

Just then, an abrupt voice sounded suddenly behind them.


Chu Yan turned his head.

Not far behind, there is a huge roasted beast head.

Behind the beast's head, we can see a crooked pig's tail twisting.

Lin Miaoran also heard that voice, looking at Chu Yan in doubt at this moment, his eyes motioned: "Is he just talking handsomely?"

Chu Yan is also uncertain.

Because the voice just now was vague, and it sounded without warning.

So Chu Yan didn't guess, and asked directly: "Handsome, what did you just say?"

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