Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1414: You broke your dad

"Wannian pretty dragon, it was ... at ..." The handsome man who was still twitching at the moment, suddenly slumped.

Lin Miaoran opened her eyes and looked at it, her eyes blinking.

Handsome suddenly became even more flustered.

"The Wannian Savage Dragon is ... is ... is ..." The pig's mouth slammed desperately, like the stubbornness it wanted to remember at the moment.

But when it was told by his dad at the time, it was mentioned casually.

And handsome is absent-minded, so there is no impression at this moment.

Even the handsome was not sure, whether his father had mentioned it at the time, where is the Wannian Savage Dragon.

Just when the handsome stuttered, for a long time, there was no way to say why, and the Chu words that had been silent just now, then spoke.

"Can you contact your dad?"

After speaking, Chu Yan added: "Now."

As if he had found the steps, the handsome nodded hurriedly: "Yes, you can wait for a moment!"

After speaking, it opened his mouth.

In Lin Miaoran's stunned expression, the handsome head suddenly swelled and enlarged.

But its body has not changed, it is still the size of a fist when it was a little white pig.

So at this moment, the handsome man seemed to have become a pig-head as big as a box.

And this pig's head is in front of Chu Yan and Lin Miaoran, and within easy reach, the visual impact must be as large as possible.

His Highness Chu could not help turning his head to look in other directions.

There was no way to look at it-it was ugly.

The handsome man frowned for a moment, then opened his mouth suddenly and spit.

With a sigh, a stone statue about three feet high spit out of its mouth.

And the handsome head that became huge, at this time, like a discouraged ball, quickly became smaller, recovering the little white pig's adorable appearance.

"what is this?"

Lin Miaoran curiously looked at the stone statue, then looked at the handsome man, his eyes full of doubt.

In addition to wondering what the stone statue was for, Lin Miaoran was even more curious about how the three-foot-tall stone statue was installed in a handsome stomach.

It's no wonder that Chu Yan has long been surprised by this.

He assumed by default that the handsome belly was not the belly, which led to another space.

At this moment he looked at the stone statue a little, and asked the handsome man, "You can reach your father through this?"

To be honest, the stone statue looks very inconspicuous.

It looks mottled, and moss. The original look is a bit like a person with their hands folded.

This kind of statue, if not spit out from the handsome mouth, is more like the statue of the mountain **** in the field worshipped by the old farmers.

"Yes, my dad said so."

The handsome man suddenly jumped from Tangtang's head to the head of the stone statue, stretched out his hoof, and knocked on the stone's head: "Daddy?

Dad? "

I don't know if the stone statue is too old or because it's too powerful, just knocked twice and clicked, the stone statue's head split open, half of his head fell to the ground.

"..." "..." "..." Two people and one pig at the scene were speechless.

"You broke your dad."

After a while, Lin Miaoran spoke.

"I, I didn't work hard--" The handsome man was also dumbfounded.

It looked up at Chu Yan: "My dad said he wanted to contact him, and he called his name to the stone statue, and it was broken without saying a tap."

Chu Yan frowned slightly and looked at the stone statue.

At the moment when the head of the stone statue fell to the ground, he felt the aura around him and seemed to move.

At this time, Chu Yan saw that the stone statue's mouth moved.

This picture suddenly became funny and weird.

Because the head of the stone statue was beaten to the ground by the handsome man, at this moment, there is a mouth left on the neck.

So at first glance at this moment, you can see a mouth facing you one by one under the moonlight.

"His--" Lin Miaoran took a breath in harmony with the handsome man.

Then there was a rough voice in the stone statue's mouth: "Shit, what do you want me to do?"

The voice, the tone, was that the handsome dad didn't run away.


In the handsome eyes, two big tears burst out.

The next moment, it was caught aside by Chu Yan.

"Uncle, I have something to ask you."

Faced with Shiren, Chu Yan sat down with her legs crossed.

"Chu Yan?"

Shiren's mouth was squinted, and his neck wriggled while making a sound, it seemed that he wanted to find the direction of Chu Yan.

It's just that the part above Shiren's nose has just been knocked out by the handsome man, so a moment later, a puzzled voice came from Shiren's mouth: "Why, how can I not see where you are?"

Glancing at the aggrieved handsome man next to him, Chu Yan smiled and said, "There was a little accident just now, uncle, I want to ask you something about Wannianlonglong."


That guy messed with you? "

The handsome dad was successfully transferred.

Chu Yan then briefly described his current problems, and then said that he was handsome and told himself about Wannianlonglong.

"Well, Wannianlonglong is indeed your most correct choice. What do you say about that thing, right, what is your current state?"

"The Triple Realm is perfect."

Chu Yan said.


Shiren was startled, "So fast?"

"One fight for two days, the mood is small, and there is no problem."

Chu Yan said again.


Shiren was even more surprised, "So strong?"

Lin Miaoran was aside, his eyes narrowed and he laughed quietly, covering his mouth.

Chu Yan calmly continued, "Can my strength kill the Wannian Savage?"

"I think about it."

Shiren groaned for a moment and said, "When I saw Wannian Savage Dragon, the maggot was a level eight monster."

Hearing this sentence, Chu Yan and Lin Miaoran's heart could not help sinking.

Eight-level transformation of the demon, that is equivalent to the monk's three major mental state.

Judging from the realm, it is almost a big state higher than Chu Yan.

And under normal circumstances, monsters are stronger than monks of the same level.

In other words, in terms of strength, Wannian Savage Dragon is at least the equivalent of a triple-perfect monk.

It is true that Chu Yan can be killed more than one day.

But the heavenly state of mind is one-level and the heavenly state of mind is triple-level, but there are completely two levels of existence.

But the next moment, Chu Yan heard Shiren continued: "I thought the cricket was too arrogant, so I gave him a hard shot.

This palm failed to kill him, but broke my nail.

However, the goods were also suffocating. At that time, he was seriously injured, and the realm fell to a level four and a level five transformation. "

"Fourth and fifth transformations?"

Chu Yan's heart quickly contrasted, "That's almost the state of heaven's state of mind being two small and big."

Compared with the state of perfection in recent days, this is indeed enough to be read.

Suddenly, Chu Yan felt a lot less stressed.

At this time, Shi Ren's words continued.

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