Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1423: Not angry

The vitality of the monsoon pond is constantly flowing.

For now, the only way to counteract this frost and death is through vigorous blood.

Unfortunately, the monsoon pond is not Chu Yan, he did not.

So now, he could clearly feel that death was approaching himself little by little.

And death was not that terrifying to him.

After all, if a person has done too much, he will be more receptive to retribution or something.

What makes monsoon ponds bitter now is that this method of death is really too aggrieved and aggrieved.

This is clearly a capsize in the gutter! The monsoon pond even felt that even if he was dead now, he was still alive and angrily, and he was depressed.

So after Chu Yan came to this treasure space, he stared at Chu Yan.

He could not wait to gather all the grievances of his life in these pupils and stare at Chu Yan alive.

However, when hearing the words "Ji Kuangshen" by Chu Yan, the monsoon pond's body was suddenly uncontrollable and shuddered slightly.

At this moment, it seemed as if the deepest secret inside was closed, and a gap was opened by people.

And this small tremor did not escape the eyes of Chu Yan.

Chu Yan sat up straight again.

He looked forward and continued: "Do you think I'm here to avenge Ji Kuangshen?

No, you think wrong.

In fact, Ji Kuangshen was also beheaded and killed by me, so to speak, I and he actually have vengeance.

What's more, what's the matter with the Thousand Island Hime family related to me? "

Having said that, Chu Yan looked again at the monsoon pond.

He could see that in the bloodshot eyes of the monsoon pond, a very complex look was converging at this moment.

In this look, there was doubt, fear, wonder, confusion, and hatred.

"It feels like you have a lot to say."

Chu Yan turned his eyes back, "But unfortunately, I don't want to listen at all.

Now I have talked with you so much. In fact, when it comes to the basics, it is the story told by Ji Kuangshen at the time that touched my heart.

Because in terms of bearing hatred, I'm a little bit like him.

In fact, you should also think about it, just before the death of Ji Kuangshen, he said that I hope I can help him get revenge.

But of course, let's just say that, what happened to the Ji family and his hatred have nothing to do with me.

So before he finished speaking, I refused.

If you hadn't come to me on your own initiative today, in fact, we might never meet again in this life.

Monsoon pond, do you know what your behavior is today? "

Chu Yan put up a finger: "In a word, if you don't die, you won't die.

Your greed hurts you.

And you taught your greed to your disciples, and they died. "

Noting that the monsoon pond's eyes gradually calmed down with the change of her topic, Chu Yan smiled at this time: "I'm not talking about Dai Qiu."

怦怦 ——The voice dropped, Chu Yan heard two clear heartbeats.

The corner of His Highness Chu raised his head: "It seems you understand."

If the monsoon pond can speak at this moment, he will yell: "This is impossible! How could Xiao Taijin and Zhao Yu die in your hands!"

But Chu Yan looked at him coldly at this time and explained the fact to him: "Xiao Taijin and Zhao Yu both died because of greed, the night of the state election."

The doubts that have been lingering for a long time have finally been answered today.

But at this moment, the monsoon pond was not at all relieved.

Because he still remembers how terrible he was when he tried to call for souls.

Even the spirit was disturbed for two days.

Fortunately, nothing was wrong in those two days, and no one was seen by others. Otherwise, his reputation would be ruined.

"It turned out to be you! It turned out to be you! But how is it possible! When the soul is called, how can I be blocked by a monk like you?"

The heart of the monsoon pond is roaring at this moment.

Chu Yan seemed to know what he was saying at the moment.

He looked faintly, looked at the other side, and said coldly, "You're weird, right, just like I'm curious about how long you have followed me in order to sneak in on me today, and how prepared you are.

But I know you can't speak now.

And I think that even if you can speak now, every word you say will be scolding me, not talking with me in peace.

So in this case, I don't intend to let you know the specific details of the two guys when they died, because I thought— "Chu Yan approached the monsoon pond:" I'm strangling you. "

Monsoon pond's eyes widened instantly, and anger was boiling in the pupils.

This is the limit where he can express his emotions now.

But unfortunately, his veins have been completely frozen at this moment, it is impossible to pose any threat to Chu Yan.

Even because the body was eroded by death, today's monsoon pond, even the gods, cannot attack Chu Yan.

"Well, I've finished what I should say."

Chu Yan stood up and patted the dust that didn't exist. "I don't tell you anything. As long as I don't tell you, you will never know.

But you don't really think that you are naive, I will never know what you do n’t say. "

Looking at Chu Yan's seemingly non-smiling look, the monsoon pond first felt confused, but after a moment, he seemed to realize something, and the anger in his eyes was instantly replaced by fear.

Even his body began to tremble at this time.

The plasma covered by the ice seal shakes the ripples visible to the naked eye.

Feeling the change in the mood of the monsoon pond, Chu Yan smiled: "It seems you know."

The words fell, Chu Yan reached out his hand, rummaged over the monsoon pond, and at the same time, he was still saying: "You are going to die. If you die, then for me, there is only the last use left.

And now what I have to do, it must be useful while you are alive.

Let me see ... well, this is it, storage bag.

But you can't have just one storage bag for your elder Cang Yumen.

Oh good, this jade pen has storage space in it.

I knew it.

And this ring.

You can't fool me. "

Chu Yan raised his left hand and looked at the ring on the little thumb of his left hand to Monsoon Pond: "See, I also have one, which is also obtained from a monk in the state of mind.

Oh by the way, their status is higher than yours.

Speaking of which, if you count the status, you are really not high in the state of mind that was beheaded by me.

Listen to me say this, are you angry?

Oh are you really angry?

That's great.

It turns out that for such a small thing, you will get angry.

Then I tell you, the things that will make you more angry are still behind. "

Having said that, Chu Yan raised his hand and held up something, and showed it in front of the monsoon pond with a smile. "You see, I know there must be such good things in your storage bag."

Suddenly, the monsoon pond's pupils were filled with fear.

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