Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1433: Suspected elution

The aura around him seemed to be flowing towards him at this moment, as if there were hundreds of rivers and seas.

Something is wrong.

Very wrong.

Just when Jiu Longjian was puzzled, he suddenly felt that the hilt in his hand was burning hot.

Looking down, he immediately saw a dark red inscription on the blade.

A devastating force is gathering wildly with the influx of aura.

The rolling pressure was like a volcano about to erupt.

"Burst Ming--" Xiao Longjian's eyes widened, exclaiming.

Because he was too frightened, his voice changed, as if it was a male duck whose throat was being pinched.

At this time, he had understood in his mind that the other party's move had been planned for a long time.

Even being beaten by oneself, it is most likely to let you relax your vigilance.

It's just a pity that it is too late to react to this at this time.

A loud bang, a flash of white light on the ground.

The flying sword suddenly exploded.

The gushing white-gold flames swallowed the dragon dragon sword with a scream.

The 30-foot radius was directly melted into a deep pit.

The only remaining palm of the dragon sword was also fried into meat sauce at this moment, his body was wrapped in flames, and the shells generally flew out. After hitting the ground fiercely, he pulled a deep gully on the ground, which stopped .

The aftermath of the explosion, the frontal impact that formed momentarily, not only exploded a large pit on the ground, but also a vacuum zone on this desert island.

So between the urns, on the desert island, there was a strange quietness.

In such an environment, it seems that even the sound of the waves can't be heard.

With the magic weapon at the level of magic weapon as the carrier, the burst of inscriptions is triggered. Although the power generated at this moment does not reach the standard of magical powers, it is also much greater than the magic method.

Only this method, once used, it means that a magic weapon is consumed, and the inscription also requires materials. The cost is too high, so few people use it.

It can also be seen from this that that Tang Yun and Feng Gang were cut out this time, and they must be killed.

This silent environment lasted for a while, then stood up from the ground as the dragon sword swayed, and the sounds of the waves and the wind rang again.

At this time, although Jian Longjian stood up, he looked countless times worse than before.

The scalp was torn off, the flesh on the forehead was blurred at the moment, and the flesh on the face also dropped a large piece. One side of the cheek could even see Bai Sensen's gums.

The eyes were blind too, and the eyeballs were missing, leaving only a blood hole.

As for the body, it was better as if it had been torn open, and the internal organs had flowed out of the wound.

And the arms, with bones exposed at the moment, looked extremely scary.

"Asshole ... **** ..." Panlong Jian panted, blood dripped from his mouth, and murmured: "You kill me, Zong Men will know immediately ... I have a destiny card ... but not you ... ... an ant-like ... world of land ... waste ... "Kung Fu spoke with the remaining eyes and looked towards the front.

At first glance, he saw Tang Yan who was also struggling to get up.

But then, Jianlong Jian did not see Feng Gang.

Xiao Longjian's body trembled suddenly.

Before that, he clearly remembered that Feng Gang had fallen in that direction.

But now, it was empty.


Just at the moment of his sorrowful anger, a sound of fury rang out from behind the dragon sword.

Huh! The long sword pierced through his head, and then pierced through his face.

But Feng Gang's movement did not stop.

He had a darkened hand in his other hand, but a nail as long as a slap.

This nail is as thick as an adult's middle finger, densely engraved on it, and engraved with cricket-like green runes.

These runes seem to be alive at this moment, and are generally peristaltic, and they can feel scalp tingling.

"Bloodlocking soul nails!"

At this time, Feng Gang yelled, nailed the long nail, and nailed it into the heavenly soul cover of the dragon sword.

The blood column spurted out of the wound immediately.

But the next moment, an amazing scene appeared.

The ejected blood column burst into the wound again with a bang.

When Feng Longjian heard Feng Gang shouting, the muscles on his face were twisted, as if he had heard the most terrible news.

He wanted to struggle, and wanted to run forward, but Feng Gang kicked him to the ground at this moment, and with this strength, he quickly retreated.

At the same time, a white golden light bloomed on the flying sword nailed to the head of the dragon dragon sword.

Xun Longjian's pupil burst into despair.

boom! It was another explosion, just the same size as the explosion just now.

The billowing waves rushed around, and a loud noise erupted like a stormy sea.

Feng Gang in the back, as if hit by a door panel, flew out sideways, smashed the spiritual boat obliquely obliquely in the ground, and got into the whole body.

Tang Yan was also emaciated, his chest was swollen with blood, his eyes were black and bursting, and he fell to his knees on one knee, breathing hard, at this moment, it was even more uncomfortable than death.

After another half an hour, Tang Yan barely climbed up again from the ground.

While raising his head, he also saw Feng Gang struggling to climb out of the boat.

The two looked at each other distantly, and both saw a bit of bitterness and helplessness from each other's eyes.

Unexpectedly, the two of them had long planned, and they still shot and attacked, and finally killed a seriously injured dragon dragon sword. It still took so much effort that they almost got in.

If there is a slight accident that leads to a miss, they are dead now, but they are both.

For a moment, the hearts of the two of them could not help but be afraid.

Fortunately, that result did not appear.

Detonate the two artifacts in exchange for the future flying yellow Tengda, everything is worth it.

They turned their eyes and looked towards the center that had just detonated.

At this point in the original standing position of the dragon sword, his people were gone, but there was a thick mass of blood, condensed into a human form, and stopped there.

This group of blood is not only very similar to the shape of the dragon sword, but even faintly, you can also see the features of the dragon sword.

It's just this **** chest. At this moment, we can clearly see the length of the slap nails.

"Hoo--" Seeing this, Feng Gang breathed a long breath: "Fortunately, it succeeded."

Tang Yan's tight body also completely relaxed at this moment: "In this case, within ten days, none of the natal cards belonging to the dragon sword will appear abnormal.

Ten days later, the blood was dissipated, and the natal card was shattered. At that time, neither Tianyazong nor Ziweimen would trace us, and we would not find us.

Because after ten days, we were all in the Zongmen territory and we didn't go out.

In this way, the suspicion can be completely eluted. "


Feng Gang nodded, looked up, and looked at the sky.

At this time, Chu Yan, who covered his body with the bright armor of the Blood River, was standing on top of the spiritual boat, his eyes were faint, and he looked at the two people on the island.

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