Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1446: This is a trap

Xun Jun stared at Chu Yan.

At this point, the speed of the opponent's progress seems to have slowed down.

Xun Junwang didn't know it was because he was too focused.

He stared at Chu Yan's face.

Then she saw Chu Yan's mouth open.

"Oh, I can't escape without a spirit boat."

Chu Yan said such a sentence.

There is nothing wrong with this sentence.

Chu Yan is a terrestrial realm and cannot fly by himself.

Although under his feet is now stepping on a seemingly extravagant flying magic weapon.

However, the flying magic weapon relies on the monk's aura, unlike the spiritual boat, which can be driven by spiritual stones and formations.

Therefore, the flying magic weapon is far inferior to the spirit boat in terms of speed and distance.

This is the consensus of the monk community.

So in theory, as long as the spirit boat still hovering in midair is destroyed, Chu Yan can't escape even if he flees.

But I don't know why, Jun Jun now feels like something is wrong.

"Where is it?

What's wrong with this guy is obviously right. "

Xun Junwang's mind turned at an unprecedented speed.

"Break your spirit boat and see where you run!"

At this time, the voice of Master Ziwei came again in mid-air.

At the same time, a golden beam of light, with an incomparable breath, severely chopped towards the spiritual boat.

The golden light burned at this moment so that Jun Jun's eyes were slightly tingling.

There was a painful moan beside the family members.

But also at this time, Junjun Wang responded violently, what was wrong.

It's awkward when the other person said this sentence.

Who knows that Lingzhou is the only retreat of his own, and will deliberately say this point so plainly, as a reminder to others, as if he is afraid that others may not realize it.

It's just that the time is too short, even if someone feels something wrong, but it's impossible to react in such a short time.

Realizing this, Xun Junwang opened his eyes wide and looked at Chu Yan.

Then he saw Chu Yan expressionless, his lips moved, and a syllable came out.



What's up? "

Xun Jun looked at his heart slightly.

The next moment, the blasted spirit boat gave him the answer.

The golden light wheel huffed, and it took the half of the spirit boat from the middle.

According to normal circumstances, the Lingzhou will be divided into two pieces, and then fall from the mid-air plant and fall to pieces.

But at this time, the spirit boat suddenly exploded.

A horrible thunder light, like a furious blue dragon, instantly blocked the range of tens of miles in the sky.

And the dazzling light that blooms at this moment is even more thorough, giving people a feeling of the end of the world.

There was a horrified shout from the uncle's home.

Rumble! Click! Click! In the air, the golden light wheel was severely beaten by lightning, and cracks appeared.

The golden tide scattered all over the sky was also instantly torn apart by lightning, like a ragged cloth.

"Snoop! The spirit boat stopped in midair. Just that sentence, all the traps!"

Xun Junwang felt a heart sinking and his body was shaking uncontrollably.

But he was still comforting himself.

"That is the guru of Ziweimen. The monk with two major accomplishments in the state of mind is dozens of times stronger than us.

This guy is just a terroir. What can I do?

Even if he didn't know what the reason was, he could conceive the prince Junyi who was in the mood of heaven, but the master of Ziweimen was definitely not able to handle it? "

Xun Junwang speculated that there was nothing wrong with this.

Unfortunately, Chu Yan prepared a map for this Ziweimen master.

It is one of those twelve maps from the monsoon pond of the unconscious guru.

The monsoon pond is the triple of the state of mind.

How can he be regarded as a treasure map, how can the target be lower than his own realm.

Among the thunder, Jin Guang was beaten horribly, making everyone frightened.

In the roar of the roar, a woman's sharp long howling came: "You dare to plot me! You're dead! The formation is dead, and people are alive. How can you stop me?"

"The formation is dead?"

Chu Yan poked his lips, "It's a big breath, the matrix I leave to you is not dead."

That's it-chaos! Hum, boom! Amidst the blue light, the golden light suddenly condensed, as if it were a round of the sun, intimidating.

The golden light kept making a buzzing sound, shattering the blue lightning like an iron chain, looking for a breakthrough.

Seeing this scene, the family members suddenly cheered.

It was amazing to come to their guru.

But the next moment, the thunder and lightning suddenly turned into a raging fire.

The flame dragon, roaring with open mouth, instantly dyed half of the sky red.

The flames of the sky are enough to scare out human souls.

Just condensed, the golden light slightly improved, and then suddenly defeated again.

"What! Flame! This array, this array ..." There was a helpless shout from the sea of ​​fire, as if you saw something incredible.

The cheers on the side of the Qi family stopped abruptly.

They stared blankly.

The flames turned their faces red at the moment.

At this time, Chu Yan had stepped on the board of heaven and earth and reached them.

Without a slight deceleration, Chu Yan came straight into the defensive array in front of him.

"Just worry about yourself!"

With a loud shout, Chu Yan's arms slammed.

Xi Junyi clutched in his hand suddenly looked like a stick and smashed it hard towards the defensive array.

On top of Jun Junyi, the cascading mountains fell with a shocking oppression.

"Jianling Peaks!"

boom! A large amount of blood and water swelled out as Xun Junyi's body smashed up.

Large swaths of blood splattered and blocked the sight of the family members.

The slam of the mountains followed.

boom! With a shock, the light of the entire array quickly dimmed.

The roaring bang made the closest family member of the puppet family blank in their heads. What's more, their eyes rolled and they were stunned.

Xun Jun looked for a moment, then panicked: "Stop!"

"You are joking?"

His Royal Highness hummed.

As he expected, the formation was not as solid as it seemed.

The monk with the highest realm in the Jia family is just a matter of heaven.

Their defensive formations are the most, and they can just watch out for monks who are slightly higher than themselves.

And that's the perfect case.

At this time, the scope of the formation is too large, which means that the defense of the entire formation is weakened.

Originally able to defend the full blow of the monk in the state of mind, now I am afraid I can resist the full blow of a major monk.

Chu Yan smashed a magical power. Although he did not break the defense array, his second magical power followed him in a blink.

Each blow is a drain on the defensive array.

If it doesn't hit once, then I will do it twice or three times! "Jianling Peaks!"

Hum-boom! Chongshan and the mountains, the black pressure was pressing, and once again hit the defensive array.

With the blazing flames in mid-air, the shadows of these fallen mountains are like flame mountains, like burning meteorites.

Second time! The light of the defensive formation became darker.

You can still see the white light before, but now it is almost as light as smoke.

Wu Junwang's heart mentioned his throat.

Third! "Jianling Peaks!"

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