Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1475: Hidehide Haku (Medium)

"Give me treasure?"

Chu Yan looked at the ancestor of the Bai family with a smile.

He doesn't believe there will be good things for free in this world.

What's more, he thought that his relationship with the Bai family was not good.

The other party was able to compromise in the end, in fact, it had little to do with that strain of Reishi Zhizhi.

Defensive heart is indispensable, who knows whether the other party will secretly do anything.

Chu Yan was thinking this way, and the ancestor of the Bai family said, "This treasure should be helpful for Master Chu to find Wannian Savage Dragon, so I decided to ask Bai Ju to find it."

Chu Yan's eyes were instantly fixed.

Before that, he never said that the purpose of entering the evil brutal rain forest was to find Wannian Savage Dragon.

How did this guy know?

The ancestor of the Bai family smiled slightly and said, "Master Chu, please rest assured, I also guess this thing."

"Tell me."

Chu Yan sat down again and said lightly.

The Patriarch of the Bai Family didn't care about the change of Chu Yan's face, and continued: "Before that, I didn't know the strength of Master Chu, but after what happened the night before, I could roughly guess.

Because with your strength, Lord Chu, I am afraid that in this evil brutal rain forest, only Wannian Savage Dragon is worth your shot. "

"Then why can't I look for some kind of natural treasure? It has nothing to do with Wannian Savage Dragon?"

Chu Yan asked.

"So I bet it."

The Bai family ancestor smiled, "But in the end I still believe in my intuition, because people are older and have experienced more. Some things rely on intuition, which is more accurate."

Chu Yan silent.

Against the monsters in the evil rain forest, the Bai family has extremely rich experience.

There may be many things. As long as the clues appear, the people of the Bai family can guess the possibilities of the next thing by relying on their past experience.

The Bai family ancestors, as a member who has experienced the heyday of the Bai family, are naturally richer than others.

Seeing Chu Yan being silent, the ancestors of the Bai family knew the other's attitude, even if it was the default.

So she lifted a color to Bai.

Bai Ju held a prepared box in his hand and displayed it in front of Chu Yan.

This box is different from the box containing Jade Jane and looks newer and more luxurious.

The Bai family ancestor explained: "This is the place where I often went and existed before.

Chang Jin had offended Master Chu, and died and died, that was what he deserved.

Now that the treasure in this box is gone, and I feel that it is helpful to Master Chu, I will be a good friend and give him to Master Chu.

It is hoped that adults will not dislike it. "

After the ancestors spoke, Bai Ju opened the box.

There was no glow, and no aura of gush.

Inside the box was a piece of wood.

To be precise, three holes were dug in the wood chips.

It looks like a slap-sized mask.

"All life ghosts."

The ancestor of the Bai family said, "This mask is made of the skin of the evil dragon of ten thousand years."

The name of this mask can explain many problems.

Because Chu Yan once got a treasure with a very similar name: Qian Luo ghost face.

But compared to the damaged Qian Luo ghost face, this mask seems to have more power.

Although the purpose of the mask has been roughly guessed, Chu Yan still pretends to wonder: "What's the use of this?"

The ancestor of the Bai family did not know what Chu Yan thought, saying: "Master Chu, you can know it by putting it on."

Chu Yan smiled without action.

Since it is to be installed, it is naturally to be installed to the end.

If I pick up my face without hesitation, does it not mean that I already know the function of this mask?

It's better to be cautious in front of people like Bai Jiazu.

Bai's ancestor once again looked at Bai Ju: "Show Master Chu the role of the ghost of all beings."


Bai lifted the mask from the box and put it on his face.

His features, like the melted mud, immediately became blurred.

But soon, it started to become three-dimensional.

About two or three breaths, Bai Ju's face became Mo Qiong.

Originally, Mo Qiong was still curious.

When she saw her face as if she were looking in a mirror, she suddenly stood up in shock: "This, how, how ..." She said, looking for help Chu Yan and Bai family ancestors.

"What's wrong with me?"

Bai Ju said.

More amazing things happened.

His voice was exactly the same as Mo Qiong.

Chu Yan's eyes flashed a touch of shine.

Although Qian Luo Gui Nian can change the facial features, there is no way to simulate the sound.

At this time, the ancestor of the Bai family said again, "Master Chu, you can check Baiju with the knowledge of God."

Chu Yan was moved.

Divine consciousness came out and swept back and forth on Bai Ju's face three times.

After recovering the consciousness, Chu Yan sighed: "No flaws."

There is no way to detect with divine knowledge that this person is posing.

This point is a higher grade than Qian Luo Gui Nian.

Bai Ju took Wansheng ghost's face down at this time, revealing his original face.

On the other side, Mo Qiong was still in shock at this moment, and his eyes kept gazing back and forth on Bai Ju and Wansheng Ghost.

"The mask that Changjin wore before ..." Chu Yan asked.

Chang Jin brought it with him at the time. Although people knew it was a mask at first glance, it was impossible for him to detect the face under the mask.

However, Chu Yan remembers clearly that the kind of investigation is to make people realize that God ’s consciousness is blocked, but the face of this living being is different. After wearing it, the consciousness to explore is no different from that of a normal person. You never imagined The man in front of him is wearing a mask.

"That is the one that Chang Jin researched and produced himself based on the ghosts of Wansheng."

The ancestor of the Bai family said, "In the legend, Wannianlong can be used for all purposes, and is best at camouflage.

In the depths of the evil brutal rain forest, even the grass and trees may be disguised by its deities.

Master Chu, you must be careful after you enter.

But Wannian Savage Dragon also has weaknesses.

That is, although it can disguise everything and understand people's hearts, it has no way to see through itself. "

"That is to say, if I wear this mask, I can block its snooping."

Chu Yan said.

"It looks like this."

The Bai family ancestors became serious at this time. "But I haven't dealt with Wannian Savage Dragon, these are all mentioned by the fairy in the clan.

So in this regard, there is not much that can be provided. "


Chu Yan nodded.

Bai Family Patriarch: "..." You are not polite at all, just admit what I said?

In addition, the original Bai family ancestors were still waiting for Chu Yan to say, "If you have trouble, you bother", and then pushed the boat to say the second thing.

As a result, Chu Yan was a hum word.

"What if you say one more word!"

The ancestors of the Bai family were anxious.

Bai Ju was also dumbfounded, but he had no way to intervene.

Just when the Patriarch and Patriarch patriarch scratched their ears and were restless, Chu Yan raised his eyes and looked at the Patriarch: "The second thing is what do you need, and I need to help you Baijia?"

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