Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1477: Arrival of hawk dog

March 24 of that year.

On this day, three days passed after Chu Yan and others left Baizhou in Tongzhou City and went to the evil rain forest.

In the morning, gray clouds gathered in the sky.

There was a faint sound of thunder.

Although the air in Tongzhou City is a bit cooler than usual, it also makes people feel physically and mentally relaxed.

By the end of March, Tongzhou City finally ushered in Chunlei, and it was about to usher in the first spring rain.

Shortly after noon, the fine rain fell down with the thunder.

Between the breaths, people feel exceptionally comfortable.

In the afternoon of this day, Tongzhou City Baijia welcomed six guests.

Among the six guests, the leading one, tall and thin, was most noticeable because of his dark complexion.

In this world, it is true that some people have darker skin colors than ordinary people.

But like this person, it seems to be a piece of charcoal, but it is extremely rare.

These six people, led by the Bai family, met the Bai family Changbai Ju and the Bai family ancestors.

In fact, Bai family males are scarce today.

Even if there are, most of them are still immature children, and their realm is not high.

So many things can be solved by the deacon in other families.

But in the Bai family, you must also do it yourself.

As for the ancestors of the Bai family, even if they fell to the point of condensing, they are not actually visible to everyone.

The main reason why they often appear in the past two days is that the identity of the person is not ordinary.

For example, the six people who came today in the rain, not only are all in the realm of Diyuan, their identities are even more transcendent.

They are all disciples of the kingdom.

Tianyazong, perhaps to some monks, is relatively new and may not even have heard of it.

But I haven't heard of it, it's not Tianyazong's fault.

Rather—the level of these unheard monks is too low.

In the history of the Bai family, at the peak, there were more than a dozen masters who appeared in the same mood in the same period.

With such a prominent position, the Bai family naturally knows what a giant behemoth is.

It is natural that a disciple of Tianyazong can come today to greet as the ancestor of the Bai family who currently has the highest position.

After the two sides sat down, they talked for a while.

During this period, of the six disciples who came from the End of the World, only the dark-skinned disciple who was leading spoke, and several others remained silent.

The content of the conversation is not very important.

But when he was about to leave, the dark-skinned disciple took out a palm-sized box, and opened a gap slightly.

Suddenly, a refreshing aroma overflowed from the box.

Between breaths, it makes people feel relaxed and happy, as if the body is lighter at this moment.

"This is ..." Bai Ju's breathing suddenly became sharp.

This elixir, even though he hasn't seen it yet, is just the force of the medicine that has poured out, which has made his heart leaped violently.

"Baijia ancestor, this Wanshou Wuxian Dan was made by my own Emperor Taiqing Emperor Taiqing Emperor.

The dark-skinned disciple said.

A Jiazi is sixty years.

As soon as I heard this, Bai Ju's breathing became more rapid, and even a flush appeared on his face.

This can't blame him for being so morbid.

As the patriarch of the Bai family, he was too aware of the importance of the ancestors to the family, and more than anyone knew the current physical condition of the ancestors.

And if you can get this Wanshou Wujiang Dan, the other treasures of heaven and earth are tantamount to saying that they will not be needed for the time being.

An ancestor would sit in the town for another 60 years, and after 60 years, the younger Bai family would have grown up.

These sixty years are too important for the Bai family.

But compared to Bai Ju, the Bai family ancestors calmed down after the initial shock.

This elixir is valuable, but it must also be extremely hot.

"Some are coming to enter the evil rain forest?"

Bai's ancestor asked lightly.

Upon hearing this, Bai Ju's breathing was delayed, and his original excitement gradually calmed down.

Such a precious gift naturally cannot easily be given to the other party.

"I still think about it."

Bai Ju secretly said.

"It should be for the time being."

The dark-skinned disciple smiled slightly and gave an ambiguous answer.

Before speaking, he rebuilt the box containing Wanshou Wujiang Dan and put it on the coffee table aside.

"Of course, there is no reason to take back the gift, and the disciples of the End of the World never intimidate and lure, because that would hurt merit."

The dark-skinned disciple said again: "I heard that the Bai family has the most detailed map of the rainforest in Tongzhou City, but we didn't come here for the map."

"So are you?"

Bai Jia's ancestors looked suspicious.

"It's not important to inquire about a piece of news."

The dark-skinned disciple laughed, "I just want to ask, are there anyone who wants to enter the evil rain forest recently?"

After speaking, the dark-skinned disciple glanced at Bai Ju.

The Patriarch of Baijia groaned a little and said, "There are a lot of monks who enter the evil rainforest every day, and there are a lot of monks in the same family and ancestors in the same city. Some are too general. "

"That's--" The dark-skinned disciple thought about it, and smiled plainly. "A special person."

"Have it?"

The Bai family ancestor looked at Bai Ju aside.

Bai Ju thought for a moment and shook his head: "It seems that I haven't heard of it recently, but a few days ago, there was a change outside the city. Tongzhou City died of a monk in the state of mind. Currently, the city's main government is under investigation.

Others seem to be nothing special. "

After Bai Ju finished speaking, the ancestor nodded and looked at the dark-skinned disciple: "The Bai family's current affairs are all in charge of Bai Ju. Since he said nothing, it is probably gone.

However, it is possible that he has limited information, so some things are not clear.

If you want to know more details, you can go to the city's mansion to find out.

Tianyazong's disciples came, and the city's mansion should have been greeted. "

"Okay, then I know."

The dark-skinned disciple smiled, and gestured for the elixir on hand, "I hope the Bai family can reproduce the prosperity."

"Thank you."

After speaking, the dark-skinned disciples stood up and left, leading five people to leave.

Bai Ju sent them out of the old house.

After walking out for a long distance, the dark-skinned disciple stopped, and the smile on his face gradually converged.

He raised his right hand, and was beside him, and immediately passed a black ink brush into his hand.

When he turned around again, the other two people around him, each holding the white paper side, spread out the paper in front of him.

The dark-skinned disciple groaned slightly, and then swiped down.

He is not writing, but painting.

After a moment, a face, exquisitely, appeared on the paper.

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