Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1479: Excessive yang

Although Chu Yan's Spirit Boat is not a top class, the family that was seized at the time was not a small door and a small family, so it was not inadequate, but more than comparable.

Inside the cabin, he occupied half of the area, and the rest was given to Bai Xiuxiu and Huang Ze.

It can be seen that no matter whether it is Bai Xiuxiu or Bai Family, Huang Ze will be extra trust.

From living to practicing, Bai Xiuxiu was taught by Huang Ze.

To some extent, Huang Ze's identity at this moment can be said to be Bai Xiuxiu's teacher.

But Chu Yan knew that Huang Ze could never be Bai Xiuxiu's teacher.

The heavenly state of mind in the history of the Bai family, if you did not say that fierce battle, there have been no faults.

At the peak, a family had more than ten heavenly masters at the same time.

This shows that the family practice method of the Bai family is not only problem-free, but also top-notch.

Because of this, as long as the Bai family members continue to practice the family traditions, they will be able to reappear glory over time. There is no need to introduce other people as teachers.

The facts are the same as Chu Yan guessed.

Later, when talking, Bai Xiuxiu told Chu Yan that although Huang Ze would not guide her in cultivation, she was her mentor.

At the same time, Huang Ze has an identity. He is a pharmacist treating Bai Xiuxiu.

Yes, Bai Xiuxiu's body is sick.

Although the disease can be cured, it takes a long time.

Bai Xiuxiu is 15 years and 8 months old.

According to estimates, unless there is a huge opportunity for this disease to be completely cured, otherwise, at least it should be close to 60 years of age before it can be completely cured.

But Bai Xiuxiu was already satisfied with it.

Although it takes a long time, there is at least hope for cure.

This is better than many diseases. There is no chance of cure. It is much better.

"It's just a pity that Xiu Xiu is such a good seed."

When talking about this, Huang Ze's eyes were full of pity.

"What is it?"

Chu Yan wondered.

"Fire poison."

Bai Xiuxiu had already dismissed this matter, so when Chu Yan asked, she also spoke out generously.

I heard Chu Yan, oh.

The response is not great, but in the eyes, there are a few bright flashes.

It is indeed-a pity.

Fire poison is a relatively simple statement.

In other words, the yang in Bai Xiuxiu's body is too heavy.

This kind of yang is too heavy. If it happens to a man, it is a good thing.

Maybe there will be a natural constitution like pure positive body.

But a girl has more yang in her body than an average man. How is she better?

In terms of cultivation, it will inevitably be difficult, such as walking on thin ice, and I am afraid that life will be greatly affected.

For example, compare the yin in a woman's body to a lake. The more water in a lake, the longer the woman's life span.

There must be water in Bai Xiuxiu's lake-this is beyond doubt.

Otherwise, she is not a woman now, but a man, or half a man and a half woman.

Now in her lake, although there is water, there is not much, and at the same time, there is a circle of flames around the lake.

In this way, the water in the lake will naturally be consumed faster.

Therefore, Bai Xiuxiu's life is not as good as an ordinary person.

Thinking of this, Chu Yan suddenly realized that the so-called 60-year-old can cure, I am afraid that is also what the Bai family and Huang Ze said to comfort Bai Xiuxiu.

She is very likely to be less than sixty years old.

In other words, it was a miracle without a death at birth.

Being able to grow to this day is even more miracle.

Chu Yan glanced at Huang Ze.

Seems to understand that Chu Yan had seen through the lie, Huang Zemo nodded and nodded.

Chu Yan sighed lightly.

It really is a pity.

After a moment of silence, Chu Yan re-opened, breaking the silence: "Then you are going into the evil rain forest this time to cure the disease?"

"It's a relief."

Bai Xiuxiu laughed.

When she looked up, Chu Yan found that the girl's face seemed darker than her eyes a few days ago.

It feels like it has been smoked.

Huang Ze also added at this time: "We entered the evil rain forest to go to the red sulfur fire scorpion.

There is a strong fire poison in the poisonous tail of the red sulfur fire scorpion.

I plan to hunt a few and refining elixir when I go back.

At that time, attacking poison with poison can relieve Xiu Xiu's current physical condition. "

"Red sulfur fire scorpion-" Chu Yan groaned for a moment, and said to Bai Xiuxiu: "Extend your hand."

Bai Xiuxiu looked at him in doubt, then looked at Huang Ze.

After Huang Ze nodded, she reached out her hand.

Chu Yan took out the Bashen ruler, and then let Bai Xiuxiu hold the ruler's tip with his hand.

Just one moment, after Chu Yan looked at the scale on the Bashen ruler, his brows frowned.

A little scary.

The fire attribute in Bai Xiuxiu's body even reached fifteen points.

You know, Chu Yan is now only twenty o'clock.

Bai Xiuxiu's condensed context has reached three-quarters of her.

In other words, Bai Xiuxiu is now a human-shaped candle.

The yang in her body is burning her life every moment.

And she didn't seem to know it.

It's really a bit miserable.

What's more, Chu Yan also understands that the so-called poison attack can only relieve the discomfort that may occur in the body.

As for slowing down the burning of life, that is simply impossible.

To cure Bai Xiuxiu's body, a monk at the level of the heart is not enough.

Because it is almost necessary to change the constitution of a monk.

How could a monk's constitution change so easily.

If it could be changed casually, the natural constitution wouldn't be so rare, but it would be messed around like a dog.

According to Chu Yan's estimation, if you have reached the senior monks in Zifu, you may try one.

But it is just an attempt, and it cannot be said to be a success.

What's more, changing the physique is equivalent to changing lives against the sky, and the damage to the monks in Zifu is also huge.

Use a high-ranking Purple Mansion to take risks to change the life of a Ningmai situation.

Ningmai Realm may not be cured, and high-ranking Zifu will certainly suffer backwash.

Who would do such a thing?

Even in the history of the Bai family, they had made great contributions to Tongzhou City, but they did not have such a big face.

With that thought, the atmosphere in the cabin seemed a bit heavy.

But Bai Xiuxiu smiled slightly, and didn't seem to take it to heart.

Maybe she didn't know it at all, and her life span may be only three or five years. Even if it eases, it can be extended to ten years.

After knowing Bai Xiuxiu's physical condition, Lingzhou flew for another four days.

In the early morning of this day, there was still a layer of water vapor in the rain forest, and Huang Ze found Chuyan.

"Master Chu, go about thirty miles further and you can let us down."

Huang Ze said.

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