Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1481: Amazing old man

Huang Ze is not a fool.

He also has a lot of insight.

After all, it is the guru who is in the state of mind.

Thinking a little at this moment, I knew what Chu Yan was going to do.

"Master Chu, would you like to think again?"

For a moment, Huang Ze stuttered. "There are so many heavenly treasures that can increase the element of fire attributes. There is no need to consider a dangerous monster such as red sulfur fire scorpion."

"But this is near."

Chu Yan gave Huang Ze a glance obliquely, "You don't only need three or four.

And according to the truth, red sulfur fire scorpions are gregarious monsters, and here is their old nest. Even if there is not a thousand, there are always seven or eight hundred. "

The purpose of Chu Yan is actually very obvious.

He needs Red Sulphur Fire Scorpion to increase his fire element.

This type of TiancaiDibao, when taken in moderation, can effectively improve your elemental attributes.

But beyond a certain amount, the effect begins to decrease.

After reaching a certain amount, no matter how much you take, there will be no improvement.

But if there is any excess, the extra part of Chu Yan can be brought back.

He can't use it, others can use it.

The flame phoenix of Jiang Panmeng's main attribute is also fire.

The red poisonous fire scorpion's poisonous sac containing fire poison will definitely bring her a noticeable improvement over others.

And the so-called fire poison does not mean that the fire is poisonous, but that the flame is extremely violent, as if poisonous.

There are similar sayings in the world: Today the sun is very poisonous.

This phrase actually means that the sun is very hot and hot.

This is exactly what Chu Yan needs.

I'm not afraid of you, I'm afraid you're not poisonous enough.

After taking it home, even if Jiang Panmeng couldn't eat it in one breath like he did, then don't worry.

Master Alchemy, the master of alchemy, brings Qingqiumen's ancestral furnace to serve you wholeheartedly.

Refined into elixir, not afraid to eat.

Except for Jiang Panmeng, Shen Qing majored in body, exercises and techniques, many of them followed the same path as Chu Yan.

However, as the only disciple accepted by His Royal Highness Chu, naturally he had to prepare for Shen Qing.

There is also Lin Yanran, a companion of Chu Yan.

Miss Lin's body of clear jade not only allows her to practice much faster than ordinary monks, including the improvement in medicinal effects after taking danshen, but also surpasses ordinary people.

Therefore, if this fire poison is reconstituted into elixir, for Lin Miaoran, the efficacy of two pills is equivalent to taking three pills.

The more you eat, the more obvious the transcendence.

There are also Li Xiu and Su Jianyuan.

Extremely angry sword intention, Shura Road, need fire attributes as the basis.

Su Jianyuan is the third repairer of water, fire and wind.

In such a calculation, His Highness Chu even suspected that the red sulfur fire scorpion in this nest was not enough.

His Royal Highness Chu calculated fiercely here, and Huang Ze, who had just heard him, was almost scared.

Dare to listen to the meaning of Chu Yan, he turned out to want to wipe out the red sulfur fire scorpion here?

How long does he plan to spend here?

Seeing that Chu Yan didn't seem to be joking, Huang Ze hesitated for a while, adhering to a responsible attitude towards the other party, and asked this question.

"How long are you planning?"

Chu Yan did not answer, but asked back.

"Maybe a day or two."

Huang Ze said.

This was already planned by him, so no need to think.

"Xiuxiu's situation can't be delayed too long."

"Well, since that's the case, I might be two or three days."

Chu Yan waved his hand.

When he had just finished speaking, he suddenly thought of something and looked to Huang Ze and asked: "You need three or four, not only because Xiu Xiu only needs so many, but also because it is more dangerous, and you are also worried about accidents. Then, Xiu Xiu can't go back alone for this reason. "


Huang Ze answered honestly.

"If you have one, are you willing to buy it?"

Chu Yan added: "You bought on behalf of the Bai family."

Huang Ze suddenly understood the meaning of Chu Yan: "Master Chu, you mean, the poison sac you got can be sold to the Bai family?"

"a small part."

Chu Yan said: "And must barter."


After hearing what Chu Yan said, Huang Ze jumped up with excitement. "I can take charge of the Bai family. If it is true, then I won't have to worry about it for the next few years.

But what do you want, Master Chu? "

"As the poisonous sac of the red sulfur fire scorpion, since it is a heavenly treasure that can enhance the element of fire properties, then naturally, it is also necessary to have the same effect.

But I don't think about which one is needed.

At that time, you can go back to the poison sac first, and then tell the ancestor of the Bai family about it.

When I come in and get back to work, I'll talk about the specific transaction. "

When speaking of this, Chu Yan suddenly paused, and a meaningful smile appeared on his face.

"Master Chu, what's wrong with you?"

Huang Ze asked in confusion.

"I suddenly thought, why didn't the Bai family ancestors make that request?"

Chu Yan smiled hesitantly.

Bai Jia's ancestors have survived for so many years, and she is still very personal.

When Chu Yan went to the Bai family for the first time, he once said that he could greatly enhance the efficacy of Baoxue Bingtong Lingzhi.

This is not possible for the Bai family ancestors who are in urgent need of life extension.

But when they met again later, the ancestors of the Bai family did not mention it again.

It now seems that the ancestors of the Bai family did not mention it on purpose.

She hopes to maximize Chu Yan's help to the Bai family.

If she asks for her two extra months, she won't be able to say anything else.

Even if she speaks again, she must pay Chu Yan satisfaction.

And at least on the surface, there is nothing short of a linguistic quotation from Lingshan that scares people to death.

Therefore, the ancestors of the Bai family gave up the aspect of thinking for themselves, and let Chu Yan lead Bai Xiuxiu and Huang Ze into the evil rain forest.

Even at this time, Chu Yan was skeptical that Bai's ancestors had figured out that he would play the game of red sulfur and fire scorpion.

Because once the two parties can make a deal, it is tantamount to saying that the interests are bound.

Although the Bai family is responding in Tongzhou City, if you want to rise again as soon as possible, sometimes you can't rely entirely on the strength of Tongzhou City.

Because of the new power, the old power will be respected, but it is not necessary to see the old power rejuvenate.

Tongzhou City, no matter how you say it, belongs to the government and the kingdom, not the Bai family.

The monks in the city only knew the Bai family, but not the government and the royal family. This was not a good thing at all.

"Old Patriarch, you still see clearly."

Chu Yan could not help muttering.

Originally, I felt that the old lady who was twitching was not very good, but now Chu Yan admires the other side.

This elderly man has experienced the splendor of the Bai family, and also experienced the overnight decline of the Bai family. Now, for the re-emergence of the Bai family, he has really considered too much and planned too much.

Chu Yan's reaction at this moment saw Huang Ze baffled.

Chu Yan glanced at the other side, knowing that the other party was clearly not aware of it.

It was during the time that the two were talking that Ling Zhou arrived at his destination and stopped.

Looking down the window, looking out of the cabin, the wet outside was covered with large leaves and mud.

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