Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1486: Different tail

"This, this ..." Huang Ze stuttered, his eyes dumbfounded.

Bai Xiuxiu's eyes were wide and he was already sluggish.

In front of their eyes, the bodies of red sulphur fire scorpions like mountains are really piled up at this moment.

It's just that these corpses have been cut too much.

If the shell is not left, you can see the obvious characteristics of the feet and tail. It is really hard to judge from the sparsely stacked meat piles that this is the body of the red sulfur fire scorpion.

Standing in front of the corpses at this moment, Huang Ze and Bai Xiuxiu even produced a feeling of being very small.

"This ... how much is this ..." Huang Ze's breathing seemed to be out of control at this moment.

The reaction of these two people at this time made His Highness Chu extremely satisfied.

In fact, it is far from easy to kill so many red sulfur fire scorpions.

The red sulphur fire scorpion is firstly a monster in the wisdom period. Don't look at the head, which is half the size of an adult's arm, but it is infinitely powerful.

The pair of Da'ao, crushing a piece of table-sized steel, was as easy as crushing a snowball.

And the red sulfur fire scorpion also has two kinds of toxins, sulfur and fire poison.

It can be said to be quite tricky.

If it weren't for the fact that he contained the unicorn essence and blood, restrained all the toxins in the world, and the invincible immortal demon body that was more and more brave, Chu Yan really didn't have the courage to rush inside.

But even so, at the beginning, Chu Yan suffered a small loss.

After all, he's not a unicorn, but he has a little bit of blood.

So when he was first besieged by the red sulfur fire scorpion, although he would not be poisoned to death, he would also feel dizzy and weak on his limbs.

Fortunately, Chu Yan has enough means to respond.

Yunshui hood, Blood River armor, Huangquan evil dragon all helped him through the beginning, the most difficult period.

In fact, if he really has to deal with it, he has more means, but Chu Yan also wants to improve his immortal demon body, so he did not use some of the most powerful means.

And even if something unexpected happens, the scaleless ichthyosaur can give him enough time to deal with it.

So if you really want to count it, the first half of the day during the siege, about the first three hours, is his most difficult time.

During that time, Chu Yan could only rely on defense and hard support, and he could not fight back.

But what Chu Yan has to do, that is, to hold on is enough.

Those red sulphur fire scorpions did not know at all. Every time they attacked, whether it was Da'ao's fierce clip, the impact of the body, or the spray of venom, the tail's spurs were also increasing when Chu Yan was injured His ability to defend in this regard.

The ability of the immortal demon body to rebel against the sky was once again manifested this time.

Over time, even though the number of red sulfur fire scorpions is increasing, the pressure on Chu Yan is getting smaller.

At the beginning of sulphur inhalation, the nose and mouth are also spicy and the head is dizzy.

But then, I felt a little bit gone.

Da'ao's tear can still leave a few **** words on Chu Yan at the beginning.

But in the end, it was the same as taking a breath on Chu Yan's body, let alone traces, and it was impossible to overwhelm Chu Yan's hair on his arm.

At that time, Chu Yan's counterattack began.

Swirling with great anger, the wave of cutting souls, Chu Yan felt that he was not chopping a monster with a period of wisdom, but was like a pile of brave watermelon.

Go down, cut and fly.

At this stage, it is very boring and repetitive physical work.

And His Royal Highness is the most indispensable, that endless power.

What's more, the blood of the monster can also help him replenish his blood.

In the end, the result is now.

Chu Yan's memories gave Huang Ze and Bai Xiuxiu a buffer time.

Huang Ze spoke again at this time, and his tongue was not as powerful as before.

However, his eyes were still flashing with amazement: "Master Chu, how many red sulfur fire scorpions did you kill?

one thousand? "

Guessing a number, Huang Ze immediately shook his head.

The accumulation of the corpses of a thousand red sulfur fire scorpions is bound to be a lot, but it will definitely not make him feel small.

"Two thousand five?"

He immediately uttered a new number.

"It's a little more, about four thousand, and I don't count the specifics."

Chu Yan said.

At the beginning, he shattered four or five with a single knife, and he could still calculate it.

In the back, sweeping across the board, seven or eight or a dozen were directly crushed, all mixed together, and it was impossible to figure it out, so Chu Yan was too lazy to calculate it.

The final number is about four thousand.

This number is four times larger than the total number of red sulfur fire scorpions he estimated at the beginning.

Four times more, in other words, if we divide them again at that time, we will not be so stretched.

This is also one of Chu Yan's most satisfying places.

When Chu Yan said four thousand, her expression was faint and she didn't think there was any problem.

But when Huang Ze and Bai Xiuxiu heard, the two took a breath of exhalation.

Huang Ze was hunting four red sulphur fire scorpions and had to be careful.

Chu Yan alone killed more than a thousand times this number! And it seems that not only is there no loss, but I have also improved.

"It's ... so incredible ..." Bai Xiuxiu muttered.


Chu Yan snorted softly, "It's unbelievably still behind."

"Why, what?"

Huang Ze asked quickly.

He covered his heart with one hand and went on to say, "Master Chu, let me tell you, I can accept anything."

Chu Yan's palm doubled again.

Wow! A huge black shadow enveloped Huang Ze at once and pressed him down.

The familiar black shell, the familiar Da'ao, and the familiar limbs are only unfamiliar. Compared with the ordinary red sulfur fire scorpion, he is ten times larger than the body size. At this moment, Huang Ze made a strange noise and changed his face Hurrying back.

The next moment, a bang, a sulphur fire scorpion the size of a bed, hit the place where Huang Ze just stood.

The ground shuddered.

"What the hell!"

Bai Xiuxiu also took a step back in shock, his face turned pale.

This red sulphur fire scorpion is so stupid, it's so stingy, Da'ao has long hair, black like ink, and sharp like thorns, which makes people look at it, and the heart must hang over his throat.

"Dead, nothing to be afraid of."

After hearing the words of Chu Yan, Huang Ze and Bai Xiuxiu looked again, only to find that this amazing red sulphur fire scorpion was motionless, his head was in the position of his back, and a whole open wound was cut open. Inside, Yao Dan was long gone.

Think again, Huang Ze and Bai Xiuxiu were also ashamed.

If this red sulfur fire scorpion does not die, Chu Yan will not be here, let alone throw it out at this time.

"This is ..." After knowing that the other party was dead, Huang Ze was not so afraid. He stepped forward and looked around for a while, and finally fixed his eyes on the red sulfur fire scorpion's tail.

In his eyes, an unprecedented blazing light bloomed.

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