Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1504: Catastrophe (medium)

The wind was angry, and the python was iron.

With a severe shock, it seems that even a high mountain can be directly defeated.

Chu Yan stood in place, with a blood stain under his feet, his eyes faint and motionless.


After a while, two words came out of his mouth.

Long sword shot, rolled out snow flake-like sword.

Huh! The curled python body stagnated slightly in mid-air, and the next moment, a circle of blood loops emerged, which immediately stretched out and became a cut.

The original black python body was instantly fragmented.

The hot blood suddenly spilled on the ground.

Feeling this strong blood, Chu Yan shook his head with regret: "It's a pity."

Wan Nianlong uses his unique ability to spy on the thoughts of each of his subordinates, and at the same time let the demons of his subordinates communicate with each other.

Now that the demon python has found him, it is tantamount to saying that other demon beasts already know where he is.

And since this demon python will appear here, it also shows that the demon beast that followed him has already arrived nearby.

Sure enough, just as Chu Yan turned around, in the dense forest around him, roaring again and again.

The raging winds swept through.

The trees along the way were knocked upside down.

"He's here!"

"Surround him!"

"Don't let him run this time!"

"Please, Lord Dragon!"

A loud roar rang through the clouds.

If you look down from a high altitude at this moment, you will see that at this moment, the rain forest, centered on the Chu language, there are dozens of monsters led by at least three transformational monsters, forming a shrinking encirclement.

And further afield, a ray of light is also blasting out. The rolled air waves rushed into the mid-air of dozens of floors. The air squeezed constantly changed, condensing into various forms of cricket, wolf, tiger and leopard , Amazing power.

But such a scene, Chu Yan has seen more these days.

Now, this is a bit of a mess.

I just swallowed the spiritual stone and restored some aura. At this moment, Chu Yan didn't hide it, shook the vast broken sword in his hand, and a direct magical power chopped towards the closest transformational demon: "Xinghe Storm Thunder ! "

Rumble! The thunder rolled, an astonishing light burst, and the sound shook the hearts of the people. The rain forest in front of Chu Yan was instantly scorched and turned into fly ash.

In the thunder, there was an amazing roar.

A spooky blood red, tearing apart the roaring thunder, like a red lightning, shot out longitudinally.

"Hundred feet piercing!"

In the blood-red light, every light and shadow, like a rainstorm, poured down in the direction of Chu Yan.

Brush la la la la! Immediately, this dense light and shadow nailed the ground.

This light and shadow is a thin red needle, each one has a length of one foot, shot all over the ground, all cramped together, I do not know how many.

Immediately after being hit by these fine needles, the ground began to corrode.

The blink of an eye tightened into a stinky mud.

And the blood-red light and shadow followed, and fell to the ground, hovering over the mud.

This is a thin, tall man with a body in his arms.

The man looked so strange that not only his cheeks were sharp and sharp, but also a pair of curved fangs in his mouth.

This pair of cavities is not yet growing from top to bottom, but is protruded from the innermost, like a pair of big ao.

Judging by his shape and appearance, he looks very much like a big demon who practiced transformations. The big demon's eyes turned red, his eyes looked around, and he spit out two words in his mouth: "Mission!"

This time his shot was already extremely fast, but he did not expect to let the opponent run away.

"But the range of your activities has become smaller and smaller, and even if you can run again, you can be brought to the Lord Dragon before tomorrow sunset."

The transformed demon snorted and waved his arm.

The dark red light was like a big curtain scattered on the thin needles on the ground.

These fine needles flew into the volley and shot at him. In a split second, the transformed monster was nailed into a hedgehog! If anyone else saw it at this moment, I'm afraid he would be startled.

But this transformed demon is safe and sound.

Not only that, the countless fine needles continued to pierce into his body, and finally all penetrated into his body without any trace.

And this transformational demon is like nothing happened.

Hearing the roar coming from all around, he frowned, and seemed unwilling to see the other transformational monsters coming, and he just found a direction and flew away.

"Huh, a bunch of idiots, the guy has run away and made an urgent look.

If you really have this strength, look around.

Now the Lord Savage Dragon's ears and eyes spread throughout the evil rain forest. The monk had been hiding for a long time, or even one day.

By now, being able to hide for an hour without being discovered is considered his ability.

Now if you look around, you will definitely find something! "

He gave a cold hum, and the transformed demon rushed to the ground, wrapped in a red light, twisted a few times, and turned into a full-length, full-length body, I am afraid there are thousands of feet The full-length crickets plunged into the rotten leaves of the ground and swam quickly.

… At the same time, Chu Yan was also running fast in the dense forest, while sprinkling his own blood from time to time.

Although these blood will reveal Chu Yan's whereabouts, it was only at the very beginning.

Until now, Chu Yan's drops of water in this evil brutal rain forest were at least comparable to the blood in ten normal adults.

Six or seven drops are sprayed at a time, and the total number is comparable to the total blood volume of ten adults. It is conceivable how large a range of blood these blood covers.

This is like looking for a tree on flat ground, which is especially easy, you can see it at a glance.

But looking for a tree in a forest is more than just a few hundred times more difficult.

That group of monsters is now facing such a problem.

Chu Yan's vitality and blood can allow them to easily lock his breath, but now, there are tens of thousands or tens of thousands of breaths.

How can I find this?

Which one is he?

The monster judged this road based on the smell, and it was immediately blocked.

What they can rely on now is their number, and the ubiquitous eyes and ears of Wannianlong.

But Wannian Savage Dragon has eyes and ears, and the blood drops spilled by Chu Yan can also condense into eyes and give him an opportunity to take advantage of him.

And Chu Yan has a map from Bai family.

Although the map is divided into three parts, the combination involves a very wide range.

Chu Yan had the map in his mind.

At this point, the range he ran on was within the map.

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