Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1521: Hell's Gate, Recovery

The behavior of the demon mouse at this moment is an unabashed temptation.

The bottom line is even lower, and it is almost impossible to say, "If you weren't injured, why didn't you come out and kill me?"

Chu Yan's silence at this moment gave the monster rat more confidence.

In fact, at this time Chu Yan's attention was completely attracted by the gate of **** in the depths of the sea.

Soaked in this soul-cultivating fluid, Chu Yan initially only felt that his consciousness was constantly being cultivated.

After that, the gate of Hell, which looked like a ruined ruin, originally became mottled after the Sansheng Mountain, and it began to change.

The torn door frame began to shine again.

By now, the green light that had long disappeared inside the door turned up again.

Although it is only a trend now, it is almost hard to detect with the naked eye, but the familiar feeling is lingering in Chu Yan's mind again.

This time, the soul, let the gate of **** start to recover! Chu Yan's feelings for the one behind the gate of **** are quite complicated.

But anyway, if the other party can return, Chu Yan's happiness is greater than anxiety.

So who cares about a monster rat that hasn't reached its metamorphosis stage at this time, let's talk here and talk about some nonsense.

But Chu Yan's attitude at the moment, in the eyes of the demon mouse, became a sign that Wannian Savage Dragon was seriously injured and could not even respond.

Suddenly, the courage of the monster mouse, which was the size of a pin-eye, swelled.

"Master, you, are you really injured?

Your original injury was not healed, but now you have broken your heart for those indifferent Ling masters.

Small, small really distress you! "

He was distressed in his mouth, but the happy smile on the monster mouse's face at the moment could even see a fool.

Talking, the monster rat's body was stretched more straight, and he desperately made his way towards the big cylinder: "Master, how are you feeling now?

The young one is worried about you.

Otherwise, let the younger check it for you? "

After this sentence was finished, the demon rat tightened its body, held its breath, ears erected high, and listened to the big cylinder.

There is very slight movement in the large tank.

But this movement is definitely not an objection to its words and deeds at the moment.

This manifestation in the view of the demon mouse is the proof that Wannian Savage Dragon is unable to punish it.

With that thought, the eyes of the monster rat became more and more shiny.

After a moment's fuss, it touched the outer wall of the large tank and reached the mouth of the tank.

The two front paws grabbed the mouth of the tank, headed forward, and probed into the large tank.

The soul-cultivating liquid in the large tank is thick in color, and even Chu Yan can't see it through at a glance, so this monster rat is naturally more impossible.

However, looking down from the mouth of the cylinder, at such a close distance, it is still possible to see a blurred figure at the bottom of the large cylinder.

Seeing this figure, the monster rat was even more excited.

Its claws stretched forward, agitated in the nourishing liquid, and said quickly: "Master, how are you doing, you can say a word, you look like this, the young is really worried, you are fast speak!"

At first, the claws were just stirred in the soul-cultivating fluid. Later, they grabbed them directly, as if they could not wait to grab Chu Yan at once.

And at this time, the tone of the demon rat began to get cold.

"Master Mr. Dragon, if you have really suffered a serious injury, now you can't even answer a little thing, little persuasion.

You know how severe your original injury was.

Instead of wasting the soul-cultivating fluid every day, and still keeping the statue of the evil god, you should give your blood and Yaodan, as well as the treasures of the evil **** left in these temples, to the little ones.

Wait for the little ones to get these inheritances and become born in the future. They will lead the Lord of Seventy Two Ridges and become the new master of this evil brutal rainforest. Maybe one day I can still remember your goodness, and then slaughter the same city up and down To commemorate Xiao's great achievements at that time.

Lord Dragon, do you think I said the proposal just now-how about it? "

At this moment, the demon rat stretched its voice, his eyes flashed fiercely, and his sharp claws aimed at the center of a group of hairs in the soul-cultivating fluid, and he needed to grasp them hard.

Just then, a husky voice suddenly came from the entrance of the room: "What are you doing!"

The sound was so abrupt that it suddenly scared the demon rat into a shudder, and he was suddenly planted in the large tank, and was immediately drowned by the soul-cultivating fluid.

The comfort of immersing in the nourishing fluid, naturally does not need to describe too much.

Almost instantly, the demon rat closed his eyes, and he was so comfortable that he wanted to moan.

But at this time, the voice rang again, and was getting closer and closer, with the taste of anxiety and corruption: "Are you looking for death! Who brought you close to the soul liquid!"

This familiar voice instantly brought the monster rat back to reality.

Suddenly, the hair all over his body exploded, and his tail was stretched straight: "It's a savage dragon! He noticed that I'm close to the nourishing fluid! Huh?

and many more! "

The demon rat found out that something was wrong.

It was planted in the nourishing fluid in the large tank at the moment, but the voice of Wannianlong came from outside the tank.

That is to say, it is not Wannianlonglong in the big tank.

As soon as he thought this, the demon rattled in his heart for a moment.

It's not Wannianlong in this big tank, who is it?

At this time, its body was already sinking to the bottom of the large tank.

The rat looked around in a panic.

However, because the visibility in the soul liquid is too low, it can only see the place in front of it, which is a human figure.

But who this man is, what he looks like, even a man or a woman, can't be determined.

Outside the tank, Wan Nianlong's heavy footsteps were getting closer.

The monster mouse can even feel that Wan Nianlong has now reached the front of the large tank.

Its heartstrings were tense, and breathing was at a standstill at this moment.

At this moment, the demon rat saw it close to his eyes. Two red lights suddenly appeared, as if a furious beast, felt disturbed, and opened his eyes in the darkness at this moment. ... The state of Wan Nian Savage Dragon at this moment can only be described as miserable.

At this time, it can no longer maintain the human shape, so at this moment standing in front of the outline is a burly lizard standing upright, almost two people tall.

It's just that the lizard not only cut off his tail, but also covered his body with wounds and bloodstains. Even his head was recessed in a place that looked abnormally deformed.

But the most scary thing is the almost penetrated wound on his chest.

The heart of it is now like a prickly ball and a muddy beach, and a cyan fragment is faintly visible in it.

Severe injury, pain, dying, fear, these conditions made Wannian Savage extremely shameful.

It urgently needs to soak itself into this big tank, and use the precious soul-cultivating liquid to stabilize the mind and restore the injury.

However, the rat demon who was raised by himself dared to sneak in while he was away.

It's bold and insane, and I don't even look at myself as the Lord of the evil rainforest! Thinking of this, Wan Nianlong's heart was killing, raised a sharp claw, and slammed it into the large tank.

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