Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1530: Chu Yan, heaven mood

The tornado storm scraped the ground around, like a knife and a knife.

The sound of hunting makes people feel stinging cheeks in their ears.

But Chu Yan sat cross-legged in the center of the storm, and remained motionless, as thick as a mountain and as deep as the sea.

The breath on his body is constantly rising at this moment, and the whole body has a breath of dominance.

At this time, Chu Yan can also feel that his brain is undergoing a wonderful change.

My own thinking, as if it has been greatly developed, many wonderful ideas continue to extend.

Not only that, but their own reactions and perception of things around them have been greatly improved.

At this moment, it can be said that it has reached a point of "observing the slightest insights".

At the same time, his own consciousness is becoming more condensed.

And the scope covered by the consciousness is also constantly spreading.

At this time, although he did not open his eyes, Chu Yan could predict the trajectory of a drop of dew outside Baizhang.

This is the perception of foreign objects.

At this moment, I have reached the point where I can “look inside”.

In the eyes of others, Chu Yan's body surface seemed to be covered by a light.

But at this moment, Chu Yan probed himself with divine knowledge, and his body became transparent.

The texture of the muscles, the density of the bones, the heart, the lungs, the liver and gallbladder, etc., are all crystal clear and can be seen clearly.

At this time, Chu Yan could even see that as he breathed in and out, the reiki hovering outside was continuously inhaled by him.

After entering his body, the aura, thick like a jelly and liquid, was not absorbed by his body all at once, but like a big wave washing sand, he was constantly washing in his body.

With each panning, there were some blood spots that permeated from Chu Yan's body.

When Chu Yan finally exhales this breath, these blood spots will be excluded from the body with this breath.

Chu Yan knew that these blood spots were impurities in his body.

Before the heavenly state of mind, the food you eat every day will leave impurities in your body.

Because of his mastery of the whale-hunting spirit, when he devoured spirit stones and monsters, the impurities were almost completely eliminated.

Otherwise, the impurities accumulated in his body are extremely amazing.

In fact, this is the case now.

After setting foot on the fairy road, Chu Yan's body was much less than when he was in the county.

After all, at that time, Chu Yan was still ordinary.

Almost all the impurities washed out at this moment are left over at that time.

However, even after being a common man for more than ten years, Chu Yan has much less impurities in his body than ordinary monks of the same level.

If the impurities discharged by other monks are compared to a basket of steamed buns, Chu Yan's impurities washed out this time and again are, at best, a steamed bun.

Soon after the panning, Chu Yan could no longer wash out any impurities.

Chu Yan also felt that his body became much easier than before. Between his breath and his internal organs, he seemed to have a kind of resonance, his lips were slightly open, and his crane was humming.

At this time, Chu Yan knew that one leg had entered the gate of heaven's state of mind.

Not only that, but his foundation is also very solid.

The next thing to do is to work hard and step in the other leg.

When the monk was promoted from the realm of the earth to the state of heaven, the preparations he made could not be the same.

One is to prepare enough aura for promotion.

The second is a safe and quiet environment.

The third is to increase the chance of promotion through some methods.

The third point is particularly important, because when you are promoted from the realm of the earth to the heaven, you have a chance to fail.

The higher the realm, the greater the chance of failure when crossing a large realm.

When we reach the higher realm, there will be Tianjie, even disturbances like the demon and the demon.

Although there will not be such terrible interference when the state of mind is promoted to heaven, there is a chance of failure, which means that someone will fail because of this. , It was the death of the body on the spot, and the spirit disappeared.

But for Chu Yan, these problems are nothing.

The first point is enough aura. The aura released by this spiritual stone piled up next to him is so rich that it is indescribable and directly turns into substance.

Chu Yan is now almost like sitting in a blissful place.

Others are surrounded by reiki, he simply soaks in the reiki.

This difference is heaven and earth.

If you say it, it will definitely make those monks who are racking their brains searching for a blessed place to die for jealousy and jealousy.

The second point is a safe and quiet environment.

At this moment, Chu Yan's location was a top secret only known by the Bai family, and for the sake of insurance, Chu Yan directly inspired a chaotic array to surround himself.

In such a situation, unless a dozen or twenty monks in the state of mind came to besiege themselves, or a monk in the purple house shot, they could break the battle.

And even if it breaks, it will take time.

Paying this kind of cost is just to prevent the promotion of a Chu Yan who has no fame in Tianyazong, because everyone knows that no one will do it.

As for the third question, that's not much.

Chu Yan itself has a solid foundation. The foundation is extremely solid. The adventures along the way also make the chance of promotion successful, which is much higher than other monks.

What's more, Chu Yan was in the storage bag of Cui Derong, who was the head of the setting sun, and she got a fandan.

Fanfandan's role is to enhance the monk's chance of breaking into the state of mind, which can be said to be priceless.

If Chu Yan contributed it to Tianyazong, it would be no problem in exchange for thousands of merits, even directly worshipping at the door of a certain Zifujing elder.

But Chu Yan did not choose to do so.

At that time, when Chu Yan got it, he made up his mind and used it in his promotion.

And now, it's time to play it.

Although it can only improve the odds of 10%, but after using Chu Yan, his promotion will not have the possibility of failure! The brown-red elixir was clinging to the palm, Chu Yan took a deep breath and swallowed it with his mouth open.

Suddenly, the medicinal power turned into a magnificent help, which drove the breath of Chu Yan to rise up.

At this moment, Chu Yan felt like he was climbing a mountain, and his whole body was suddenly injected with a huge force.

This power made him not even need to move again, relying only on inertia, he quickly climbed up the mountain.

And on the top of the mountain is where the state of mind is.

Time passed little by little.

Finally, a beam of light, rising into the sky, accompanied by the roar of shaking the sky.

The light beam is dazzling and eye-catching, and it will last for a long time. If it is not because of the obscurity of the chaotic array, it can be seen clearly from hundreds of miles away.

This beam of heaven and earth is a sign of the monk's successful promotion to the state of mind.

This beam of light represents another monk, Yuyue Longmen, who is no longer an adult who hobbles on the fairy road, but a guru who is truly capable of performing magical powers on his own!

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