Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1532: Torture

Turning around, Chu Yan faced the empty layer of Shishi, suddenly raised his hand, and his body was aura, running like crazy.

The next moment, a palm shot.

"Taiyi leaves the fire knife!"

boom! Suddenly, a flame blade, several feet long, whistled out, tearing the sky, killing like a burning comet, and the air along the way was boiled. In a flash, it directly penetrated the stone room wall. .

The notched edges of the walls turned into melting lava at this moment, flowing down thickly.

However, the Guixu Tower has the ability to heal itself.

After a moment, the huge gap was filled by myself.

Chu Yan's figure moved slightly.

"Zhiyin Ghost Shield!"

Huh! His body was immediately wrapped in a translucent ball.

And this ball can change its shape at will with Chu Yan ’s heart, or it ’s like a big ball that is carved in such a way that it ca n’t be covered with water, or it becomes a shield, blocking one side of his body, or forming a door panel. Hover your feet and hold him up.

Although he hasn't tried it yet, Chu Yan estimates that this Ziyin Nether Shield is being used by him now, and his power is definitely no less than a Chinese defense weapon.

After exhibiting these two supernatural powers, Chu Yan set his sights on the third thing on the crystal table: a pair of gloves made of gold steel.

The gloves are full of metal texture, about one foot long. That is to say, when they are put on, they not only cover the palm, but also the front half of the arm.

Chu Yan reached out and picked up the gloves, and suddenly felt his hands sink.

There was a sudden start in his mind.

You know, Chu Yan now has the strength of a single arm, no less than a million catties, not to mention demolishing the building with bare hands, breaking the mountains with bare hands, there is no problem.

And now when I picked up the gloves, I felt a touch of heavyness.

From this, you can imagine how amazing the weight of this seemingly small glove.

"It must have been made from a material I don't know yet. This is a magic weapon."

Chu Yan didn't put it on immediately, but raised his gloves in front of him and looked carefully.

Soon he saw two words near the inner side of his wrist: destiny.

"The name of this glove is destiny."

Chu Yan groaned in his heart.

Although there are not many magic weapons that mother prepared for herself, Chu Yan already knows that any magic weapon with a name is definitely not an ordinary quality.

Like the Broken Sword Mirror Moon before.

It looks rusty and inconspicuous, but in fact, it is a powerful killer that has never been used by Chu Yan.

The power of Jingyue was once seen by Chu Yan in the hand behind the gate of hell.

A sword flew away, and the cold light was 100,000 miles, and even the sky was divided.

The punishment in front of Chu Yan at this moment is also a magic weapon with a name.

After reading, Chu Yan put his hand in.

It's the right size, it's exactly like doing according to Chu Yan's palm and arm.

After putting it on, Chu Yan's palm and half of his arm were all put in, reaching about three inches below his elbow.

When I was holding it in my hand, Chu Yan felt that the gloves were no less heavy, but when I put it on at the moment, I felt like I couldn't feel the weight, and it fit tightly with my arm, even the movement of my fingers , Are not affected at all.

Just as Chu Yan felt it carefully, suddenly, a divine thought poured into his brain.

Suddenly, Chu Yan and Tian Xun produced a sense of blood connection.

As if this glove had become a part of his body, he could move and run with his thinking, even if other people took it away, there was no way to use it.


Chu Yan's heart shook, and for a moment his breathing became quicker.

He knew a long time ago that if the magic weapon was used, there would be a sacrifice.

The so-called sacrifice, in popular terms, is to recognize the Lord by dripping blood, and to associate with magic weapons through his own blood.

Since then, this magic weapon has been exclusively owned by the sacrifice, and even if it was found by others, there was no way to use it.

If other people want to use this magic weapon, they must erase the essence and blood that had been sacrificed on it.

But to achieve this, it is extraordinarily difficult, and ordinary monks simply cannot do it.

So normally, if a monk has a powerful magic weapon in his hand, he will practice it and make it unique to himself.

However, sacrifice is definitely not as simple as a drop of blood on the magic weapon.

If it were so easy, the enemy who was wounded and vomited by this magic weapon would become the master of this magic weapon.

The process of sacrifice is extremely complicated. It involves aura, flesh, and consciousness, which is equivalent to a set of invisible chains. In the meditation, the magic weapon is connected with the monk, and the magic weapon becomes a part of the monk's body and mind.

So alchemy is not a spell or magical power, but to master it, you need to learn it.

In Tianyazong, the method of sacrifices can be redeemed through merit points.

But even a normal monk, even if he becomes a master of the state of mind, most of the magic weapons used are low-grade or medium-grade magical tools, that is, first-order to sixth-order.

This kind of spiritual artifact, if it is sacrificed, makes people feel that the cost is too high, so unless there are some special circumstances, no one will make a special trip to learn the technique of sacrificial alchemy, and then cast on these artifacts.

In comparison, once you have reached the top grade, that is, the seventh, eighth, and even nineth-order spirits, it's worth sacrificing.

Because this magic weapon is extremely powerful in itself, if it is taken away, it will cause the original owner ’s strength to fall by more than half. Therefore, any spiritual artifact that reaches the top grade will be sacrificed by the owner.

Chu Yan has just ascended to the state of heaven, and has not yet returned to the End of the World, naturally there is no need, and no way to master the technique of sacrifice.

However, after putting on the torture, he didn't know what magic material was refined, and immediately sacrifice himself and contacted him, which surprised Chu Yan.

And at the moment when the sacrifice was successful, Chu Yan saw a series of runes, showing dozens of different colors such as red, green, yellow, purple, blue, white, etc., constantly appearing on the surface of the punishment, a shock The powerful breath of vanity and eternity has also continuously infiltrated from the punishment of heaven.

"So powerful, this magic weapon is definitely unusual."

Chu Yan gathered all his spirits this time, and looked carefully.

The next moment, he couldn't help breathing down.

As he expected, heaven punishment is not a simple magic weapon, not a simple spiritual implement.

He is even half-order higher than the ninth-order spirit.

"This is one ..." Chu Yan took a deep breath, with excitement, excitement and incredible in his tone, "Half-walker!"

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