Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1534: Is a guru

When telling Chu Yan this story, the monk's saliva was about to spit out.

That look is like a goddess who has been pursuing for many years. Not only is she willing to marry herself, but she is even prepared for the dowry and the bath is ready. Now he is waiting for him to go to the cave.

I am afraid that if Chu Yan was not the identity of Heavenly Heart Master, he would have run away long ago, and there would be no time to tell here.

After knowing the truth of the matter, Chu Yan didn't drag the monk to ask endlessly, nodded and let the other party go.

Seeing that the Master was so polite on this day, the monk was sincere and horrified at the same time.

"Treasures in the evil brutal rain forest—" Looking at the monks who passed by from time to time, Chu Yan touched his chin, then shook his head.

If he had passed, he might still have a chance.

But now, there is no such idea at all.

First of all, although natural treasures are grown in the evil brutal rain forest, these treasures are extremely scattered.

To find it, you need good luck.

If you are unlucky, it will take a lot of time and energy, and it is possible to return empty-handed.

The second reason is the most important one.

That is, His Royal Highness Chu does not lack talents.

Only one treasure trove of monsoon ponds has been opened so far.

In the eyeballs, all kinds of natural treasures have grown savagely for 20,000 years.

Those medicinal materials, even if they were inconspicuous at that time, are now 20,000 years old, which is extremely rare.

It's like Chu Yan owns Jinshan, how could he even try his luck to pick up copper in the grass.

After shaking his head, Chu Yan reactivated Lingzhou and galloped all the way. After a day and a half, he returned to Tongzhou City.

The original plan of Chu Yan was to land from the old city of Tongzhou City, and then go to the Bai family alone.

But to his surprise, as soon as he landed, Mo Qiong and Bai Xiuxiu greeted him.

"Master Chu, uh ..." Hua Gang said halfway, Mo Qiong was speechless. The next moment, her eyes were widened, and she exclaimed, "Master, you, you have been promoted! Master Tianxinjing!"

The emotions were so exciting that Mo Qiong spoke incoherently at the moment.

After a while, Bai Xiuxiu understood the meaning of Mo Qiong's words. Before that, he also covered his lips with both hands, and looked at Chu Yan with an unbelievable look.

As monks, they couldn't be more clear how big a difference there was between Di Yuan Jing and Tian Xin Jing.

But Mo Qiong's response was fairly quick.

After being surprised, she immediately returned to her knees and immediately bowed to the ground, saluting and saluting Chu Yan: "Congratulations to Master Chu for his smooth promotion. I wish Master to continue to cultivate and continue to advance assiduously!

In these words, she was sincere, and she was really happy and admired for her promotion.

The reason for this is simple.

Chu Yan has a life-saving grace to her and all Mo family members.

Later, she was promoted to the Diyuan Realm and was completely successful, and it was entirely based on Chu Yan.

Now, because of her relationship with Chu Yan, the Mo family she lives in also has a line with the Bai family.

Since then, it can not be said that the Mo family has suddenly become one of the largest families in the same city as Zhoucheng, but the status of the family has been greatly improved compared to the original, and the development now and in the future is more convenient.

And all this, Mo Qiong couldn't be more clear, it was tantamount to saying that it was given to her and the Mo family by Chu Yan.

It is no exaggeration to say that although Mo Qiong is much older than Chu Yan, Chu Yan can be said to be her reborn parent and changed the fate of her and the family behind her.

So Mo Qiong is loyal to Chu Yan now.

She also knew that, with Chu Yan's current strength and status, even if she actively requested to be the servant of the other party, the other party would definitely look down on her.

Therefore, in this same city, doing good things for Chu Yan has become Mo Qiong's first requirement for himself now.

Seeing Mo Qiong kneeling down, Bai Xiuxiu quickly succumbed to Yingying's words, and said in his mouth congratulations to Chu Yan.

For the salute of the two, Chu Yan was not polite.

His realm and status are higher than them.

Now as a guru, it is even more so.

After frankly accepting the salute of the two, Chu Yan waved his hands, motioned them to get up, and then asked, "Why are you here waiting for me?

It turned out to be true.

While leading Chu Yan to walk in the old city, Mo Qiong also told Chu Yan in detail what happened recently.

When Huang Ze and Bai Xiuxiu returned to the family that day, they immediately went to see the patriarch and the elder.

The patriarch Bai Ju and the elder Tai Shang were surprised by what happened in the evil rain forest, and repeatedly confirmed whether Chu Yan really killed the red sulfur fire scorpion completely, and he was still in the situation of the transformation of the big demon. Go down and kill Wannian Savage Dragon.

This situation is for ordinary monks, let alone ordinary monks. Even monks with more than two levels of heaven and mind are almost dead.

So neither Bai Ju nor Tai Shang Elders believed that Chu Yan could come back alive.

If they can come back, it ’s not a joke. If the transformed monsters are really so good to deal with, they can be beheaded by the monks in the Diyuan Realm, and the ancestors of the Bai family will die?

Is it necessary for Tongzhou City to build a new city and an old city to defend it?

However, Chu Yan did not abandon Bai Xiuxiu and Huang Ze's actions at that moment, and also deeply moved the elders and Bai Ju.

You know, at the moment of life and death, things like brothers being disabled, father and son looking at each other are very common.

Not to mention that Chu Yan does not owe anything to the Bai family.

However, in the opinion of Taishang Elder and Patriarch Bai Ju, Chu Yan still gave the "only" escape chance at that time, the soul boat, to Bai Xiuxiu and Huang Ze, and he chose to go "after the break" for them. The two left for time.

This behavior of Chu Yan deeply impressed the Taishang elders who had participated in the fierce battle of the Bai family.

You know, the elder Tai Shang and all the people in the Tianxinjing family also used their lives to fight for time. They performed ancestral forbidden magical powers and cut off for the monks and the people in the same city. Only then did they gain precious rescue time.

The Bai family's history will not be forgotten.

Inside the Bai family, they are also not ischemic and moved.

So even knowing that Chu Yan is likely to go back forever, the Bai family is still waiting for Chu Yan's return.

Even the elder Tai Shang personally ordered that the Bai family would wait for Chu Yan for three years in front of the old city gate. After the three-year period expired, if Chu Yan could not return, he would build his coat of arms and enjoy the treatment of the Bai family ancestors.

As Mo Qiong spoke, Chu Yan listened quietly.

He knew that the ancestor of Bai Taitai would do this, on the one hand, he was grateful for what he did, but on the other hand, he saved Bai Xiuxiu's life.

Not just that in the evil rain forest.

There is another time.

"How is the fire poison in your body?"

Chu Yan turned his head and asked Bai Xiuxiu.

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