Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1536: Please shoot

In fact, the return of Chu Yan and the promotion of the state have already explained many problems.

But now I can get the personal confirmation of Chu Yan. The shock is definitely not comparable to my own guessing.

Wannian Savage Dragon is a heart attack among all monks in Zhoucheng.

The Lord of His Seventy Two Ridges is notorious.

Tongzhou City guards against the monsters of the evil brutal rainforest. In fact, it is the Wannian Dragon and its demons.

But now, this headache is extremely difficult to solve.

At the beginning, the monks in Tongzhou City couldn't easily believe it. They even suspected the fake news released by the monsters in order to let Tongzhou City relax their vigilance and prepare for their recent siege.

However, the changes that have taken place in the evil rain forest have been increasing the credibility of this statement.

After some monks returned from the evil brutal rain forest brought back very accurate news, Tongzhou City made a sensation.

So every capable monk, or family, or ancestor, began to send manpower to go for treasure hunting.

Based on the status of the Bai family in Tongzhou City, they naturally got the news about the change in the evil rain forest.

But at the beginning, no one in the Bai family would associate this matter with Chu Yan.

Even if someone thinks about it, they will deny it.

After all, it was Wannian Savage Dragon, and it was a group of deformed monsters.

And Chu Yan is just the land.

Even if Chu Yan had this divine realm, he had the strength to violate the common sense and kill the mind of heaven.

But the difference between killing one heavenly state of mind and killing a group of heavenly states of mind is huge.

But now, hard evidence is in sight.

It really is done by Chu Yan.

What's more, Chu Yuan in the Diyuan Realm can't do it, and Chu Yan in the Tianxin Realm can't do it?

The current Chu Yan, although it is only a small achievement in the state of mind, how can it not be seen with the vicious eyes of the elder Baijia Taishang, that Chu Yan has an incomprehensible strength that is inconsistent with his realm?

Mrs. Bai's elder is also a big man who has seen the world.

Although the realm is gone, the vision is still there.

At this time, she could clearly feel the kind of extreme mastery possessed by Chu Yan.

This kind of attitude, she only experienced it from her family elders long, long ago.

And those elders in the family are all two or three in the state of mind, and even one step away, they can step into the powerful monks of Zifu.

But now, when Chu Yan was far below the realm possessed by her elders in the family, she brought this amazing momentum to her, which was incredible.

Looking at Chu Yan, a thoughtful look emerged from the eyes of the elder Tai Shang.

In this way, monks with infinite possibilities are in front of their eyes at this moment, and have already cooperated with the Bai family.

Is this an opportunity for the Bai family to rise again?

Just as everyone was quiet again, there was a sudden rush of footsteps outside.

The sound of footsteps immediately caught everyone's attention and interrupted the thoughts of the elders.

When several people raised their eyes and looked at the door of the house, the door of the house was just pushed open at this moment.

Huang Ze's figure suddenly appeared in front of Chu Yan.

Chu Yan glanced at Huang Ze, and didn't care about the excited look on the other side's face, his brows frowned slightly: "Are you injured?"

Now Chu Yan has greatly improved both his consciousness and his keen sense of qi and blood compared to before.

So the moment he saw Huang Ze, he felt that the other side's breath was disordered, and his body was congested with qi and blood. Obviously he suffered a minor injury.

Huang Ze looked at Chu Yan, her lips pursed, and before she spoke, her eyes were red.

As soon as Chu Yan doubted the other side's reaction, Huang Ze even knelt before him.

"What are you doing?"

Chu Yan asked indifferently.

Several people nearby were also surprised by Huang Ze's actions.

"Master Huang!"

"Hurry up!"

"Don't do this!"

No matter what other people say, Huang Ze just gritted his teeth and shook his head. There is a lot of me, whether I want to kneel in front of Chu Yan.

Huang Ze did not speak, Chu Yan set his sights on nothing.

Regardless of the elder elder's status in the Bai family, the current owner of the Bai family is white.

If there is something, it's still a matter of fortune.

At this moment, Bai Ju also appeared bloodshot eyes, shortness of breath, and constant chest undulations.

Seeing Chu Yan looking towards himself, Bai Ju first made a sorry gesture, then looked at Huang Ze, and said, "Master Huang, you don't need to do this for our Bai family."

"My life was saved by the Bai family. Now, as the Bai family protects the law, it should be tied to the fate of the Bai family.

At this time, the Bai family was not in a position to ask for help from Master Chu, so I could only come. "

Huang Ze said with a hoarse throat.

After speaking, he looked at Chu Yan and said, "Master Chu, I kneel, first of all, thank you for saving me and Xiu Xiu in the evil rain forest.

The second thing is to ask you to help Baijia get through this difficult time.

This time, because of the relationship with Zongmen, the elders and patriarchs of Taishang didn't choose to ask you for help in order not to cause you trouble.

But Master Chu, do you remember that in the evil rain forest, we said yes, after you have finished your business, come to the Bai family to discuss important matters? "

"You continue to say."

Chu Yan nodded and motioned to the other side to continue.

He learned from Huang Ze's mouth at that time that the Bai family had some special channels to obtain relatively rare treasures to enhance the elemental attributes of monks.

Now listening to the other party's meaning, it seems that Zongmen has paid attention to this.

However, what is inexplicable is that with the power and reputation of the Bai family in Tongzhou City, and the fact that Zongmen could threaten them?

And under normal circumstances, the cooperation between the Bai family and Zongmen is also a win-win situation.

The Bai family needs cultivation resources to rejuvenate the family, and the Zongmen needs the Bai family's channels to make a profit. Mutual reciprocity is a perfect match.

But what Huang Ze revealed now is that the Bai family obviously refused, but it was far from easy.

Among them, there must be something wrong.

Chu Yan is now thinking faster than ever.

This information, these thoughts, seemed tedious, but in his mind, there was almost a flash of light, and it was instantly transparent.

Immediately, Chu Yan understood where the problem was.

He glanced deeply at the elder Bai Jiashang: "What Zongmen wants is not the treasures provided by the Bai family, but the methods and channels for the Bai family to obtain the treasures; and with the city's main government house in Zhoucheng, this time he did not stand in the Bai family. This side. "

In a word, pointing out two points are also the two most important points of the Bai family's current difficulties.

Earlier in the evil brutal rain forest, when heard that Huang Ze said that the Bai family had this channel, Chu Yan had no plans to give it to others.

Because of his own experience, Chu Yan knows better than other monks. Cultivation of immortality is more important than cultivation of foreign objects.

Foreign objects may be robbed and destroyed, and only when they are strong can they be truly strong.

No matter how powerful the magic weapon is, once you are taken away, you will be killed.

But if you are strong, you can rob others of magic.

Therefore, Chu Yan can pay special attention to the treasures that the Bai family can provide to enhance the attributes of the elements.

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