Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1553: You are too bad

At this moment, the spirit boat seemed to be immersed in the thick seawater and couldn't move any further.

Chu Yan looked slightly heavy, and got up to open the hatch.

Immediately, a terrifying pressure, as if already prepared, slammed into his face.

At this moment, it was as if he was going to smash his flesh into meat sauce and grind his bones into powder.

"The water hood!"

Chu Yan's eyes remained unchanged, and a blue light film appeared around his body, like an egg, to protect him.

The banging slammed heavily on Yun Shui Ho.

Suddenly, the void around them shook and twisted.

The shocks instantly turned into strips of practice, spreading suddenly around, and in a blink of an eye, all the seawater seen by the eyes were torn into strips, exposing the Langlang Sky Dome covered by the seawater.

The original stagnant spirit boat began to fly forward again.

Chu Yan hummed in the nasal cavity.

At this time, the sound seemed like an unabashed provocation, which provoked someone hidden in the void.

When Chu Yan was about to turn around and return to the cabin, a white light suddenly appeared out of thin air.

This light was like a disc at first. The next moment, it spread out. It was like a hot sun rising from the sky. The temperature melted into iron and rolled towards the spiritual boat.

"You ungrateful animal!"

His Highness Chu sank, and raised his hand.

"Taiyi leaves the fire knife!"

boom! Huh! The blazing flame light blade stretched and stretched in mid-air, and the meteor generally shot away in an instant. In an instant, the approaching light wheel was cut in half at once.

After the light wheel, a figure flashed.

Seeing that action, it seemed that Chu Yan could break his magic weapon at once, so he seemed a little flustered and embarrassed.

"Want to leave?"

Chu Yan sneered, reaching out and grabbing.

Billowing aura, spraying out from his palm.

In an instant, it was like Baichuan Huihai.

The auras gathered together to form a large net covering the sky and a net covering the sky, moving towards the shadow of the figure.

The escape figure of the man was suddenly delayed.

It was like when you were running on the ground, you suddenly fell into the water. No matter how you stepped your legs and waved your arms, there was no way to be as fast as before.

"Mountains and Thunders Run!"

The figure suddenly yelled, and at the same time pulled out a glowing rune and stuck it to himself.

Immediately, his whole body was enveloped by the blue light, and his original slow motion suddenly became fast again.

The thin currents, dense and dense, were like spider webs at the moment, spreading out from him, and violently propped up around them, tearing the stagnant void and cracks and cracks, accelerating his flight.

"Be Thunderbolt?"

His Highness Chu sneered and opened his mouth.

"Breaking Wind God Thunder!"

Fortunately, a happy mood arose in the heart, and the next moment, Zhou Mu heard a bang behind him.

boom! The white thunder, tearing the sky, is like the sword of the gods, breaking the void, and releasing it than his rune. I do n’t know how much more powerful, and in an instant, he will blast the sky of the sky into powder, and then hack directly at him On the back.

Wow! Zhou Mu's whole body was numb, and the internal organs and bones seemed to be broken at this moment. After a large arrow of blood spurted from his throat, his body fell straight down.

"This guy ... how could the magic be so powerful!"

Zhou Mu was horrified.

He secretly attacked Chu Yan in private, and the main aspect was still not convinced of the strength of the other party.

At that time, although his teacher was trying to be indifferent, but the sensitive scene, he still felt that the teacher felt that he was inferior to the other party.

So he was not convinced.

As the most promising candidate for the next head of the Jijimen, he was so lucky that he sent the nickname: Master Duobao.

How could such a genius, such a son of fate, be inferior to others?

So Zhou Mu directly came to Chu Yan to challenge.

It was still his first move, and it was a sneak attack.

But in an instant, the situation reversed.

Chu Yan easily broke through the array he had laid out in advance, and as soon as he had a magical power, he knocked him out of midair.

Zhou Mu's mouth sprayed blood and smoke again.

Seeing Chu Yan rushing from a distance, Zhou Mu's teeth bite, and a ruthlessness emerged in his eyes: "Fortunately, I have made a good plan for a long time! If you follow now, you will find your own way!"

Zhou Mu took a deep breath and rolled her wrist.

The five rings worn on the five fingers of his right hand burst into light at this moment.

Suddenly, colorful, dozens of auras, all kinds appeared in front of him, forming a huge ring in the sky.

The screen of the week is in the center of the circle.

Dozens of magical treasures, bright lights, colorful, as if at this moment, formed a unique void, formed an eternal kingdom, floating and misty, vast, and immediately enveloped the words of Chu.

Sudden by the light, Chu Yan felt that the void around him began to shake violently.

For a moment, he could not fly straight ahead.

The void he was in now began to collapse, shatter, and collapse, forming a series of black holes one after another, and he was to be dragged into it.

Seeing that Chu Yan was struggling constantly and didn't want to be swallowed by the black hole, Zhou Mu chuckled and wiped the blood off the corner of her mouth.

"Chu Yan, see how you escape this time!"

"you know me?"

Chu Yan glanced at Zhou Mu.

Zhou Mu ’s lips moved, and she was trying to ridicule Chu Yan with the answer, but she nodded and said to herself, “Yes, those who have offended recently have only a limited number of doors. . "

The curtain fell on for a week.

Then he saw Chu Yan looking up at himself: "Dog-limiting dog."


Zhou Mu's face turned red instantly.

He did not expect that Chu Yan could guess his identity at once.

"You talk hard now."

Zhou Mu glared at Chu Yan and said fiercely, "You have only one mouth left! My Wanbao Kunlun is composed of spiritual artifacts I have collected from various relics and mysteries. They are interconnected and have infinite power.

Zhou Mu originally wanted to play a role in deterring Chu Yan by introducing him.

The situation he hoped for was Chu Yan's panic, fear, tears, and begging for mercy.

But after speaking, Zhou Mu was surprised to find that not only was Chu Yan not afraid, his face also showed a surprised look: "Have you been to many ruins and mysteries?

Then you must have a map of these ruins and mysteries? "

The tone and expression of Chu Yan immediately made Zhou Mu feel a little bit wrong.

But the next moment, he saw Chu Yan shaking his head: "No, you are too weak, and the ruins and mysteries you can go to have no value."

As soon as this remark came out, Zhou Qi Qiqiao made smoke.

As proud as he is, a genius who has been looked up to since childhood.

From the perspective of Zhou Mu, although he is from Xinjiang and is now only at the threshold of the Jiangzong Zong, his talents and his future achievements will definitely exceed those of the monks who came to China, especially the Tianyazong .

Now, the person whom he looked down upon actually said he was too weak?

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