Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1561: This guy is crazy (on)

The thick white light of the door panel, tearing the sky, instantly exploded in front of the old man.

The old man in purple robe expressed a faint expression, hummed gently, and reached out and threw a bell.

The bells grew quickly, and the surface was covered with dense runes.

These runes are full of mysterious taste, giving an indestructible taste that can pick up the stars and the moon.

Lightning smashed on top and suddenly couldn't move any further.

After a few twists in it, it disappeared.

The old man in purple sneers sneered, looking towards Chu Yan: "The next time, even if you are the Master of the End of the World, the King's Mansion will not spare you."

Chu Yan smiled without anger: "Only you?

Windbreaker Thunder! "

"You don't understand yet, it's useless."

As soon as the old man's voice fell, his eyes widened suddenly.

Because this time the thunder from Chu Yan was unprecedentedly fierce.

The last time was a beam of thunder. This time, it was a waterfall-like thunder. It was pouring down. During the bombardment, the ground water, fire and wind, boiling explosion, the immortals fell, and the heavens were broken.

The flood-like thunder kept blasting to the surface of the bell.

The bell trembled suddenly. The rune on it was still resisting at first, but after only two blinks, the rune began to show signs of collapse.

At this moment, the old man felt his breath stagnated, and the blood in his whole body stopped flowing.

"Not to break me!"

Chu Yan drank loudly.

The thunder suddenly rose to another level.

Lei Guang even rolled up hurricanes around him, crying and trembling, deterring everything.

boom! The pale electric light was like the spear of the god, and it suddenly pierced the bell, and when it was violently twisted, the bell was smashed and blasted into numerous fragments in the air.

The void shot wildly, chaos.

Chu Yan stepped forward and came directly to the old man.

"I am the King's Mansion ..." "Go!"

Chu Yan stretched out his hand, with a slap and majestic strength, like a predatory dragon, he punched countless cracks around the opponent's body. Meteorites generally flew out and smashed into the army.

Other monks originally planned to come to help, but seeing this scene, those monks did not dare to step forward, but dared to follow from a distance.

Chu Yan's eyes swept away, and there were at least four or five monks in the nearby Tianxinjing. As far as his eyes were concerned, there was still a ray of light coming towards him.

Seeing this, Chu Yan frowned even more.

Kong Xian, no matter how you say it, is a king with a different name. Looking at the stance of the King Xian, it seems that Kong Xian and the entire Wangfu are wiped out.

Where does this wise king come from?

But at this time those monks dared to watch from a distance, apparently already clear Chu Yan's powerful strength, one by one did not dare to take the initiative to die.

So in front of Chu Yan, there was no obstacle.

As for those military formations, it is not worth mentioning in front of Chu Yan.

A Taiyi swept away from the fire knife, and immediately cleared a blank area in front of him.

After a while, Chu Yan came to the gate of Wangfu.

Among the crowd in front of Wangfu's door, Chu Yan really saw Kong Xian with a complexion.

In addition, Li Xiu, Su Jianyuan and Su Yuqing are also listed.

In Chu Yan's memory, Kong Xian has always given people a strategy, gentle and elegant, and his mood is rarely expressed on his face.

But looking at this face at this moment, it is obviously already anxious.

They just saw Chu Yan's performance just now, so at this time Chu Yan landed, and they all met.

"Chu Yan!"

"Chu Yan, you are back!"

"That's great!"

Everyone greeted Chu Yan one after another.

However, although Chu Yan is already very familiar, and not only a friend, but also a good brother in distress, but Chu Yan appeared at this moment, they still felt the pressure instinctively.

This is the difference between a heavenly mood and a non-sky mood.

A monk, once he reaches the state of heaven, will be washed and watered by the aura of heaven and earth, both inside and outside the body.

When ordinary monks face him again, they will feel awe and fear from the heart just like ordinary people face the generals, the prime minister, and even the emperor.

This is difficult to control.

Except for Kong Xian at this moment, everyone seemed to be unnatural after saying hello to Chu Yan.

But Chu Yan couldn't care about the changes in everyone's mood at this time.

The most urgent task is to figure out and resolve the trouble before you sit down and talk slowly.

"How is this going?"

Chu Yan nodded toward everyone, and after greeting him, he looked at Kong Xian.

At this time, due to the return of Chu Yan, coupled with his strong performance, Kong Xian's face has recovered a lot.

After taking a deep breath, he uttered a sentence in his teeth: "The battle between the royal family and Zongmen, I walked too close to Tianyazong, so I was taken down."

What Kong Xian said was not much information, but it was important.

Chu Yan's eyes flickered a little, and he understood why there was also a state of mind in the Palace of King Kong Xian, but he never let his men do it.

What King Xian needs now is not that Kong Xian does not resist, but that he wants him to resist.

Once he resists, then I am afraid that not only is the King of the Hundreds, but other kings who are secretly watching, or even the royal family, have reasons to deal with Kong Xian.

At this time, the one who has the least pressure to shoot is Chu Yan.

"Okay, fix these guys first, and then talk more about it."

Chu Yan turned around, his eyes were cold, and he looked at the heavenly monks who came from the defensive front and gathered.

"Chu Yan, you alone ..." Su Yuqing looked worried.

Although at this time I felt the change of Chu Yan and felt the pressure instinctively, but in Su Yuqing's heart, Chu Yan was his younger brother.

Even if my brother becomes stronger, in his mind, he still looks like he was when he met at the beginning of the year and needs his own care.

"Relax, these guys, don't worry."

Chu Yan showed strong confidence.

Although he hadn't done anything at this moment, his mood suddenly infected everyone.

At this time, out of the defensive front, six or seven Masters of Heaven mindset were brought together again.

And there are about several times the Master of Heaven mindset, gathered from all parts of the army formation.

Apparently they both got the military newspaper, and a tricky guy appeared here.

They were also instructed that as long as the Master of the End of the World, Kong Xian and his palace were resolved, the meat on the cutting board could be slaughtered at will.

"Do you really think that you alone can defeat all of us!"

"There are not only our Heavenly Heart Master, but also a lot of Ningmai and Diyuan Realm among the army formation!"

"The King of Kings will unite the kings this time to clear the king's side. Tianyazong is planning to intervene in the royal affairs!"

"Isn't Tianya Zong trying to fight against the royal family!"

"Hurry up and wait for the verdict of King Yin's Mansion!"

"The monks of the King's Mansion must never die like this!"

"Even if we rely on magic weapons to pile up, we can pile you up! Don't be obsessed!"

With a loud shout, at this moment, like a thunderous thunder, it kept coming.

The rushing of the army formation was more like a tide, one wave after another, without any intention of stopping.

The smoke was soaring, and the murderous billowed, as if they were going to beheaded now. They were demons, monsters, and enemies with deep hatred against themselves! Chu Yan's eyes were originally faint, but after hearing the last sentence, the corner of his mouth slowly hooked.

"Ha--Fabao killed me?"

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