Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1568: Tailored

With that thought, His Highness Chu was suddenly filled with guilt.

He and his handsome father are close friends.

Now the handsome father is in the midst of a robbery.

At such a crucial moment, giving his baby boy to himself is how much trust he has.

To Tangtang, Chu Yan has the same responsibility and care as his old father.

But now that I have been back for several days, this is the first time I thought of them.

Chu Yan's heart was very upset.

I really do, ignore them.

For a moment, His Highness Chu's heart was full of guilt and self-blame.

It's just that this emotion disappeared after a while.

Because Chu Yan went to ask the recent situation of these two little animals of Xia Kongxian, and incidentally told about the killing of a housekeeper.

Kong Xian didn't even care about the housekeeper's affairs. Even when Chu Yan talked about it, his expression didn't fluctuate.

Kong Xian's attitude even made Chu Yan doubt for a time. Even if he cut off the palace now, Kong Xian would not turn his face with him, and would even applaud him.

As for handsomeness and Tangtang, Kong Xian personally took Chu Yan to see it.

A unicorn cub transformed into a pig, and a mutated white tiger, now sleeping in a pile of spirit-like beasts.

I haven't seen it for a few months, and my handsome man is obviously fat.

When it turned into a cute pig, its head was as big as its body, and when it turned into a big white pig, it was a long wall.

But now, when it turns into a big white pig, it looks like a big, energetic ball, round and round, enough to fill a room.

On the other hand, Diaolou Baihutangtang has brighter hair and more muscular lines than before. Although he is dozing off at this moment, the momentum of the king cannot be stopped anyway.

In the words of Kong Xian, they are two of them. After Chu Yan left, most of the time, they were eating.

The other time, it was divided into two small pieces.

One of them, as it is now, is sleeping, purely because of eating too much.

The other piece is promotion.

Both handsome and Tangtang have been promoted.

"More powerful than ever."

Kong Xian said.

Chu Yan nodded, then looked at the numerous skeletons that were stunned around.

Many of these skeletons come from large monsters.

At this moment only the ribs are left, like a sharp sword, pointing directly at the sky.

"Ordinary people, can't afford them."

Chu Yan's tone was light.

"Smaller martial arts may be overwhelmed."

Kong Xian thought about it later.

The two looked at each other and smiled.

"It is less than two months away from the start of the Killing Road. The specific news is expected to be released in the last few days."

Kong Xianwang told Chu Yan, "What are you going to do these days?

I guess it is impossible to be idle with your character. What is your plan? "

"In terms of realm, there may still be a little tightness in the end. It is unlikely that everyone will be promoted to Diyuan Realm."

Chu Yan groaned for a moment and continued: "In fact, time has really been rushed. For a few months, I have risen to several levels, and the foundation is definitely not reliable enough.

However, the most urgent task is to enter Tianyazong.

After entering Tianyazong, there will be more time and better resources to repair some of the cultivation problems left before. "

"It's true."

Kong Xian nodded, "Being able to enter Tianyazong in a more secure state is the first priority.

In terms of realm, you have arranged this way for them.

I think if there are other arrangements, it should be a magic weapon. "

Chu Yan smiled slightly and nodded: "Almost all the magic weapons they used before were destroyed in the Sansheng Mountain.

But that's fine.

Because with the rapid improvement of their realm in the short term, those magic weapons are actually not worthy of their realm.

If you continue to use it, you will not be able to give full play to it. "

"You have magic weapons for them?"

Kong Xian heard the meaning in the words of Chu Yan, "How many?"

"Go back later, and I will start to refine."

Chu Yan said.

"You build directly, not buy?"

Kong Xian's eyes widened suddenly.

At first, he thought that Chu Yan used the heavy money to buy ready-made magic weapons for everyone.

Because this is the most time-saving way, the magic weapon obtained is also a finished product.

But Chu Yan now said that he made it by himself, which surprised Kong Xian: "Will you make your own weapon?"

"The half-step magic weapon that Shen Qing used before was created by myself from a piece of fine iron."

Chu Yan said.

After half a day, Kong Xian heartily said two words: "Admire."

Have to serve.

Because Kong Xian has different levels of contact during weekdays, it is more clear than others that how important it is for a monk to have the ability to refine magic weapons and to refine high-quality magic weapons.

For monks, the magic weapon used is equal to their second life.

The more advanced the monk, the more obvious this becomes.

When the monks reach a certain level, they will even directly refine the natal magic weapon.

What I want is to show my best power.

And more importantly, if a monk can practice the alchemy by himself, then the seeker will rush.

There will never be a lack of followers.

The formation of a force, in the early days, all revolved around a high-ranking monk who could refine elixir and build magic weapons.

Going forward, a Zongmen can be formed, because Zongmen can provide disciples and magic weapons to the disciples under the gate.

Cultivation of immortals and treasures, wealth and wealth, but wealth comes first.

At this moment, Kong Xian had a vague sense of what Chu Yan's future might look like.

"They shouldn't wake up for two short periods of time."

At this time, Chu Yan spoke, interrupting Kong Xian's thoughts.

Kong Xian looked at the white pigs and tigers who were sleeping, and nodded: "It should be, they were awake for about five days before waking up, and this time they just slept for a day."

Chu Yan looked at the handsome man and Tangtang, and shook his head with a smile: "Then do n’t quarrel with them. After I go back, I will also start to make magic weapons. There are a lot of people, and there are a lot of them. Maybe they will be cut A few days before the spiritual road opens, it will come out again. "

"Do you want me to prepare for you?"

Kong Xian asked.


Chu Yan shook his head.

He refined his equipment in the Guixu Tower, where no one could enter without his permission.

But after thinking about it, he still said, "Just in Bieyuan, just don't let people disturb me."

"no problem."

Kong Xian nodded, "I'm rather looking forward to what the magic weapon you built for them will look like."

"It looks hard to say."

Chu Yan smiled, "But at least, it can be said to be tailor-made,"

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