Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1570: Brave

When you immerse yourself in one thing, time always passes quickly.

The rest of May, such as the white horse crossing the gap, is fleeting.

The time of June also passed quickly.

Soon, time came to June 20.

At this time, only ten days remain until June 30 when the Road to Cut Spirits is opened.

It was also in the early morning of this day that in a mist of blood, the thunderous thunder usually lasted for dozens of days and stopped abruptly.

In the mist, a tall figure stood up slowly.

At this moment, in blood, he seemed to be the **** of killing.

The **** of destruction came to earth.

Adding to him a sense of killing, invincibility, sweeping, and silence is the dazzling light in front of him.

"Time is right."

The figure exhaled and twisted its neck, making a clicking sound.

Immediately, the mist began to dissipate, and the **** fire began to dim, revealing Chu Yan's face with difficult excitement.

Do not sleep for dozens of days, and do not feel tired for the day mood.

But that's just general.

You know, Chu Yan has been doing things for decades.

What's more, it still takes a lot of mental training and inscriptions.

There is no problem in becoming a master of the heavens and refining a weapon.

Talented, can make low-level artifacts.

But it takes a lot of time and energy, and it takes a decade to make a magic weapon, which is normal.

However, Chu Yan refined and carved inscriptions in forty days, completing more than ten artifacts.

This consumption of spirit is enough to give a master of the heavens an idea to squeeze an adult.

But this is only true for other monks.

For Chu Yan, this consumption is also a kind of exercise and practice.

These tens of days of high-intensity consumption, his energy and physical strength must be at its peak at all times.

So Chu Yan's blood and consciousness are being consumed madly every moment.

But Chu Yan didn't worry about being squeezed out.

That's because he has two hole cards.

One is the immortal demon body, and the other is the innocent ichthyosaur body.

The immortal demon body allows him to continue to strengthen his blood and spirit in this type of training.

The innocent ichthyosaur body can guarantee that in the early days of Chu Yan, if he could not hold on at once, he would have a chance to recover.

The two complement each other, helping Chu Yan to get through the most difficult moments in the early days.

This time, it is refining for magic weapon, and for Chu Yan, it is also refining.

As if the waves were washing the sand, washing away impurities from the body.

It seems to be hard-working, knocking an iron plate into stronger stainless steel.

Chu Yan was standing in the refining room at this time, and his body shape was still not much different from that of forty days ago, but the momentum of the whole person became deeper and stronger.

The void in the refining room, at this time with the movement of his body, even formed a force field, and began to show signs of distortion.

Squeaking, as if the sound of prying steel plates, kept coming.

"It's more powerful."

Chu Yan closed her eyes and felt for a moment. When she opened her eyes again, her eyes looked like the galaxy exploded, shining brightly in the world.

At this moment, the void in the refining room was instantly exploded into coriander powder, and then reorganized into a smooth mirror surface.

The whole process, not even one ten thousandth of a blink, did not happen in the world, but it did happen.

This is entirely due to the change of Chu Yan's momentum.

Chu Yan can even clearly feel that he has just been promoted to a realm of heaven's state of mind, and there are signs of rupture.

"It seems that my cultivation is very different from other monks."

This feeling made Chu Yan's heart move slightly.

"Other monks need to keep accumulating, and after making preparations, then make breakthroughs in one fell swoop.

However, the path I took was hard-working, and I must be under great pressure at all times to be able to advance valiantly. "

Realizing this, Chu Yan suddenly flashed a white light in his head.

He seemed to have a vague idea of ​​something about that destruction.

But this idea is fleeting.

When he wanted to settle down and think carefully, there was no way to catch that feeling again.

However, although I didn't think about it clearly, the flash of light in my head just made Chu Yan feel more acute.

This feeling is like opening the dam.

Although only a small gap was opened, it was clearly felt that the rolling current was radiating.

The aura in his body also began to condense, becoming thicker and thicker.

This feeling makes people tremble with spirits, as if there is a door representing stronger power, which is slowly opening.

"Very well, it seems that the forty days of tempering have caused me a certain qualitative change, not just a change in pure strength.

But what exactly this change represents, I don't fully understand it yet.

It seems that either it will become stronger and this force will be fully released and I will be able to understand it.

Or just wait for the elders after returning to Zongmen.

If you are entangled now, the realm is insufficient, and you can't think of any useful information, but you just waste time. "

After making up his mind, Chu Yan stopped paying attention to this matter.

His eyes were on a neat row of magic weapons in front of him.

The radiance, or the sharpness, or the beauty, or the breeze blowing on the wind, or the golden horse and the iron horse, all kinds of breaths show that these magical tools and magic weapons that are now in front of Chu Yan are not ordinary.

In fact, it is true.

These artifacts are all Chinese! And also added a powerful rune.

In fact, according to the truth, today's Chu Yan can spend more effort to forge a top-grade spiritual artifact.

But as the saying goes, a man is guilty of guilt.

His friends, at this time, most of them should have just entered the territories.

In this case, giving them an artifact is not good for them, it is harming them.

I'm afraid they won't know how to die.

Chu Yan now uses a workaround.

The middle-class artifact, combined with the fourth-order top-grade rune pattern, may not be less powerful than the top-class artifact.

"Hope they are satisfied."

Chu Yan reached out and took many magic weapons in front of him, left Guixu Tower, and returned to the real room.

As soon as he came out, the void in the room suddenly heard the sound of pedaling, and then quickly sunken.

And the magic weapon he brought out was just a flash of light, and immediately formed dense cuts. In a moment, all the furnishings in the room were cut into pieces like sesame.

"This ... the power seems to be a bit too much ..." Chu Yan himself was quite surprised.

But he didn't care.

Know what you make yourself.

If the power is small, he will feel dissatisfied instead.

With five fingers and one grasp, these magic weapons were temporarily put into the ring, and Chu Yan pushed the door open.

He was greeted by the door, not only Chaoyang, but also a dozen long-familiar figures.

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