Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1581: Do it yourself

"My name—" under the cloak, the smile was even sweeter, "Shizi remember, my name is Chu Linger."

"Okay, Chu'er."

The Silver Armor smirked, "If you lie to me, you can't do without this underground magic city, you know."

"If I am a ghost, then I am willing to let the world go."

The sound coming from the cape suddenly filled with charm, "Shizi wants to do anything to me."

This response gave the Silver Armor a stun.

Immediately, however, he sank and rose into the air.

This time it was Chu Xier, who was under the cloak's turn, to hold back: "Shizi, is this ... going to go in person?"

"To show my sincerity, it is naturally better for me to go in person."

The silver armor devil costume Chu Chuer gave a glance, his eyes were cold and teasing, "So if you lie, then I can know the first time."

Chu Yaner shrugged his lips and didn't care about each other anymore.

This devil's son is really suspicious.

See Chu Chuer no longer speak, the silver armor demon no longer delay.

There is a unique induction between the underground monsters.

Otherwise, if you kill yourself, the silver armor demon will not know it for the first time.

With a slight groan, he had accurately determined the direction and distance.

"Wait, I'm here!"

The next moment, he turned directly into a silver light, and shot towards the distance.

As if it were a shooting star across the night sky, in a flash, there was no trace.

Watching the other party leave, under the cloak, Chu Yier's face gradually became serious.

She slowly raised her hand.

Holding two natal cards in his hand.

At this point, both of these natal cards have cracked.

This means that the monks who left the essence of blood on the natal card are dead.

"Who would break in?"

Chu Yaner's brow gradually frowned.

She was already extremely beautiful, and at this time she focused on her thoughts, adding to her extraordinary charm.

Just then, a small noise came from her ears.

The sound came from the far side of the demon army.

As soon as Chu Yaner moved his heart, he immediately looked up.

Suddenly, she saw that there were dozens of figures in the army of tens of thousands of demons. At this moment, she stretched her wings and flew up into the air, sweeping away.

The movement she heard just now was the sound of these underground demons spreading their wings.

Looking at the tall and thin underground monster who looked extremely eerie, Chu Linger remembered the teacher's words to her.

"The underground monsters are also divided into many races according to the gods they worship.

However, in general, the level of the devil can be judged based on their physical appearance.

The lowest-level demon has grown into all kinds of weird beasts, such as a spider with sixteen legs and a monster with a dog-head ape.

This kind of demon has no brain at all, but simply kills bloodthirsty. Among the underground demon, the lowest level and lowest strength are basically cannon fodder.

Higher than this, they are human-like underground demons, but their reminders are much taller than ordinary people.

This kind of devil usually lives near the ground, and also appears on the ground to kill and rob.

Because they are close to the ground, they have some wisdom.

So under normal circumstances, they are the one that poses the greatest threat to the ground.

The next higher-level demons have intelligence that is quite close to that of humans, and they are well-trained and considered the best among the underground demons.

Although this kind of underground devil can't reach the level of heavenly state of mind, but because of his strong physique and talented supernatural powers, his strength is comparable to the first stage of the state of mind.

Thanks to this kind of demons easily do not appear on the surface.

If they could appear on the surface on a large scale, they would be devastating.

You remember this kind of devil, they are tall and thin, almost to the point of deformity.

This time, instead of seeing you as a teacher, you are the royal son of a devil.

The appearance of this world and human is almost the same, and wisdom is no different from that of adults.

But because of being a demon, he is insidious and cunning, and will not trust others.

So if he has mistrust of you, don't explain it, just keep affirming yourself.

Otherwise, the more you explain, the more suspicious he is. "

Recalling what the teacher said to himself before leaving, Chu Yier found that the teacher really did nothing.

All the characteristics of the opponent are expected.

As a matter of fact, the pressure that the Silver Armor had just brought to Chu Yier can be said to be a disaster. If it hadn't been prepared for a long time, I'm afraid the opponent would have been shocked and helpless.

After all, Chu Linger is still in the Yuanyuan Realm, and the silver armored demon has the strength comparable to that of Tianxin, and far exceeds the initial level of Tianxin.

Returning to God at this moment, looking at the army for a while, Chu Xier suddenly pouted and smiled: "I'd better go and see where the unlucky ghost came in here, and by the way, also observe the strength of the devil's son Lest he press me again next time and I can't resist. "

Making up his mind, the cloak on Chu'er's body suddenly blew up.

After a while, the cape held her body and flew over in the direction of the Devil Army.

Just as another thin and tall devil spread his wings and rose into the air, a long thin line suddenly extended out of the cloak.

This line is probably only as thick as a thousandth of a strand of hair.

At this moment, the thread head fell exactly on the devil's wings, and then tangled up.

The underground demon seemed to know nothing about it, flapping his wings, carrying the cloak and Chu Linger in the cloak, and flew forward quickly.

Chu Linger in the cloak opened her bright eyes, blinked curiously, and secretly prayed, "I hope it won't be too far away, or I will wait impatiently."

At this time, Chu Yan was frowning and threw the bodies of the two monks to the ground.

The monk had been examined in detail by him.

When I saw a monk in this underground crack, I still had a chance.

After all, there are mineral deposits here, and maybe there is a treasure of heaven and earth.

Some people use this place as a mystery, and it is understandable to come in for treasure hunting.

However, these two monks are mixed with the underground monster, and even fight side by side. It is very abnormal for you to look like me.

Chu Yan wanted to determine the origin and identity of the two monks by examining what they carried with them.

What is different from what Chu Yan expected is that these two monks do not seem to be scattered or evil, but they have been inherited by teachers.

"Are the Zongmen and the underground demon collusion?

And the underground demon was not killed. "

Chu Yan pondered over the clues collected so far, and recalled that there was no picture of him being able to kill the demon in one move.

"These tall and thin underground monsters illustrate the problem.

If at that time Kong Xian was against the Devil's Army, there was such an underground Demon, then it was bound to be Kong Xian and his army that lost. "

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