Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1591: Too heavy

Chu Yan did not expect that the method of absorbing this elixir was so rude and the speed of absorption was so fast.

Refining the elixir took a meal.

It takes only one tea to absorb the elixir.

This speed even made Chu Yan think that it was time for him to use the whale-hunting spirit to absorb spiritual stones and various natural treasures.

After the absorption, the man behind the gate of **** returned his body to Chu Yan.

Chu Yan, who has regained control of her body, is also thinking of joking with each other.

"I thought you wanted to use more ..." I didn't expect him to finish, and the one behind the gate of **** interrupted him: "Tired ... sleep ..."

Chu Yan: "..." I felt this guy was awake this time, and his temper seemed to change.

Was it lost?

However, this thought only surfaced in Chu Yan's mind and was immediately dispelled.

If there is a guy who can take the one behind the gate of hell, then I'm afraid he's dead now and I don't know how many times.

The only possible reason is what happened to the man behind the gates of hell.

After Chu Yan determined that the other party had no sound, he looked towards the gate of **** deep in the sea.

Although the gate of **** has not been restored to its heyday, the green light in the portal has indeed recovered.

Although it is only a thin layer, like the slightly sloshing water surface.

But to be honest, when I saw this layer of green light, Chu Yan was still in a good mood.

After looking back from Shihai, Chu Yan got up and jumped out of the depression of the cliff.

At this time, he can clearly feel that his spirit has become tougher and sharper.

It's like a person who can feel that his strength is getting bigger and faster.

As soon as the thoughts moved, Chu Yan's consciousness spread out around him.

This time, he could not only clearly sense the ups and downs of the surrounding ground, but even the complex and fine texture on the ground! Even the trajectory of water droplets flowing slowly in the gaps between stones can be observed! Before that, his consciousness could at most be able to perceive things nearby.

It is impossible to achieve such a clear insight into the situation and realize the slightest result.

"I didn't expect that just a ray of the soul of the demon prince would be able to improve my consciousness so clearly.

I really don't know what kind of changes I would get if I could catch Prince Demon and refine his spirit. "

My heart was thinking that way. Suddenly, Chu Yan felt something and broke into his scattered consciousness! Chu Yan's consciousness at this time was like a large net, covering a range of dozens of miles.

With a little wind and grass, he can be clear.

Almost instantly, he judged that this was a sword-mang.

Falling from the sky, piercing the top of his head.

"Sneak attack!"

Gaze was fixed, but Chu Yan was not panic-stricken, and stretched out his hand toward the Jianmang who fell above his head.

There was a cheer at this time in the distance.

Obviously, the person who attacked Chu Yan unexpectedly found that Chu Yan even patted Jianmang with his hands, feeling surprised and happy.

Isn't this actively seeking death?

But at the next moment, the sword-shaped awn with a door panel size was smashed by Chu Yan.

With a bang, Jianmang was torn apart and shot towards the surrounding area.

The monk sneaking into Chu Yan in the distance turned pale instantly, his chest twitched a few times, and even a faint stream of blood flowed from the corners of his mouth.

Obviously, the magic weapon was destroyed, and the damage to him was also great.

But the monk reacted extremely quickly.

After discovering that Chu Yan could smash his magic weapon Feijian with his bare hands, he did not hesitate to turn around, took out another Feijian, stepped on it, and shot away at the fastest speed.

"Want to leave?"

Chu Yan hummed.

At this distance, using Taiyi to slash the fire knife can directly kill the opponent.

But Chu Yan's heart moved at this moment, but he didn't do it.

He gathered his senses and slammed into each other.

boom! The next moment, the monk's head, like a juicy watermelon, exploded in the air.

Red and white, mixed together and spilled out.

Feijian lost control, and even carrying the monk's body, fluttered like a headless fly in the air a few times before falling straight to the ground.

Seeing this scene, Chu Yan also stumbled.

He originally felt that his consciousness had improved significantly, so when the condensed consciousness hit the past, he had weakened his strength.

For example, I usually bump into it and use very powerful consciousness.

It only took seven minutes today.

But I did not expect that the damage caused was far beyond the past.

Previously, Chu Yan hit people with divine knowledge. Generally, they bumped people into a short period of time and lost their ability to respond. If they were more serious, they would hurt the other's knowledge and make the other person faint.

Even the worst case of turning the other person into an idiot is just one or two.

But this time, he just used a little force to smash the opponent's head directly.

To a certain extent, the power of this consciousness shock is no less than supernatural power.

Although Shentong has a wide and active coverage, the ultimate goal is to hurt the enemy.

As long as you can defeat the enemy, there is not much difference between hitting only one foot and hitting hundreds of miles.

Because the power of God's consciousness far exceeded his expectations, Chu Yan reflected for a while before returning to God and flew over.

When the monk's body fell, because it lost the protection of Reiki, the result was similar to that of an ordinary man jumping from a high building.

At this point, it was almost a piece of meatloaf. If you want to get it up, you can only use a shovel.

Chu Yan examined it roughly, and came to the conclusion that the other party was a casual repair.

What this guy carries is also extremely shabby.

"Looks like you should pass here by chance and discover the changes in the ground, so I want to see if there is any cheaper."

Chu Yan said in his heart.

If the other party is not a sneak attack, Chu Yan estimates that they would not care about the other party.

You can only blame this guy for having an impure motive and wanting to kill someone.

There is not much value in the storage bag of the other party, but since the other party has been killed, there is no reason that it may be invisible to the storage bag.

Chu Yan took away the opponent's storage bag and the flying sword, and then took out the spiritual boat and headed for Kongxian Wangfu.

This time into the underground crack, although the time is short, but the information obtained is beyond Chu Yan's expectations.

The underground demon has not been completely destroyed, and the news that the underground demon and the monk may have colluded must tell Kong Xian to let him take precautions early.

As for the ore and other resources existing in the underground fractures, at present, even if you want to extract it, you don't have that much time.

So this plan will be put aside for the time being.

When Chu Yan came to the palace, it was mid-July.

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