Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1599: Receive award


Chu Yan turned around, showing a look of doubt.

When he heard the question from the elders, the first reaction was Ziweimen.

Ziweimen is an organization spontaneously formed by the disciples of the End of the World.

And that Emperor Taiqing was the best among the disciples of the End of the World.

Shenlong does not see the end.

However, the entire Ziwei door was highly respected by him, even to the point of belief.

And his influence even exceeded the Ziweimen category and spread to the End of the World.

You should know that the merit system that Tianyazong now uses is the one proposed by Emperor Taiqing.

Such a character is probably not as simple as a disciple in The End of the World.

But unfortunately, even the disciples of Tianyazong didn't know much about this mysterious Taiqing Emperor.

So much so that Chu Yan, to this mysterious character, only knew that it was Zhao Lixing's elder brother, nicknamed Taiqing Emperor, even the real name.

At this time, it seems that the elder seems to be quite concerned about this matter, and from the performance of the elder just now, he is definitely not an ordinary character in the End of the World, so Chu Yan subconsciously wanted to ask the other party about Taiqing Emperor thing.

But after hesitating for a while, Chu Yan decided not to ask.

So Chu Yan still looked like he was just puzzled, and asked, seemingly puzzled, "Excuse me, elder, what is the organization of the disciples?"

Seeing this, the elder slightly nodded, and then nodded his head thoughtfully, "Yes, you haven't been noticed for just two years since entering the sect, and it is normal."

Having said that, he expressed his deep hope to Chu Yan, saying: "Today you are promoted to the Master of Heaven and Heart. After the record is recorded, it will surely attract the attention of many disciples in Zongmen.

In our End of the World, between the disciples, in order to help each other, the party is organized.

After you go back, even when you step out of this Tianya Haige, disciples will come to contact you, hoping that you join their organization. "

"So it is."

Chu Yan blinked.

At this point he simply retracted the steps to step out of the room and saluted the elders: "The time for the disciples to worship the End of the World is still short, so please ask the elders to explain for themselves what organizations are in the gates and whether the disciples Join, if you do, you need to pay attention to something. "

As soon as he heard Chu Yan's words, the other party obviously had something to mention.

Chu Yan didn't know anything about Zongmen's disciples. Now that there is an opportunity for generous inquiries, there is no reason to miss it.

But the elder's answer was not exactly as expected.

The elder just shook his head: "Joining an organization has its advantages and disadvantages, and you have to choose for yourself.

The advice I can give you is not to rush into an organization.

Screen carefully before choosing or not. "

Hearing the elder's last words, Chu Yan's eyes flashed a fascination.

Choice or not-the meaning of these four words, since it means that you can choose to join or not to join.

But at this time contacting the elder's attitude, he seemed unwilling to join a certain organization by himself.

Chu Yan groaned for a moment, and nodded, "Okay, thank you elders for pointing me out. I'll take care of myself.

At present, my main energy will still be on the promotion of the realm. "

"Well, go.

After getting your reward for ascension to heaven, Zongmen will also prepare a mountain for you to live and cultivate. "

The elder nodded and waved at Chu Yan.

After Chu Yan exited the room, the elder's face still had a thoughtful look.

"In fourteen months, the state of Diyuan is the highest and the state of heaven is the highest."

The elder raised his head and looked in the direction that Chu Yan had just left. "This speed is faster than Zhao ... What will Ziwei Gate do ..." After leaving the room, Chu Yan walked towards the sixth floor. Going while thinking.

He's good at trying to figure out.

Although the elder just provided a little information, from the words and attitude of the elder, he can infer a lot of useful things.

"The elder can ignore the rules of Zongmen and add a guardian spirit to me, and it can be done easily. Therefore, his status in Tianya Zong must not be low.

If he represents the elder-level attitude of Tianyazong, does that mean that Ziweimen has caused Tianyazong's dissatisfaction now?

The words of the elder just now obviously do not want me to join Ziweimen.

But is this the idea of ​​the elders personally, or the thoughts of the top of the horizon? "

Chu Yan understood that now he beheaded Ziweimen's many disciples. Once these things leaked, Ziweimen would never let him go.

So if he can use some external force at this time, he is still very happy.

The idiots do things like ironheads.

However, of course, the premise of using external forces to improve yourself is to kill the Ziweimen disciples by yourself, and it cannot be leaked now.

When Chu Yan was thinking about his mind, he kept walking.

Soon after, he reached the sixth floor.

On the sixth floor, there is also the elder of Zongmen who is responsible for his promotion.

But of course, compared with the mysterious elder who was just two floors away, the elder in charge here is far less powerful than the elder in charge here.

These elders can only be called semi-elders. Their main business is to serve the ancestors.

After Chu Yan presented his identity card at this time, he soon received his promotion reward.

The first is the identity card, which is plated with gold.

This is a symbol of Heavenly Guru's identity.

Then I got a new robe.

The cuffs of the robes also have gold fringing.

Don't underestimate this robe.

In addition to the golden fringing, which is the symbol of the Heavenly Master, this robe itself is also a three-grade spirit! If Chu Yan is not a strange encounter, and now has an amazing number of magic weapons and high-level magic weapons, the Sanpin Spirit Artillery is definitely a luxurious magic weapon for a monk who has entered the state of mind.

Most monks, when they first entered the state of mind, were able to have a first-class spirit, and they were very content. Having second-class spirits can make countless people envious.

Only a large gate like Tianyazong can be so rich, and the disciples in the gate first enter the heart of the heaven, and they reward the three-level spiritual robe.

The third reward is one hundred spirit stones.

One hundred spirit stones are not many in number.

However, the spirit stone rewarded by Tianyazong is extremely pure.

The fourth reward is a mental method-Mingyue Zhaoxinjue.

Chu Yan originally thought that when he reached the state of heaven, he could formally learn the magical powers of the End of the World.

I asked the elders today and found out that Tianyazong's inheritance and supernatural power can only start to learn if he has achieved a great achievement in the state of mind.

It seemed to be worried that Chu Yanhui was anxious, so the elder on the sixth floor also comforted and encouraged Chu Yan.

But Chu Yan was not in a hurry.

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