Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1624: Furui Furui

Chapter 1624 Lin Miaoran's eyes are anxious.

But after Li Yangyi recalled it for a while, she shook her head: "No message left ..." Lin Miaoran sighed silently, looking at Shihuan.

That light seemed extremely empty and desolate at this moment.

... the other end of the ring of light.

Ling Ye's wind was blowing.

In this Gobi Desert, even if the daytime temperature is extremely high, the wind that blows is still hard.

If a fist-sized stone is blown into the air, it will be crushed into sand and gravel by the sand in a moment and then disappear.

At this time, because it was still daytime, the temperature of the Gobi was like a burning furnace.

At this moment, the air flow was all distended by transpiration, and looked at it like a golden snake dancing wildly.

In this distorted space, an afterimage of a human figure appeared intermittently from the direction of the horizon.

Furui at this time, every step was extremely difficult.

The wind blew her pace, but was unable to stop her footsteps.

At this time, Furui had no extra look on her face.

At first glance, it seemed as if a person was on the verge of collapse, relying solely on instinct, and stumbled forward.

The pale complexion, bloodless lips, and perforated eyes all indicate the hardships of this journey.

"Just in front of ... not far away ..." Seeing the light shining several floors high in the distance, Furui's throat made an extremely difficult sound.

She dragged the corners of her mouth and seemed to want to laugh.

But at this time, she really did not have the extra energy to make such an expression.

Take a breath, and feel that the influx of lungs is full of hot breath, and your own internal organs are burning at this moment.

But the girl just frowned slightly, and then returned to her previous look.

When Miss is not around, she also has to learn to grow up. She can't always cry and cry about Miss ... When thinking of this in her heart, Furui's mind can't help but two figures appear.

The one on the left is naturally a lady of her own.

Refined and refined, although her character is occasionally detached, most of the time, she is bright and smart, strong and independent.

At this time, the figure on the right was slightly blurred.

But gradually, the figure became clearer.

"Chu Yan ... big idiot ..." When he murmured this sentence, Furui couldn't control it, and laughed out loud.

"This time ... I will never let you watch ... See my joke ..." "I want to let you know ..." "What you said to me at the time ... I remember it in my heart ..." "I I've been working hard ... I'm not lazy ... "" Although I'm not as talented as Miss ... I'm not as good as you ... I've been working hard ... Follow your steps ... " What I saw before became blurred.

The stones under the feet also made Furui's original smooth legs clean, and gave out blood.

But at this moment, in Furui's field of vision, the heavens and the earth seemed to be gone, and what he saw was only the tall circular light in the distance.

That's—the way back to space.

"I'm going back to ... see Miss ... and can't let Chu Yan's stupid ... be flattened ..." Another step forward.

At this time, Furui heard a buzzing sound coming from nearby.

Furui's eyes were already extremely dim at this time, and the road in front of her was not clear, so she could only listen carefully.

After a moment, she mumbled, "It's annoying, here it is again."

After speaking, she raised her hand and touched a small golden pendant on her chest.

Jiugong Huangtian Tower! With a humming sound, at the moment when Furui's fingertips touched, the Jiu Gong Arid Sky Tower suddenly burst into dazzling golden light.

This golden light is like an inverted bowl, covering Furui in the center, and then spreading suddenly.

Huh! The surrounding rocks were swaying slightly, and waves appeared like tides.

In the void, a panic screamed suddenly.

Immediately, it was cracked like a branch, crackling.

At the same time, there were still a lot of light smoke, floating out of the air.

Although I didn't see it, when I heard the scream and smelled the scorching smell in the air, Furui could still know that this was a monster who wanted to sneak in and was killed.

The thought was so warm that she couldn't help it.

"Chu Yan said that big fool, and I don't know if it is an unknown prophet. This magic weapon can just restrain these demons. If it weren't for it, I wouldn't be able to support it now."

Thinking like this, Furui's originally heavy body could not help feeling a little lighter at the moment.

But at this time, she didn't notice.

At this moment, a faint ripple on the ground came silently to the ground covered by her shadow, and then stopped.

Then, as Furui took a step, as soon as the shadow moved, the ripples moved forward all the way through the cover of the shadow.

Thirty miles away from the space passage ... 20 miles ... Ten miles ... Five miles ... Two miles ... Two hundred feet ... One hundred feet ... If it is normal, the distance of one hundred feet is for Furui, who is now close to the Yuanyuan. Words, that is, a few vertical things.

But now, she had to do her best to take a step.

So this distance of one hundred feet is still difficult for her.

The wound on the calf was constantly worn and crusted.

The blood ran down the calf and flowed to the feet, leaving a trail of black footprints along the way.

"And ... fifty feet ..." Going forward for a while, watching the light gradually fade into the space channel, Furui also understood that it was time to come.

"Grit your teeth, walk over, walk over, you can see the lady, you can see ... Chu Yan is a big fool ..." The figures of her own house and Chu Yan once again appeared in Furui's mind.

And this time, because the space channel is close at hand, the figures of the two became extremely clear, so that Furui's mind could not help but tremble.

At the moment, there was a wave of fluctuations in the heartstrings that had been strained because of a serious injury and hurried away.

Almost immediately, the texture hidden in her shadow, noticed Furui's mood swings.

What it has been waiting for is this opportunity! "Ah ha ha ha ha ha! Before that, because of that pure magic weapon, I couldn't do anything for you.

Now there is a crack in your atrium, and it is about to give me a chance so that I can take advantage of it! "

A howling sounded suddenly in Furui's shadow.

When Furui heard the sound, felt that something was wrong, and wanted to excite the Jiugonghuangtian Tower, she suddenly felt a cool wind blowing behind her.

The wind penetrated the flesh and straight into the bone marrow.

Suddenly, she couldn't help shaking.

The next moment, Furui discovered that the vision that had been blurred and chaotic became clear.

And the Gobi in front of her eyes and the desert in the passageway were all gone.

A sharp voice sounded in her mind at the same time: "Oh, let me see, what good things are hidden in your little brain!"

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