Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1627: Every second can't speak

Taking advantage of the excitement of everyone, Chu Yan stuffed a few pills of Pill into Furui's mouth.

The entrance of the elixir, Furui's complexion, immediately began to improve.

And she herself felt much better.

The feeling of salted fish grilled on the fire before was almost gone.

I just remembered that Chu Yan had just spread the elixir into his mouth, and when his fingertips touched his lips, Furui felt his heartbeat, and he could not help speeding up a bit.

"This time, everyone is back."

Just then, Su Yuqing said.

Suddenly, everyone was quiet.

The person they were most worried about while waiting was Furui.

Furui is back now.

That means that not only did they return to Enlightenment this time, but they will be together again in the future.

"It's ... awesome!"

Su Jianyuan shook his fist fiercely.

At this moment, everyone feels that the hardships and sufferings before them are worth it.

"After a while, the elders of Zongmen will come over and lead you to pick up the new disciple identity jade.

After you're done, come to my island. "

Chu Yan laughed.

The heart that had been hanging before was finally able to let go.

Although some were injured, some looked rather embarrassed.

But this ending is enough to satisfy people.

It feels good that everyone is not missing.

Not long after the crowd waited in situ, a ray of light hit the sky from a distance.

In a moment, you can see that a cloud of white clouds, supported by that glow, fell on the island where everyone was.

As soon as Chu Yan glanced, he knew that the footsteps that came from this white cloud were the elders of Zongmen who had attracted the new disciples present.

Because among the visitors, Chu Yan saw a familiar long face-when Chu Yan entered the ancestral gate before, he was also this person.

But come, naturally, it is not just this elder with long face.

There were also a few others who did not know Chu Yan.

At the command of the elders, the monks who had just come out of the road of cutting spirits all went aside and gathered.

Lin Miaoran and others were temporarily separated from Chu Yan.

Before these new disciples were scattered, one after another came out of the stone ring.

Now when we gather together, we can see at a glance that the number is about 300.

But then, Chu Yan learned from the words of the elder long-faced that there were more than 7,000 monks participating in the Killing Road this time.

Judging from the proportion, almost one of more than 20 people can come back and become a disciple of the End of the World.

Compared to Chu Yan that time, it is even more cruel.

You must know that all those who can participate in the Trial of the Spiritual Road Trial are young talents and geniuses from various factions, families, and forces.

But now, most of them are buried in the exotic space.

Many of these fallen monks must have been cultivated as the heirs of future schools and families.

From this we can see how cruel the phrase "a genius without growth can not be called a genius" in the monk world.

The Elder Long Face briefly introduced the results of the Trial of the Ling Ling Road, and congratulations after everyone officially became the disciples of the End of the World, he will take everyone to collect the identity jade.

The cloud quickly expanded on the island. After more than 300 people stepped on, the elder with a long face waved his hand, and Baiyun rose slowly, came to mid-air, and flew towards the distance.

Chu Yan waved his hand toward the distant people on the cloud, and was about to leave with Kong Xian and Yun Nishang.

Just then he felt a heat behind him.

This is clearly someone looking at themselves.

Looking down his eyes, Chu Yan saw a person-like Master in the heavenly state of mind, looking towards himself far away.

Chu Yan's eyes narrowed slightly.

He remembered that this heavenly master came to this place with that elder elder.

Now the elder with a long face has left, but this person has stayed, and his eyes fell straight on himself ... "Kong Xian, Nei Seong, do you know the master about 160 feet in front of me? , The one that looks crinkly. "

Chu Yan said.

Kong Xian glanced sideways and shook his head.

Yun Nixian said at this time: "I know him, every second can't talk to the master, Jin ..." Yun Nixian's words were not finished yet, and the handsome teacher said at the moment: "Chu Yan, stand still."

The sound instantly covered everything else on the island.

At this moment, even the sea breeze was calmed and the waves stopped rolling.

Chu Yan looked up.

On that day, the Guru couldn't see a step or fly, and in an instant, appeared in a place less than 20 feet away from Chu Yan.

This exquisite body style made Chu Yan's eyes fixed.

"Yesterday, you hurt my Ziweimen disciple.

So today, you should give me a statement. "

The other looked at Chu Yan and said.

The tone was light, but it had an unquestionable taste.

As if it was, Chu Yan should give him a statement, he just came over to take it now.

"Chu Yan, he is Zizhumen, a fourth disciple of Ziweimen."

At this time, Chu Yan heard Yun Nishang's voice to himself, "He is a state of dual miniaturization in the state of heaven.

However, he seems to be quite concerned about this realm, at first he could not hear it in two words.

After that, even the word duo, or even the word duo, couldn't even hear it.

So I got a nickname, called Feng Er can not speak. "

Chu Yan nodded secretly, then looked at Jin Zhuying.

He didn't appear to be depressed because he was lower than the opponent.

At the same time, those disciples on the island who have not left also stared sideways.

After hearing the explanation of Jin Zhuying's intentions, many people's faces showed gloating smiles.

As for Meng Xin, her face seemed a little cloudy at the moment.

But soon, he remained calm, sneering in his heart: "A female nun who learned from Chu Yan yesterday heard that she was an immortal of Jin Zhuying. In this case, let him explore the bottom of the Chu saying, but It's fine. "

With everyone watching, Chu Yan looked at Jin Zhuying: "It's probably not working today, I'm bothering you to go to my island tomorrow to find me."


Jin Zhuying frowned.

He has a dual state of mind, and the coercion of the state is here. How dare this guy refuse?

Chu Yan smiled rather than smiled: "Because of this, I can give you two-a statement."

Chu Yan did not say two, but said two, and also intentionally raised his voice.

Suddenly, Jin Zhuying's face sank, and between his teeth, he uttered a sentence: "What do you mean?"

"What do I mean?"

Chu Yan's face went dark and gloomy.

Compared to changing his face, His Highness Chu has never been afraid of anyone.

"Yesterday, the elders of Zongmen Zifujing have come to a conclusion and things have subsided.

Now you come to me to say, meaning that you have a dual state of mind, so you don't need to take Elder Zifujing into your eyes.

Or you Ziwei door, do not take Tianyazong in your eyes? "

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