Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1646: My real strength

"The wind and waves here are so strong, I'll go around this vortex and go forward."

After Chu Yan spoke, he turned into the cabin and adjusted the direction of the spirit boat.

At this moment, the swirling vortex suddenly exploded.

Bang Bang Bang Bang! In a series of explosive roars, the seawater turned into water dragons, rising into the sky.

The sky is full of water mist, refracting the sunlight, forming an intertwined rainbow.

Chu Yan turned, his eyes showed the expected look, and he looked into the mist.

In the mist of water, colorful refraction, a figure, with a magnificent momentum, forced out.

"Chu! Words!"

Jin Zhuying hovered in the air and stared straight at Chu Yan, squeezing two words between his teeth.

The diffuse water mist, the sloshing water dragon, were pushed away by both sides of his body at this moment.

In a curtain of water, a blank area suddenly appeared.

Looking at Jin Zhuying's distorted face, Chu Yan's eyes were condensed: "Two major achievements in the state of mind?"

"Good-" Jin Zhuying proudly said.

But before he continued to be proud, Chu Yan continued: "Although this is only a small step in the realm, for you, this is a big step on the fairy road."

"..." Immediately, Jin Zhuying felt his proud emotion as if he had been stepped on hard.

"Stop talking nonsense, I'm here to settle accounts with you today."

Jin Zhuying exhaled a sullen breath, staring sternly, staring at Chu Yan.

At this time, he was calm and calm when he first appeared on the island, completely different.

At this moment, Jin Zhuying is surrounded by blood rings, revealing boundless killing intentions. The whole person seems to be a fierce sword. The next moment, she will be out of the sheath and completely kill the Chu words in front of her.

"The realm has improved a little, and it gives you so much confidence?"

Chu Yan was puzzled.

This sentence once again poked the heart of Jin Zhuying.

At this time, a strange flush appeared on his cheeks.

With a heavy snoring sound, Jin Zhuying yanked the robe of his body open, exposing the arm of the Hexie crab demon.

After almost half a year's training and integration, this monster arm is now fully integrated with his body, as if he was stretched out.

But the only thing that hasn't changed is the crooked, horrible shape of this arm.

At this moment, Jin Zhuying doesn't look like a normal monk at all, but like a deformed half-human half-demon hybrid.

I don't know if the monster's arms are spliced, so that the spirits are affected. The distorted expression on Jin Zhuying's face at this time also makes him look more vulgar and vicious.

"I once secretly vowed to return to you hundred times the shame of Blood Sendai's day, and today I will let you feel what a hell-like horror is!"

Jin Zhuying roared again and again, and the surface of the arm of this black evil crab monster shed a touch of blue and black light.

The light spread from mid-air to the sea and spread.

Suddenly, those vortices, fused together, collapsed and spread suddenly.

Between heaven and earth, at this moment, as if the vortex was sinking, something collapsed.

At this moment, at a glance, the only vortex of fusion merges, as if the monster of terror hidden in the sea, suddenly opens the mouth of the blood basin, like a black hole. , All swallowed down.

Light cyan rays also appeared in midair at this time.

This light is like walls, like a cover, covering the whole sky.

In the light, there was a faint sharp faint flicker suddenly.

Each flicker caused the scalp to become numb, the spine chilled, and a cold chill, permeating from the bone marrow.

"Chu Yan, this void has been completely locked by me. Even if you now have the ability to go to heaven, you can't even escape my palm!"

Jin Zhuying said with gritted teeth, at the same time raised the crab claw, pointed at Chu Yan with pliers, one clip at a time.

"A great realm."

At this time, Chu Yan suddenly spoke faintly.

"what did you say?"

Jin Zhuying turned his face.

He was dissatisfied with Chu Yan's calmness and indifference at this time.

"You happen to be one big level above me."

Chu Yan said again.

This time Jin Zhuying heard clearly.

He nodded and sneered: "You are the first major achievement of Heavenly State of Mind, and I am the second major achievement of Heavenly State of Mind. Now you have discovered this gap, don't you think it's a little too late?"

"Do not."

Chu Yan shook his head, looking at Jin Zhuying's eyes, let Jin Zhuying feel that the other party was looking at a poor fool.

"I just want to tell you that there is no gap between you and me."

"Yellow mouth!"

Jin Zhuying was furious.

He was particularly concerned about the realm before, otherwise, he would not fall under the nickname of "Everyone cannot speak".

This time it was hard to take a step forward, that kind of pride, that kind of pride, is like a mortal suddenly grows long, it is hard to describe in words.

At this time, the words were like pouring oil on the fire, and in a flash, the anger of Jin Zhuying was ignited.

"Then I will let you know how great this step I took in front of you!"

Jin Zhuying shouted, holding up the monster's arm and waving it again and again.

Suddenly, the light around them seemed to be cut and shattered, and the invisible power evoked the might of mountains, rivers, heavens and earth, and destroyed everything.

"A thousand miles of water prison!"

Rumble! The vortex suddenly looked like a frying pan, boiling and roaring, turning into a tornado-like water column, starting from the sky, black and squeezing, swallowing towards Chu Yan.

In front of the water column that seems to support the heavens and the earth, Chu Yan is so small as a stone on the mountain peak.

All the terror and violent force twisted the sea area of ​​dozens of miles, all of which turned upside down, the stars moved, the dragon and snake landed, and the universe sank.

The void is constantly collapsing and collapsing, the heavens and the earth are upside down and collapsing.

But what made Jin Zhuying angry was that Chu Yan, who was hovering in the air at this time, still had a faint expression, as if all of this was in front of him.

"So I am mysterious and pretend to be calm, so I am mysterious and pretend to be calm ..." Jin Zhuying stared at Chu Yan, repeating these two words in his heart. Bring your soul back and torture thousands of years! "

The vortex rose into the sky, like a sea monster monster, opened its mouth and swallowed towards Chu Yan.

At this moment around the world, a disaster had come, the sound was deafening, and the eyes were dark.

Chu Yan Shen Nian is not above this great magical power and immediate crisis.

His consciousness swept away.

I found that the feeling of spying on myself still exists, which means that the guy who helped Jin Zhuying to track himself has not left at this time.

It seems that it is to wait for Jin Zhuying to kill himself before reuniting himself and the other party.

After confirming this matter, Chu Yan exhaled and let go of his heart.

Those guys didn't run, that was great.

In this case, let's make a quick decision.

With that thought, Chu Yan turned his attention back.

Looking up through the layers of water curtain, looking far away at Jin Zhuying, Chu Yan's eyes are deep, powerful spiritual willpower, burning fiercely, in a moment, revealing a powerful majesty: "Let you see, I am There is no real strength on the Blood Fairy Terrace. "

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