Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1668: Instant two to two

Suddenly, the sky changed color.

The terrifying terror threatened from all sides, rumbling, and struck towards Chu.

The void was constantly being twisted, and there was a roar of loud noises prying the steel plates.

Chu Yan hovered in the air, his eyes swept away.

In the thick black smoke, a tall monk with a horned mask was looming among them.

"Transformed Demon, the ancestor of Hokkaido."

Chu Yan said in his mouth.

In the sharp electric man, a white-bearded old man stood up against the wind.

Between his breath, there were electric cracks all over his body, making people look cold and trembling.

In particular, his eyes, like nine days of mad thunder, were continually brewing, as if the next moment was to destroy Qiankun.

"Transformed into a great demon, sharply killing Xianzun."

The gloomy green glow is like a river that suddenly rushes out of the sky.

In the river, countless corpses were floating and struggling, revealing the taste of Huang Quan, the dead.

And on this river, a monk wearing armor but extremely thin in shape, with black flames burning in his eyes, holding a full-sized door panel, also burning a huge sword with black flames. Chu Yan.

"Skull King, one of the Xihai evil repairers."

In the end, Chu Yan's eyes fell on the wise Ming Haisheng in the blue light.

"Very good, all four people I'm looking for are here."

Chu Yan nodded.

"No words."

At this time, the evil repair skeleton king spoke.

His voice, just like the armor on his body, was full of the smell of metal friction.

The sound was soaring, every word was heard for dozens of miles, enough to crack the clouds.

With a hurry, he suddenly lifted his sword.

In the black flames, countless skeletons throbbed.

At this moment, the flame covered the door-like giant sword, and instantly became a larger black flame sword, pointing to Chu Yan.

"Even if you are a Ziweimen disciple, you don't want to leave here alive today."

"Don't talk nonsense with him, maybe there are other places around, and there is an ambush. Solve him first, interrogate it, and see what the truth of this guy is and who is behind him."

In the thick black smoke, the voice of the ancestor of Hokkaido came.

In this passage, every word comes from a different direction.

As if in all directions, his shadow was inscrutable and suspicious.

"Leave me to the trial!"

Xianming Haisheng gritted his teeth and yelled, "My four and seven sons died in his hands, and I will crush him!"

"There is so much nonsense."

Chu Yan turned and glanced at Xianming Haisheng, "I'll start with you, break the wind and thunder!"

Before speaking, Chu Yan opened his mouth suddenly.

Suddenly, the roaring thunder poured out like a blast exploding, instantly engulfing the wise sea saint.

The four people present, the ancestors of Saikai, Ruisha Xianzun, Skeleton King and Xianming Haisheng, are all in the triple state of heaven.

Elicited four people, making sure they were all on the island.

Then kill one person first and reduce the pressure.

Although Chu Yan has the biggest hole card of one to four.

But that hole card is still too risky. If you do n’t use it, you do n’t use it.

Moreover, Chu Yan also wanted to know how much he has improved in his ability to cope with the triple monks of Heaven and Heart after experiencing the killing of the Pavilion.

These four monsters and monks at the mood level are the best litmus test! Bang! Instantly, Xianming Haisheng was surrounded by Thunder and Lightning.

Chu Yan simply did not give the other party a chance to fight back, and his body took a step forward.

"Thousands of miles away!"

Among the thunder, a figure flew back and forth with blood.

Eyes locked on the figure, Chu Yan cut out with a sword.

"White Emperor Sword of Slaying, Soul of All Realms!"

At the moment of the sword, it seemed as if a river of heaven was cut open in the sky, and the whole was poured out on Xianming Haisheng.

boom! Tianhe exploded.

Blood spurted from the mouth of Xianming Haisheng, a robe was almost torn in half, and his body fell straight to the ground like a shooting star.

During the fall, his breath was disordered, and he was obviously seriously injured.


Rui Xia Zun's gaze was condensed, and his whole body was dazzling.

At this moment, the void around him became extremely bleak, as if the cold winter suddenly came.

The killing gas almost condenses the void into ice.

Chu Yan's mouth suddenly exhaled a burst of white gas, and moving the body in mid-air became extremely difficult, and even a layer of frost had formed on her hair.

The next moment, a sharp sword awn appeared without warning in the back of Chu Yan.

This sword cuts through the night and illuminates the long night of eternity. As if all of a sudden, Chu Yan's head will be cut off.

"Frost Snow Kill!"

Instantly, Chu Yan turned into a snowman in mid-air.

It seemed immobile, and the next moment was beheaded by this sword.

But no one saw it at the moment, his ice-covered lips showing an imperceptible smile.

Huh! Just as Rui Shaxian was preparing to sneer and announce that he had beheaded Chu Yan, a figure suddenly appeared.

The figure wore a black robe and waved his hand.

Immediately, two black lightning-like rays burst out in anger, and slammed the sword awn that was cut towards Chu Yan.

Then he flicked his sleeves, and immediately, the waves rolled.

A violent aura of heaven and earth blasted into the sky.

Under his control, Reiki rubbed and collided with each other, and the smell of iron and blood was screaming, and the ghosts were crying. With friction, a world seemed to appear in front of him.

In this world, all is iron and blood.

And in the depths of iron and blood, countless people were shaking violently, as if summoning the ancient iniquity.

Mastering the power of this horrible ghost, Ji Shi, who shot under the orders of Chu Yan, savagely launched a fierce attack on Rui Zun.

Immediately, Rui Shaxian's dazzling light from the whole body was beaten repeatedly.

And he himself was also suppressed for a moment, retreating back and forth, as if to be smashed into the void.

"This guy ... be careful! He is also the triple mind of heaven! The three major achievements of heaven of mind!"

After finally finding a chance, Rui Xianzun roared.

He had just turned around in a circle, and was immediately blown by Ji Shi.

And Ji Shi rushed to him immediately, waving his hands quickly, black lightning, condensed into a ball the size of a house, a bang, trapped Ruizianxun into it, causing a violent explosion.


Rui Shaxian shouted a sorrow and indignation, and all of his light shattered.

The light was instantly shattered.

Black lightning, densely packed, I don't know how many, at this moment broke his robe, drilled into his body, and immediately exploded.

Immediately, Rui killing Xianzun was blown into a blood man.

"The body!"

The severe pain made Rui kill Xianzun instantly red eye, and his body swelled rapidly.

It looked like a hundred feet long and black electric eel.

The black lightning imprisonment was constantly stretched out, and it was about to be burst out.

At this time, Chu Yan was shocked.

The whole body of ice and snow suddenly disappeared and disappeared.

He stepped forward and caught up with the fallen Xianming Haisheng instantly. Baidi's sword for breaking jail was lifted, chopped angrily, and clicked, and immediately chopped off the opponent's head.

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