Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1684: Prepare early

Chapter 1684 Everyone acquiesces that it takes at least a hundred years.

Some people even feel that the promotion of Emperor Taiqing will not be so smooth.

After all, it was a real wonderland.

A second threshold on the legendary road in Xian.

The first threshold of heaven's state of mind, if you say that you grit your teeth and work hard, coupled with chance, you can still cross it.

Then this second high threshold of entry into the cloud is not something that can be overcome by gritting efforts.

Have you seen the threshold higher than the mountain?

Including Tang Lixing, before today, he felt that his "brother" would definitely not be so easy.

Even if he returns, he can be ascended to the triple peak of Zifujing.

But now, Emperor Taiqing has given an extremely accurate time.

Five years—Tang Lixing's understanding of "brother", since he can give such a time, naturally he will not simply indicate that he is out of customs.

Rather, he is proving that he is about to be promoted to True Wonderland! It is the youngest monk in the kingdom of Baoxiang, and the truest wonderland with the fastest promotion! Even if there is a true fairyland in the End of the World, this kind of elders is also an old antique, and it will definitely not be as vibrant and promising as the Emperor Taiqing. The older generation's true wonderland is the afterglow of the setting sun, and they are now cultivating themselves in the deepest part of the void, unless they are destroyed by the End of the World, or when the treasured kingdom is about to be destroyed entirely, they may appear. Get out.

For Emperor Taiqing, he came down as a true immortal five years later, that is, the sun is shining, and there is an infinite possibility of continued climbing.

At that time, I was afraid that not only would the Tianya Zonghui be the only one to look forward to it, but also the royal palace of the kingdom of the kingdom, which had always maintained a delicate balance with the Tianyazong. Congratulations and good wishes.

Tang Lixing can even predict the scene at that time.

Emperor Taiqing will be the most dazzling one among the many kingdoms.

Five years later-this time, Tang Lixing's heart twitched a bit.

Many beautiful imaginations before, at this moment, it seemed as if they were suddenly broken.

But she tried to keep calm.

Tang Lianxing kept telling herself that she could never give up hope until the last minute.

So now, you cannot give up.

There was a smile on his face, and Tang Lixing's voice also revealed just the excitement and excitement: "Congratulations, brother."

"It's still early, don't talk about it for now."

The gentle voice sounded in her heart again, "This matter, after you go back this time, you can tell the suzerain first, and then the suzerain tells several respected elders.

If all goes well, I will finish my promotion and return at the Fairy Fair five years later. "

"Five centuries later!"

Tang Lianxing took a deep breath again.

Naturally she knew what kind of conference it was.

Baoxiang Shangguo will host a monk festival every 50 years.

Not only will the various monks and royal monks in the kingdom of Shang come together to discuss the law and fighting methods, and several monks in the neighboring monarchs of the kingdom will also send people to watch.

It can be said that the immortal congresses of Baoxiang Shangguo are enough to affect the assembly of several monks in Shangguo.

Emperor Taiqing chose to return at such a time.

It's just a coincidence that Tang Lianxing would not believe it.

As a "brother", he was really deliberate.

"Okay, I'll do the right thing for you."

Tang Lianxing's head dropped even lower. "My sister congratulates her brother again, and looks forward to her return from the real wonderland."

"Xiantu Avenue, I'm just a small step, you have to work hard to cultivate."

At the same time as the voice of Emperor Taiqing came, a golden light descended from heaven.

Tang Lianxing took it with both hands and saw that it was a storage ring.

"Among them, you can use them when you go back to practice.

After five years, try to improve.

When I return, wash your body with pure aura.

The closer you are to the state of heaven, the higher the chance of stepping over the threshold, and the more benefits you will get in the future. "

"Thank you, brother, I will not disappoint your expectations."

Tang Lianxing saluted.

"Okay, go back, I'm going to retreat.

You do n’t need to worry about Ziweimen next.

I will leave it to the Three Kings and the Seven Wars.

You just need to practice with peace of mind. "

With the last note of Emperor Taiqing, the void beside Tang Lixing opened like a portal.

A mysterious force gently lifted her up and led her through the portal.

The portal disappeared immediately after Tang Lixing left.

Regarding the breath of Emperor Taiqing, all of them disappeared instantly, as if there had never been any.

Tang Lianxing hovered in place for a while, and then headed towards Tianyazong again.

Her brow frowned slightly, and her heart seemed to rise with waves.

"In five years, this was too hasty. It was shortened by dozens of times than I thought before.

Once he was promoted to the state of heaven, my original desire to escape from him became even more dim.

In this matter, I must tell Chu Yan so that he can prepare early.

Just when I returned to Tianyazong, every move would fall into Ziweimen's eyes.

Just because of secret considerations, I did not keep a messenger or magic weapon. "

After frowning for a while, Tang Lixing's eyes lightened: "Yes, although there is no way to tell Chu Yan directly, but there are some ways to tell the people related to Chu Yan in secret.

Then let Chu Yan know the news through this person's mouth. "

After thinking of the solution, Tang Lixing felt a moment of relief in his heavy heart.

But she did not stop thinking.

While flying all the way to the End of the World, she was also thinking about her next plan.

As soon as time passed, more than ten days passed.

It didn't take long for the sun to rise this day, and the calm sea suddenly sprayed a skyward water column.

In the water column, Chu Yan, who had been in meditation for a long time, jumped out and hovered in the air.

He first released handsome and Tangtang.

Although you won't be hungry in the echo ring, you can't play happily outside for more than ten days, making these two monsters stunned enough.

As soon as it was released, the pig and the tiger suddenly burst into joy on the sea.

They are happy, but the sea fish, which is more than ten miles away, has suffered.

The amount of sugar and sugar is amazing, and it is absolutely no problem to eat a monster with the same weight as one.

As for handsome, that's scary.

Its belly is like a bottomless pit.

In less than an hour, twenty miles away, within the limits of the sea bounded by Chu Yan, all the creatures in the sea that they could capture were all eaten clean by them.

And a large part of it was eaten by handsome men.

After eating, the handsome body that became apparently enlarged became as if it were a piece of white fat, floating on the sea, and the sound of fullness and snoring came from time to time.

"Well, go back."

In the air, Chu Yan's voice came.

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