Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1714: Unusual transfiguration

Back to the void of reality, looking around, the world is still in chaos.

The void, which was strongly twisted, was broken into pieces at the moment.

It will take at least a few months, or even years, for all of them to return to their original state of azure blue.

Seeing this scene, Chu Yan couldn't help but sigh deeply.

Fortunately, at that time, he took the initiative and quickly left the Xinxin Island.

Otherwise, let's not say that the Island of the Heart will be crushed, and the lives of everyone on the island will be very dangerous at that time.

Moreover, it is impossible to make such a big noise, that you don't want to be focused by Tianyazong and Ziweimen.

If ordinary disciples can be attracted by Zongmen because of their extraordinary talent, it is naturally a yearning and luck.

But Chu Yan could not avoid it.

At least for now.

Because in the current End of the World, Ziwei Gate has great potential.

And he and Ziweimen have a lot of entanglements.

Many Ziweimen disciples died in his hands.

There are even higher status among them.

Once Ziwei Gate thoroughly investigates, unless Chu Yan can hide the opportunity, or someone is willing to take the opportunity to erase the opportunity for him.

Otherwise, he will be found on his head.

So at this time, Chu Yan still chose to practice low-key first.

When the future strength can run rampant, you don't have to be so careful.

In this twisted void, Chu Yan meditated for another day, stabilized his breath, and stepped forward.

The moment he stepped out of this void, suddenly his heart moved.

A sense of extreme vigilance suddenly rose in his mind.

At this moment, he just felt that the hairs on his back were all upright.

A keen sense of knowledge immediately caught a sharp killing intention, bursting from one hundred miles away towards himself.

Soon! "Zhiyin Ghost Shield!"

The mask is up.

boom! A hundred-foot-long spear shot angrily on the mask that had just been held up.

This spear is completely formed by seawater, but it seems to contain mountains and seas, revealing a hole through the nothingness, annihilating the power of the soul.

Hitting the mask violently, and suddenly, it has condensed into a crystal-like purple shaded ghost shield, and the surface lights up. The spear was smashed into a torrential rain, which crackled and fell on the sea.

As soon as Chu Yan's eyes were condensed, his thoughts swept away, and instantly, he locked a void a hundred miles away.

The figure that attacked him suddenly missed at this moment and immediately jumped into the sea.

Look at that figure, not like a monk, but more like a monster.

"Want to leave?"

Chu Yan sneered.

The arm grabbed forward, and the emptiness of a hundred miles collapsed.

He stepped forward with a flash of light before him, and the next moment, he had entered the sea that the attacker had just penetrated.

Waiting for the oncoming seawater to pour into the nasal cavity, Chu Yan backhandedly held the Xihai Zhaohunzhu.

Suddenly, the seawater that was oppressed around it ceased to be resistance, but turned into power.

At this moment, Chu Yan was no different from the fish that had been living in the sea.

With a breath, Chu Yan's consciousness swept again, and in an instant, he firmly attacked the guy who attacked himself.

The man was also extremely fast in the water, and Chu Yan chased after the other party missed.

But even with the effort of this flash of light, the other party has also escaped nearly fifty miles.

However, at this time, because of being near, Chu Yan also immediately judged the identity of the other party.

"Sir, no more than five levels of transformation."

The fifth-order metamorphosis monster is almost like the two major achievements of the monk's state of mind.

Judging from the realm, this transformational demon is higher than Chu Yan.

But apparently the other party was smart enough, and at the moment when the attack on Chu was impossible, he realized that the monk's strength was far from simple as the realm seemed.

So he decided to run away.

And directly into the sea.

Siren has a natural advantage in the sea.

At this time, the deformed Siren is really thinking about it like this.

But the next moment, his consciousness captured that there was a very strong blood, wrapped in a rolling tide, and rushed in his direction.

The Kraken was stunned first, was it that he had just passed some territories that was stronger than himself?

But no, this area of ​​the sea is fairly familiar, and there is no too powerful Siren.

In doubt, the Kraken looked up, and immediately saw Chu Yan's gaze in the torrent that came from Pentium, looking far away at himself.

Suddenly, the Kraken felt as if he had been struck by lightning.

A sense of fear permeated from the bone marrow.

His consciousness told him that he must flee at this time, even if he had to escape and pay the price of falling into the realm.

But his body was completely indifferent and could not move.

The power of a monk's blood turned a fifth-order transformation monster into shock.

"how can that be!"

At this moment, in the heart of this transformed monster, there is only a full shock.

As soon as he was stiff in the sea, Chu Yan came to him in an instant.

The blood of the ancient evil spirits had been swallowed before. At this time, by comparison, the blood of this transformed monster is not enough to plug the teeth.

But the problem is, this guy had attacked himself before.

What's more, if it's a monster, it can't be spared! Chu Yan directly raised his hand and took a picture with one palm.

There is no need to cast any magic skills.

It looks like a normal palm.

But at this moment, the seawater in the tens of miles was condensed, which was hundreds of times tighter than the iron plate.

Bang! Under heavy pressure, this transformational monster didn't even have time to react. His body turned into a thick mud of flesh and blood in the sea. Even when he died, Chu Yan even had his own body do not know.

Chu Yan dispersed and oppressed, and the seawater resumed flowing. The thick blood mass immediately began to spread in the seawater.

After a little groaning, Chu Yan decided to absorb the blood.

After all, the blood of the transformed monster is a rare treasure in the past.

But just as he was working to create bloodthirsty, and just absorbed this strand of blood, suddenly a pang of pain caused Chu Yan's brow to suddenly frown.

He acted instantly, disconnected the exercises, retracted his arm, and quickly backed up for ten miles.

But it was a step too late.

The crushed plasma of the transformational demon bloomed a **** light, exploded, turned into hundreds of meteors, and blasted away in all directions.

Chu Yan propped up the Ziyin Nether Shield, and dozens of **** of plasma hit it.

This time, the plasma did not break apart, but the crystal walls of the rotten mask made a noisy sound, and even in this seawater, dense bubbles appeared.

Chu Yan's face sank slightly.

The pain in the arm became more severe at this moment, like a drill bit, piercing the flesh, and then constantly rotating and grinding on the bone.

Chu Yan didn't hesitate, raised his left hand, forced suddenly, and moved along the right arm wrist to elbow position.

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