Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1717: Lord Black Dragon

The deformed monster was left. Although there was no obvious trauma at this time, his face was ugly. After a few violent fluctuations in his chest, a blood arrow was wowed.

At this moment he had hatred in his eyes, with a trace of resignation and fear.

Because at this time, he already understood.

Although the three brothers of their own side are all transformational monsters, and have the same spirit, their power is increased.

But it is still impossible to be Chu Yan's opponent.

If it is delayed further, it will die in the hands of other impending monsters even if it is not killed by Chu Yan.

With a glaring sorrow and regret, the big demon slammed his hands to both sides, grabbed the other two brothers who had been badly hit, and fluttered into shape. They immediately turned into three streams, and they were about to be taken away.

"I want to leave after a sneak attack?"

Chu Yan sneered and opened his mouth.

"Breaking Wind God Thunder!"

Click! A large ray of light suddenly poured down in mid-air.

Suddenly, the three streams that had just formed were sieved into a sieve, almost falling apart.

At the next moment, the figures of the three big monsters reappeared, and they fell and flew far away. There were blood springs all over their bodies, one after another, one after another, gushing out.

Chu Yan stepped forward and rushed in front of them, wielding a chopped flame, cricket, three swords in a row, cutting the three of them back into two.

Then, without giving the other party the slightest chance to react, the sword tip continued to pick.

Huh! With three stabs of blood, these three big demon nucleus were picked out by him.

There was a lesson from the previous car, Chu Yan did not immediately swallow the demon core at this time, but instead inserted the demon core together with the body of the three-headed big demon into the echo ring.

After completing this series of movements like flowing clouds, Chu Yan turned his head and glanced in one direction nearby, then waved his arm, took out the heaven and earth chessboard, stepped on it, and quickly flew in the other direction.

Almost immediately after he left, a thick chain suddenly formed in the void.

This chain is more than ten miles long, and it takes roughly ten people to hold together. It is like an iron cable blocking the river, a giant dragon across the river, and a tail of a dragon moving toward the sea where Chu Yan has just been drawn.

Immediately, with a bang, the seawater in the tens of miles was tens of feet deep, all boiled in boiling water and set off numerous waves.

At this time, even if it is a steel island, deep in it, it will be torn apart.

Amidst the turmoil, a dark palm suddenly formed.

The palm was as big as a mountain. At this moment, it was grabbed out, and the emptiness was shrinking violently towards the palm, as if it were a black hole.

After the big hand, a big seal appeared suddenly above the sky.

The golden seal glittered with a sacred, mighty shore, and fell suddenly.

This time, it looks like the gods step on the ground and break the mountains and rivers.

Layers of void, all shattered like glass, burst into crackling sounds.

The big Indian press exploded the huge waves, forced the sea water, and rubbed the seabed rock formations like cotton.

Looking around, it seems as if natural disasters are coming and the end is coming.

But none of these magical powers could hit Chu Yan.

Even the air waves that set off never hurt him.

After a while, the three figures appeared like ghosts in the rain and fog.

These three figures are the three headed monsters who have just shot.

Although these three demon monsters are human, their heads retain their original beast states.

One is a sharp-toothed shark, the other is a fish, but the nose is like a hammer, and the other is a turtle.

In addition to the bare, recognizable head of this turtle, there is also a large tortoise shell with a faint golden light behind it.

These three headed monsters have great luck.

After appearing at the same time, not only did the air hundreds of miles away suddenly become as heavy as mercury, the seawater no longer surged, the sea breeze no longer blew, and even the original wanted to come here and try to take a cup The rampant siren have all stopped the trend of advancement, only come over with the sense of consciousness, revealing an attitude of shock and fear.

These three demon monsters are obviously all overlords.

Otherwise, there would not be such an amazing deterrent.

But at this time, when they appeared here, no one spoke, and no one chased Chu Yan without authorization, but hovered in the air, stood upright, respectfully, as if they were welcoming the appearance of a more powerful character.

A moment later, in the void, there was a sound of drops, like the sound of trampling on a horse's hoof.

Listening to this voice, the three-headed transformation demon became more solemn, and invariably, bent forward, arching his hands.

"Welcome to Lord Black Dragon."

Wow—in the lingering rain and fog, a tall water-shaped portal was suddenly pulled up.

After the portal, the rattling of horseshoes became clearer and closer.

The sound of the moment was still far away.

The next moment, with a bronze seahorse taller than a human being, a chariot drawn by eighteen sea horses soared out of the portal.

Standing on the chariot was a young man in black armor, tall and full of majesty.

Suddenly, a wild, majestic, bloody, unpredictable breath came to the scene.

The big demon thoughts spied from a distance receded immediately like a tide, full of a scramble to scramble for the road.

The three demon monsters on the scene made a large number of monsters dare not to cross the Thunderchi to transform into a big monster. At this time, the body couldn't help shaking. The originally lowered head suddenly dropped lower.

The young man, known as Lord Black Dragon, had a cold look, swept around, and immediately fell on the three-headed big demon in front of him.

He didn't open his mouth, but at this moment his body was violently bloody.

This scarlet match instantly filled the scene with an extremely tragic atmosphere, almost pulling the human soul, tearing it apart, and never surviving.

The three-headed big demon trembled, and all of them suddenly knelt on the ground, scratching their heads.

"Lord's life!"

"Master forgive me!"

"Please adult network open!"

Among the tribe, the three-headed demon who is almost at the level of the old ancestor is like a grandson at this time, and the **** is like a pounding garlic, full of panic.

If it weren't for the eyes, it would be hard to believe.


The youth known as the Black Dragon made a faint nasal sound.

Although the sound was very light, immediately, the nose-shaped deformed monster with a hammer-like shape slammed into the flesh and blood.

A ray of remnant just leaked from the plasma, and was immediately annihilated like light smoke.

The other two deformed monsters, the sharp-toothed shark and the turtle, also trembled suddenly, and the corners of their mouths were bleeding.

But at this moment, not only did they not resist, but their **** became more and more rapid. They even shouted their lives, their voices trembled, and they were obviously terrified.

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