Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1732: Anecdotal abilities

It's as if singing a low groan, but it is a whisper of the soul.

Anyone who heard this murmur would be frightened with their hair standing up.

Moreover, the coldness penetrated the flesh and reached the bone marrow, as if even the soul of a person had to be taken away and frozen.

"This ... sword ... currently ... state ... only ... you ... can ... control ..." Behind the gate of hell, the evaluation came.

Chu Yan's blood is not only magnificent, but also fierce.

Only in this way can it suppress the breath of death that can bring about this sword.

Chu Yan gathered his eyes and grabbed his hand.

Huh! This scratch seemed to tear the white light in front of the eyes like a curtain.

The light suddenly condensed in Chu Yan's palm.

The slap-long sword suddenly flew out and was grasped by Chu Yan.

cold! Chu Yan's first feeling is extremely cold! For a moment, he was so cold that he couldn't speak, and his thinking seemed to be frozen.

But the next moment, the fierce blood, like the sun of melting ice, instantly shrank this chill.

However, the sword didn't seem to believe it, it was trembling and trembling, and the white frost on the surface wanted to fight back.

"It's ... your ... resentment ... it's heavy ..." "It was natural. I killed him and took his spine to make magic weapons. It would make me feel strange not to hate me."

Chu Yan sneered, "Since that is the case, then I will completely sacrifice you, heaven!"

The light in his right hand shone, Chu Yanyi grasped the hilt of his sword, and his blood was madly flowing like a river.

Long sword trembled and struggled in Chu Yan's hands to get rid of his shackles.

But the suppression of the death penalty is not something it can resist at all.

After a few moments, the sword could not move.

At the same time, Chu Yan felt that there was a sense of blood connection between him and the sword.


Feeling the surrender of the sword, Chu Yan nodded secretly, and then began to carefully look at this magic weapon created by his own means.

"Eighth-order spirit."

Chu Yan swept away and made judgments.

The magic weapon of this rank is definitely the kind of dream for ordinary monks in the state of mind.

However, Chu Yan has cut inflammation and torture, as well as the mysterious mirror moon. Compared with the eighth-order spirit, it is slightly inferior.

But Chu Yan was not anxious or disgusted.

Because the current sword, in his eyes, is the same as its grade, only 80% completed.

For the remaining 20%, some special materials are needed.

After the missing materials were merged into it, it was completely completed at that time. Chu Yan believed that even if this long sword could not be upgraded to the ninth-order spirit, half-step nine-step, there was absolutely no problem.

As for the probability of reaching the ninth order, Chu Yan estimates that to be conservative, it will be 90%.

In fact, the missing materials, although relatively rare, do indeed belong to Chu Yan.

It's just not on him at the moment.

To be precise, the required materials are currently stored in a treasure house of the monsoon pond.

At this time, the sword was refined, and Chu Yan's next plan was to gather up the treasures in these treasures.

The reason why Chu Yan did this is not to say that he currently lacks magic weapons.

This is mainly because a long time has passed since the monsoon pond fell.

Today, the news that he and his subordinates in the water, fire and light mine caused the fall must have been made public.

In this case, the forces under his control must fall apart.

Although more than half of his thirty-two treasuries are only known to him by himself, there are still five or six treasuries, like the one that Chu Yan visited before, which is guarded.

Now that the monsoon pond is dead, there is a great possibility that those who keep the treasure house will swallow it.

Now that this treasure house has been named Chu, Chu Yan naturally does not want other treasures in his treasure house to be obtained by others.

Especially these people are all monks who do all evil.

Coincidentally, at this time, if you want to promote this newly forged magic sword, you still need several materials.

So he planned to collect these treasures first.

As for the remaining unattended, don't worry.

In the future, if someone you trust passes by, it is okay to let the other person help.

Chu Yan was thinking about it at this moment, and there was an intermittent voice behind the gate of hell.

"This sword ... is called ... what ..." "You care a lot."

Chu Yan chuckled, and groaned a little, saying, "It's called dying language. The purpose of building it at that time was not to be able to exert the power of the three dead corpse sword."

"..." There was no voice behind the gates of hell.

In Chu Yan's opinion, since the other party did not object, it was tantamount to acquiescence.

So this problem does not need to be tangled again.

Chu Yan stretched out two fingers, stroking gently on the dead language.

The blade of the dead language is not as smooth and flat as the ordinary blade.

If you don't look at the hilt, the dead talk is more like sanding a thick and long spine into the shape of a hilt.

Its surface is exactly like a cut of the spine.

But it is exactly the same that only makes this sword reveal a sense of recklessness and wildness.

And although it looks like this sword has no sharp edge, in fact, this sword is more sharp than ordinary spirits.

Chu Yan Shen Nian infiltrated into it, feeling the change of the dead language after the sacrifice.

Suddenly, he felt a coolness, passing through the meridian through his hilt.

Suddenly, the speed of the reiki flow in his body became slow.

Of course, this is not to say that the bad language interfered with Chu Yan badly.

This change is somewhat similar to a person's slowing breathing or slowing heart rate.

Chu Yan almost felt the moment of this change, suddenly flashed in his mind.

He immediately performed the technique of suppressing the realm, in conjunction with the slow flow of the aura.

Immediately, the breath of His Royal Highness trembled, and then began to descend.

Heaven's state of mind doubled into a state of smallness, first suddenly fell to heaven's state of mind's completeness.

Then continue to fall.

It was a major achievement in the state of mind.

Then he fell into a small state of mind.

Chu Yan made no effort.

His breath was shaking again, then fell a little bit.

Although he didn't fall into the terrible divine realm, he still stayed in the heavenly state of mind, but at this time he felt like he was not a heavenly state of mind and the magnificent master.

It was a newly-launched teacher who had just broken through from the realm of the earth to the state of mind. The realm had not yet been fully stabilized, and his breath was still flowing.

The difference between the two is heaven and earth.

After Chu Yan released his sword, his breath suddenly jumped up, and his realm suddenly returned to the duality of heaven.

After repeating it a few times, Chu Yan's eyes lightened suddenly: "This sword still has this effect!"

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