Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1748: Smart Yuan Yuan

After writing, Chu Yan thought about it, modified a few of them, and injected aura.

Watching the messenger disappear in the palm of his hand, Chu Yan snorted softly, stood up and greeted handsome and Tangtang: "Leave, go to the next treasure house."

... At the same time, Yuan Zhen suddenly moved in the box of a tea house in a big city.

He motioned to the person sitting opposite and took out a messenger in his storage bag.

This messenger also has the pattern of a fairy crane.

He injected aura, the surface of the messenger, and a short piece of content quickly emerged.

Gaze swept away, Yuan Yuan's eyes flickered, as if surprised.

But if you take a closer look, the look on his face becomes complicated again, and he strokes his chin with his left hand, looks at the messenger, and frowns, thinking.

Seeing what he looked like, the man in the purple shirt sitting opposite Yuan Yuan smiled at this time: "If the Yuanling Master is in trouble, I will wait and wait until you are done, and we will continue talking."


Yuan Zhen waved his hand and said to the man in the purple shirt: "This matter has something to do with what I just said. Please also wait a moment for the shopkeeper. I will think about how to deal with it."

He pointed to the messenger in his hand, paused, and continued: "I may have found where the target is."


The man in the purple shirt brightened his eyes and nodded with a smile: "It wouldn't be more convenient, I'll just wait here."

Yuan Zhen nodded, instead of continuing to talk to the other party, he focused on the messenger in his hand.

After thinking for a while, he took out another messenger, wrote a few words on it, and injected aura.

After waiting for half an hour, he got a response.

Upon seeing the message from the messenger this time, Yuan Zhen's breathing suddenly became sharp, and his eyes flashed with a mixture of surprise and excitement.

The man in the purple shirt sitting opposite him always looked at him with a smile, as if he had not been affected by Yuan Zhen's mood swings.

"Please wait a moment for the treasurer, I will get things done quickly."

Yuan Zhen was worried that the other party was in a hurry. After all, this time he asked for it, so he quickly explained it.


The man in the purple shirt smiled and waved.

Yuan Zhen nodded, and after considering for a moment, put the previous messenger with the Chuyan message in front of him, wrote a line on it, and sent it out.

This time he didn't wait long before he got a response.

There was only one word on the response message: "OK."


Seeing this word, Yuan Zhen waved his fist in excitement, and a sentence popped out of his teeth: "Let you throw yourself into the net this time!"


The man in the purple shirt smiled at Yuan Zhen, "what is the Yuanling Master so happy?"

"Treasurer, this is good news."

Yuanzhang laughed, "I wanted to ask the shopkeeper to send out a killer to kill the enemy for me, but the problem is not suffering from not knowing where the other party is now?"


The man in the purple shirt nodded.

However, his eyes immediately fell on the messenger in front of Yuan Zhen, and he immediately said, "Yuan Lingshi means, have you found it now?"

"If I'm right, this is the person who just contacted me."

In Yuan Zhen's eyebrows, he couldn't restrain himself at this moment. "And I'm sure he didn't know that I had taken him apart, and he stupidly agreed with me when and where to meet."


This is how the same thing? "

The man in the purple shirt seemed interested.

Yuan Zhen took out the messenger from which Chu Yan first sent the message, and said, "This is the messenger I left for a certain subordinate. As long as we can communicate with each other, we cannot use it for other purposes.

And in order to avoid accidents, I have set up a secret word with this subordinate that only we two know.

Either he or I, as long as you use this messenger to send a message, you must bring a word in it, so that you can ensure that it will not be misused by others. "

"This is indeed a good method."

The purple shirt man nodded and said.

"The message I sent just now, although it contains a code word, is used in a place that is not usually used on weekdays.

So I had doubts.

My subordinates have always been cautious in their work and have never made any mistakes.

Immediately after this problem occurred, I used another messenger to contact another subordinate and asked him to inquire. "

At this moment, Yuan Zhen picked up another messenger with two fingers, his eyes flashed brightly, and said, "The news from this other subordinate is that the influence of the former subordinate was just today. Big accident.

And it was the monk who attacked Silver City before. "


The man in the purple shirt blinked, "Are you sure?"

"It's true."

Yuan narrowed his eyes, and a pang of coldness appeared in his eyes. "Because this person did not hide his whereabouts, at least thousands of people at the time saw his appearance.

And the way of acting today is exactly the same as that of Silver City, so it is definitely this person.

This person is obviously coming at me, and it is very likely that he has some information.

My subordinate was in the same forces that suffered today, and in order to do something at that time, it caused the murder.

So according to my speculation, the thing is that this person killed my subordinate, and using his tone, he used this messenger to send me a message, trying to lead me to appear.

But he didn't know that I was always cautious in doing things. Not only did I use this special messenger, but every messenger contained a secret word in it.

There is only one possibility for this codeword to be wrong, that is, he tortured my men severely, and knew the codeword.

But my men deliberately told him a wrong one to warn me. "

"It's a loyal subordinate. It's moving."

The man in the purple shirt nodded again and again. "The same is true of my assassin who kills the pavilion. Even if the assassination fails, it will never leak the identity of the employer."

"I trust the Ghost Kill Court, otherwise I would not come to the shopkeeper for this special trip."

Yuan Zhen complimented each other a little, and then continued: "After knowing that the person is posing as my men, I will count it and make an appointment with him. After 18 days, I will meet somewhere."

"I understand."

The man in the purple shirt responded, "It's really a good plan to count the plans. At that time, the killer of the ghost killing the pavilion can be ambush there beforehand, and by then I can't catch this guy by surprise.

That person certainly doesn't know that you have been pierced by the Yuanling Master, and there must be no precautions. "

"That is."

Yuan Yan's eyebrows smiled, getting more proud, and shaking his fingers, "But the shopkeeper, you just said something wrong."


Which sentence? "

The man in the purple shirt asked curiously.

"It's not just your killer who kills the Court, but me, and I will be there."

Yuan Zhen said.

"Yuanling Master, you have to be there in person?"

The man in the purple shirt frowned, "Is this safe?"

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