Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1750: Here comes the fish

Bang! Bang! It didn't take long for Chu Yan to step out of the void. After a few loud noises, more than a dozen corpses lay on the grass.

Blood flowed out, and a moment of effort formed a stream.

Chu Yan let the handsome solve it by himself, and then walked to a place on the grass.

It looks mediocre here, but Chu Yan quickly found accurate coordinates against a few large stones in the distance.

Raise your hand and slap into the grass in front of you.

The ground suddenly cracked a tens of feet long.

Four or five feet below the fissure, there was a oozing of light.

"Well, it's here."

Chu Yan nodded and patted him again.

The ground was completely overturned, and suddenly a door that had been violently twisted appeared in front of Chu Yan.

This is the third of the seven treasures that Chu Yan needs to gather during his trip.

For a moment, after putting all the treasures in the treasure house into the echo ring, Chu Yan, with his handsomeness and sugar candy, got up and went to the next place.

The collection of the next few treasure troves went smoothly.

In contrast, Liu Fuqing and Cangyangmen were just a small accident.

After Chu Yan resolved the remaining treasure trove, it was only six days later.

The rest of the time, naturally, can not be wasted, so Chu Yan simply went to a few treasure houses outside the plan, and waited for the day before the agreement with Yuan Zhen, and then went to the place that had been said in advance.

The place where Yuan Zhen and Chu Yan agreed was an abandoned town about 1,500 miles away from Cangyang Gate.

The choice here fits the status of Liu Fuqing as the elder of Cangyangmen.

At this time there are about two hours away from the agreed time.

In a dense forest outside the town, Yuan Zhen was talking to the man in the purple shirt.

However, Yuan Zhen's eyes kept looking toward the town, and he seemed absent-minded.

The man in the purple shirt looked at his expression, and a smile appeared at this time: "Yuanling Master is worried that the person will not come?"

"It's true."

Yuan Zhen nodded and glanced back and forth.

The whole town, at this time exuding a rundown and serene atmosphere, did not look like someone.

Although the monks who knew that the ghost was killing the ambush, Yuan Zhen was still a little worried when he saw this scene.

The reaction of the man in the purple shirt to him was a little strange.

He smiled at this moment, taking out a branch with a pale golden light from the storage bag: "Yuanling master, look at this treasure."

"what is this?"

Yuan Zhen's attention was drawn, and he asked curiously.

"Yuanling Master, didn't you say before, that you suspect that person has a magic weapon or a formation method of space transfer?"

Said the man in the purple shirt.

"Can this magic weapon block the void?"

Yuan Zhen immediately reacted.


The man in the purple shirt shook his head.

"Then this is ..." Yuan Zhen asked puzzled.

"This magic weapon, called Broken Willow, was borrowed from a teacher this special trip.

Its role is not to block the void, but to open the void. "

The purple shirt man explained leisurely.

Yuan Zheng blinked, and immediately responded: "If that person moves space to escape, you use this magic weapon to open up the void and then catch up!"

"Is such that."

The man in the purple shirt smiled and nodded.

Staring at the broken empty willow, Yuan Zhen flushed with excitement for a moment.

The excitement of him is not only that the purple shirt man showed this magic weapon, but also that this broken empty willow in hand means that whenever possible, the purple shirt man will take the shot himself! In this way, it took two copies of the spirit stone, but you can invite three monks to kill the ghost, and all three are in the state of mind, so don't be too cost-effective! The man in the purple shirt did not know what Yuan Zhen was thinking at this moment, and continued: "In addition to hunting, this can actually be a life-saving magic weapon. At the critical moment, open up the void and help escape.

However, this effect is absolutely impossible to use today.

Master Yuanling, just wait and see a good show.

But I feel you might be disappointed. "


Why do you say that? "

Yuan Zhen puzzled.

"A good show is bound to be ups and downs, but my ghost kills the court to shoot, and normally it is a trick.

Although it may not be so simple today, there are only two or three magical works.

In the blink of an eye, the person has lost the ability to resist.

So, it is destined to see a wonderful battle. "

The tone of the purple shirt man was full of regret at this time.

Yuan Zhen and the purple shirt man think differently.

He was anxious to make a quick decision, lest night long dreams, so at this moment he laughed twice and did not speak again.

The man in the purple shirt sighed twice before taking out a pearl-like bead and holding it in his palm.

Immediately, a faint light emerged from this bead, wrapping the purple shirt man and Yuan Zhen in it.

In an instant, the man in the purple shirt and Yuanzhang seemed to disappear into this dense forest. No matter how you look at it, you can't see the slightest difference.

Yuan Zhen knew that this bead was obviously a magic weapon that could play a role similar to the magic array.

However, at this time, as the appointed time approached, he did not focus on this magic weapon, but instead focused his attention on the deserted town in the distance.

Another hour passed.

Yuan Zhen, who had been looking anxiously, suddenly heard the purple shirt man next to him make a soft sound: "Here it is!"

Yuan Zhen hurriedly followed the other's eyes.

He hadn't found it at first.

But after a while, he saw a figure flying from the distance.

"Despicable! There is still an hour left before the appointed time!"

Yuan Zhen cursed.

When he said this, he never thought about it, he and the purple shirt man, including the hidden ghost killing monk, but came here in ambush more time in advance.

Yuan Zhen opened his eyes wide at this moment and stared at the Chu Yan flying in the air.

After a while, when Fei came closer, he saw Chu Yan's face displayed at this moment. Suddenly, his body shook and her heartbeat was missed.

It had a three-pointer-like face, which really made him feel scared! "This man must be killed, and before he is killed, I must figure out his identity."

After Yuan Zhen took a deep breath, he gritted his teeth and said.

"Everything will be what you want, Master Yuanling. Now you just need to watch it quietly."

The man in the purple shirt comforted aside: "Okay, he's starting to descend."

Between words, Chu Yan in the air had come to the sky above this deserted town, and then fell down.

Yuan Zhen has no realm of a purple shirt and has limited eyesight. At this time, he can only look forward to it.

According to the previous instructions of the man in the purple shirt, he already knew the location of the two killers in the ghost killing court.

At this moment his eyes were fixed on Chu Yan.

As Chu Yan slowly approached the killer's place in this deserted town, a pair of fists in Yuan Zhen's sleeves gradually clenched, and his teeth couldn't help but bite on his own. He silently counted in his heart: "One hundred feet ... eight Ten feet ... 50 feet ... 20 feet ... coming soon! "

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