Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1796: Vulnerable

The enemies met with jealousy.

The anger and hatred in the ancestors of the blackbird were endless, as if the sea of ​​blood was flowing and boiling.

At this moment she shouted at everyone in Huang Yuzong and raised her palm.

At this moment, her nails had become as red as blood, like a red-hot soldering iron, and over a foot long, looked terrifying, like a **** ghost.

There are hundreds of miles away from Wan Yanjie and others. She slammed her palm down.

Bang Bang Bang Bang! Wan Yanjie and others were surrounded by a sea of ​​blood.

The next moment, this sea of ​​blood collapsed like a wall, instantly engulfing Wan Yanjie and others.

"The overlord thundered!"

Zuo Shuanglong roared loudly, grabbed his arms in the void, smashed the shadows of the sword, and entangled with thunder, such as the golden snake dancing wildly, chopped away towards the surrounding water.

Crackling! A booming explosion sounded, and the thunder light tore the seawater apart instantly, but it was soon filled again.

Rumble! This sounded like Hong Zhongda Lu's general voice, and immediately stunned one of his disciples, Huang Yuzong.

Others were unable to rescue, and immediately saw the disciple being drawn into the seawater. In an instant, he was crushed into flesh and blood by the rushing seawater, which instantly broke down and disappeared.


Seeing this, Wan Yanjie's eyes flashed.

He lifted his long hair in front of his forehead, and raised his eyebrows, shooting the majestic light of supreme majesty.

Suddenly, Shenguang Cave penetrated the Taotao seawater, and the light reflected his body, making Wan Yanjie look soaring into the sky.

It seemed that the seawater poured by Tianhe was immediately blown out of a gap.

Wan Yanjie rolled up a long sleeve and rushed out with a few younger brothers and sisters.

Except for Wan Yanjie, several others had a startled look on their faces.

Because at that moment, what they felt was a terror force that they had never felt before.

This power is like suppressing their mountains and rivers.

In front of this force, they are so small that they are not as good as ants.

At this moment, Wan Yanjie had the opportunity to look up and look forward.

Suddenly, they saw the shawl emitting like a crazy black ancestor.

"It's you!"

Wan Yanjie spit out two words in his teeth.

The other party had hatred of treasure hunting before, but now, there is even deep blood and enmity in killing the same door.

The black ancestor laughed, and then his face sank, his whole body lingering, looking like the evil spirit who climbed up from hell, gritted his teeth and frowned. Fragments of corpses, frustrated! "

"You killed my fellow, today I will stab your skin, draw your tendons, and refine your bones into a magic weapon, so that you will be slaves forever!"

Wan Yanjie yelled.

One sentence made the skeleton into a magic weapon, and immediately struck the inner wound of the ancestor of the blackbird.

Suddenly, she was holding her breath, as if boiling.

The whole man's hair rises, and the whole body of blood swells, as if a sea world made up of blood is about to come.

She looked up sharply and laughed wildly.

It was full of resentment, anger, sadness.

The sound went into the ears, and immediately made the disciples of the Emperor Yuzong present to feel the eardrum tingling, and the spirit was more like being torn apart with layers of hands, it was almost painful.

The next moment, another Emperor Yuzong covered his ears, screamed, and fell from the air.

Wan Yanjie was startled, and the left Ssangyong beside him had flew over, grabbing the female disciple.

With a sweep of consciousness, Zuo Shuanglong's eyes were instantly covered by anger.

This female disciple has breathlessly died.

"I will kill you!"

Zuo Shuanglong immediately roared and rushed towards the black ancestor.


Wan Yanjie hurriedly stopped.

But this time, it's too late.

Zuo Shuanglong passed him in an instant, and there was a flash of thunder in the back, forming a knife box in an instant.

In the knife box, two large blades are placed across.

He reached into his back with both hands and yanked the two huge blades out.

These two giant blades are as if they were formed by the aggregation of thunder.

Zuo Shuanglong sprayed on the blade in one fell swoop. Suddenly, countless thunder-spots condensed on top of it, forming a spiral vortex in an instant, as if numerous thunders exploded in the air, violently impacting on the black ancestor.

The thunder exploded and wrapped up in Tianwei, making the surroundings look pale, as if everything in the world had to melt in this white light.

The black ancestor remained motionless with a smirk: "Did you understand what I just said, my name is you-ants!"

She burst into a sudden, five fingers with long nails, and swiped forward.

Hey! In the void, five blood-stained traces appeared as if cutting.

This trace haunted the extremely fierce light, the fierce light and blood light revealed in it, just a glance, it seemed that the blade was forced into the throat, making people unable to breathe and stagnation.

These five scars of blood color suddenly disappeared in place.

The next moment, it appeared before the thunder.

Lightning was torn apart instantly.

The eye-catching thunder was instantly shattered.

Scarlet scratches cut the double knives in Zuo Shuanglong's hands into several segments in an instant.

At this moment, Zuo Shuanglong also felt the coercion of the superior from the other side.

He didn't even feel this coercion on Wan Yanjie's body.

"This is ... old ..." He took a short breath and reacted suddenly.

But then, he never had a chance to speak again.

A fierce impact of blood light, even sharper than Feijian, killing fiercely, exterminating vitality.

Zuo Shuanglong's body was instantly covered with dense bloodstains.

There was fear on his face.

There was shock in his eyes.

Then, bang, the body exploded like a firework in midsummer.

Blood water is like scattered fire.

The ancestor of the black cricket smiled and looked at Wan Yanjie and others who were shocked and almost dull. The smile on his face was proud and sloppy: "Now it's clear, ants.

However, you have no chance to repent. "

The voice fell, and another claw grabbed.

The bloodstains stopped again in her palm, and suddenly disappeared. The next moment, they appeared in front of Wan Yanjie.

A savage atmosphere, instantly destroyed, and more powerful than the previous torn left Ssangyong.

The few people before the bloodstains, at this time, were horrified to find that even though they were aware of the opponent's shot, at this moment, their bodies were not as good as the ones on the other side.

The void around them seemed to be frozen. Even if they moved their fingers, they would be many times more difficult than usual! The emotions of death and despair were instantly filled with hearts.

"Brother beware!"

Just at this moment, behind the Yan Yanjie, the handsome young disciple shouted loudly.

His thin body suddenly danced the thunder sword.

The giant sword with a general door panel draws out a fan-shaped light, tearing off the blocked void around him, and letting his body suddenly stand in front of Wan Yanjie.

"You ..." Wan Yanjie just had time to spit out the word, and all three of them were surrounded by throbbing blood.

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