Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1798: Fried

A person's facial features melt like a candle.

His head also cracked from the position of his forehead.

That scene is as weird as it is weird.

However, at this moment, Wan Yanjie's whole body continued to sacred golden light.

In the light, more flames were beating.

As if the majesty of the gods came into the world, they instantly shrouded the scene.

This momentum is even more generous than the black ancestors.

"Isn't Wan Yanjie the Master of Heaven's Heart, Zifu?"

Feeling the thick and thick Tao Yun, Chu Yan thought about it.

But soon, he rejected this speculation.

"If this is the case, how could anyone beheaded and killed by the same door, and he was seriously injured before he could show the true power."

The next moment, Chu Yan came to his senses.

This power does not come from Wan Yanjie himself.

It was a power inside him, and he woke up at this moment.

Precisely speaking, at the time of Wan Yanjie's distress, this force was inspired.

"Ha! I see what else you can do!"

The black ancestor screamed, his hands folded in front of him, and he tore suddenly.

Hey! Countless cuts, full of blood, were torn towards Wan Yanjie.

Wan Yanjie was covered with golden light all over his body at this time, and the mighty shore and sacred power continued to flow from his body.

Although his expression could not be discerned from the five senses at this time, Wan Yanjie had obviously become another person at this time.

As soon as he raised his hand, behind him, a golden shadow appeared.

The appearance of this phantom seemed to have the greatness of shattering the universe and suppressing the evil spirits. In an instant, the ancestor of the blackbird shook his body, tearing out the blood and fading with it.

At this time, Wan Yanjie interrupted the sword with a backhand shake, and threw his arm.

The broken sword was immediately wrapped in golden light, soaring a hundredfold in mid-air, turning it into a sharp golden vortex, instantly shredding the blood light from the smashing and killing it to the black ancestor.

"Jack! Blackblood Blood Armor!"

The black ancestor shouted with a grimace.

Suddenly, endless blood erupted under her feet.

With a flurry of blood, a thick layer of armor was formed on her instantly.

The golden vortex, instantly, slashed up and twitched fiercely.

Suddenly, there was a loud sound of prying steel plates, and with the painful roar of the ancestor of the blackbird, blood ran out from her shoulders as if he didn't want money.

The body of the black ancestor fell straight from the air, and slammed like a meteorite to the ground.

Immediately, sound waves rushed around, this palace was blown up directly, and half a snowy mountain collapsed into it.

The howling wind suddenly swept from all directions.

In the blizzard of the sky, Wan Yanjie turned into a golden light and shot directly into the sky.

A moment later, there was a loud noise over Xiao Qiankun's world.

At the same time, a golden spot spread.

But soon it disappeared.

And on the ground, in a fragment of the wall, the black ancestor's ancestor spit out blood.

Her left arm, shoulder to shoulder, turned into thick blood at this moment, covering almost half of the snow-capped mountains.

The scorching blood and water melted the ice and snow, at this time like a waterfall, rushing down.

The black ancestor's whole body was also covered with cracks.

In her eyes, with fear, with consternation, and with anger.

"If during my heyday ... how could you be an ant ... hurt me ..." He spit out blood again, and the ancestor of blackbird struggled to get up from the ground.

With each movement, blood and water continued to flow from the cracks in her body.

By the time she barely stood up, she seemed to be standing in a lake of blood, and there was a **** smell that could not be thickened between her breaths.

"Your breath, I remember, when I recover, I will kill you all! Kill all!"

The blackbird's ancestor yelled a few times, suddenly covering his chest, and then a severe cough.

This time, not only the hot blood, but also the internal organ fragments.

If this degree of injury is replaced by a monk, I am afraid that I can't stand up.

Only the beast, the body condensed, and the blood gas condensed, can it be supported.

After vomiting blood again, the black ancestor's face was already scary white.

But there was a sneer in the corner of her mouth.

"Hey, fortunately, I have been prepared for a while to keep an incarnation."

Prior to hunting down the incarnation of Wei Changge, the ancestor of the Blackbird was not too late to recall, but intentionally stayed out.

On the one hand, the incarnation could help her discover enemies that might be hiding out.

Another aspect is to prevent accidents and to replenish blood in time when you are seriously injured.

At this moment, the ancestor of the Heihe concentrated his spirit on the incarnation outside.

A moment later, a woman in a black dress shot from a distance.

"Hoo--" He breathed a sigh of relief.

By absorbing this incarnation, you can recover at least 30% to 40% of your injuries.

In this way, there will be no problems withdrawing from this small world.

As for the killing of monks who have made themselves so embarrassed, when they return, their injuries are restored, and they will go to revenge one by one! "This small world is too much to suppress the strength of this ancestor.

When I get back outside, my ancestor level, I see a few people can stop it! "

The black ancestor gritted his teeth and gave a loud drink.

Looking at the avatar that was getting closer, less than thirty miles away at this time, the black ancestor opened his arms and once again issued a contented sigh.

But the moment her eyes narrowed slightly, the incarnation that was flying was no sign, and it slammed open.

It's like a firecracker, fried into scattered plasma.

Then there is no more.

The blackbird old ancestors immediately stumbled in place.

what's going on.

The avatar is not an independent individual, but is equivalent to the other hands and eyes of the black ancestor.

What the incarnation sees and feels can also be known by the ontology for the first time.

But just now, her incarnation didn't notice the slightest problem.

But during the flight, it exploded for no reason.

Your avatar exploded-this sudden accident has caught the black ancestor off guard.

But she also responded extremely quickly, immediately returning to her head, facing the position where she had just flew, flung her right arm, setting off a torrent of blood: "Get out!"

The rushing blood and blood in the surrounding area immediately turned into a torrent, condensing into a thick, roaring dragon, and violently rushed out.

Bang Bang Bang! That snow and ice were all blown up in an instant.

The mountains and rocks covered by snow and ice also exploded.

The whole mountain was swept, and in a blink of an eye, it was short.

However, after a round of raids, the black ancestor's face became increasingly ugly.

Not only that, her whole body's blood seemed to be frozen by the cold wind around her.

"How can ..." Looking at the mess in front of her, she only felt a heart sinking.

At this time, a sword-mang appeared without any sign behind her.

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