Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1810: Kill your son

Jin Tenglong roared again and again, no longer giving Xiao Qin a chance to refute, and his wrists shook, and he immediately took out a large square seal and snapped it towards the crowd.

"Give me your hand and go to Ziweimen to take charge!"

boom! Suddenly, the thunder rolled.

Dayin instantly became the size of a house and fell in front of everyone.

The void below the big seal is like a glazed glass, not broken or broken.

Everyone on the Lingzhou, Xiao Qin's realm is comparable to Jin Tenglong's, but the previous injuries have not recovered.

Not only were Cao Jing, Yang Yuyan, and Sun Mou still intact, but their realm was also lower than Jin Tenglong, which is undoubtedly worse at the moment.

At this moment, when the opponent shot, the air flow sweeping around, rolling thunder and shaking, the formation of the entire surface of the spirit boat was immediately broken, and the sound of explosion burst into pieces.

Everyone on the Lingzhou, Xiao Qin flew out more than ten miles at once, the old injury recurred, a blood arrow spewed from his mouth, his eyes were angry.

Cao Jing and others were fainted by the shock, and fell straight towards the ground.

Chu Yan flew down and grabbed and sucked all three.

Jin Tenglong's eyes did not look at Chu Yan at this moment.

Because in his opinion, Chu Yan is nothing more than a "district" place, and the real tricky thing is Xiao Qin.

As long as Xiao Qin is resolved, there are few people left, and there is no fear at all.

At this time, seeing Xiao Qin's breath disorder, Jin Tenglong's eyes flashed with joy.

Originally thought that there would be a bitter battle, now it seems that the other party is just the end of the crossbow.

Jin Tenglong immediately waved his hands, his body full of aura, the winds swept around, holding up the big seal, a momentum sweeping all over, smashing towards Xiao Qin.

"Jin Tenglong, see who this is!"

At this moment, a loud drink came.

A glance at Jin Tenglong's eyes suddenly broke.

When he saw his baby son, at this moment he was only half-length, and was about to take a breath. He was held in his hands by the heavy disciple of the Yuanyuan Realm that he had not seen in his eyes before.

Immediately, anger and killing filled his heart.

"Let him go!"

Jin Tenglong roared, the sound of waves rolling, the bombardment was normal, spreading all around, the earth shattered.

Chu Yan sneered and let go, letting Jin Peng fall to the ground.


Jin Tenglong did not care about Xiao Qin and others at this moment, and flew down in a hurry.

Seeing the other's body moving, Chu Yan's eyes flashed sharply.

The Sword of Death speaks down.

Xueliang's sword-man, like a martial art, stretched a hundred feet long and snorted. In front of Jin Tenglong, Jin Peng was shredded into hundreds of pieces.

For a moment, Jin Tenglong seemed stupid, looking at this large flesh, scattered in front of himself.

Immediately, the anger was like a volcano erupting, making him look pale, his facial features distorted, a roar with a mouth open, billowing aura, even on the sky, all condensing into an angry face of the size of tens of acres.

Where this face looks, it gives a terrifying feeling of dark clouds covering the sky and the earth.

Xiao Qin's face suddenly changed: "Master Chu, be careful!"

"None of you can escape today!"

Jin Tenglong yelled again and again and ordered the two disciples who came with him: "Two nephew, help me stop them, and one should not let them run away. After all, my uncle must be grateful!"

"Yes, uncle!"

The two heavenly masters shouted in unison, their bodies and minds moved, and a faint luster appeared on their robes.

The next moment, the embroidery belonging to Ziweimen appeared on their cuffs.

"Jin Tenglong, you have come to Ziwei Gate!"

Although Xiao Qin had guessed from Jin Peng's performance before, but at this moment seeing the other side so undisguised, he still couldn't help exclaiming, his voice was full of anger.

"Joining Ziweimen is in accordance with the will of God, and you not only violate the will of God, but also kill my only son!"

Jin Tenglong was roaring at the moment, and every word was condensed in mid-air, like a knife and axe, revealing a taste of killing, sharpness, and extinction.

"Xiao Qin, no one can save you today! Originally I just wanted to take you to Nan Tianwang for disposal, but now, I want you to die!"

When the last death word roared out, the whole sky seemed to have thousands of horses and horses fighting in the blood. The breath of blood and fire exploded and spread, making people's souls tremble.

"Stop it!"

Following the two monks who came with Jin Tenglong, they looked at each other at the moment and rushed towards Chu Yan.

The two of them have the same emphasis on heaven, so naturally they set their target on Chu Yan's "heavy mood on heaven".

As for Xiao Qin in the same state, it is naturally left to Jin Tenglong to deal with.

The two monks, more than twenty miles from Chu Yan, shot all together.

One of them threw his arm, and suddenly, a large net covered his head toward Chu Yan.

This large net looks like a weaving of silk threads, but when flying in midair, it gives a feeling of rolling rivers, seas and waves, sinking into a vortex, unable to break free.

The other person showed a spear in his hand.

The sharp point of this spear's gun flashed in mid-air, and it persisted for a long time. It dazzled the eyes and showed endless sharpness.

Facing Chu Yan at this moment, he shot tens of thousands as soon as he shot.

Suddenly, the eye-catching air in the air seemed to be like a galaxy, pouring towards Chu Yan, breaking the stars and destroying the rivers and mountains.

"Three Dead Dead Swords!"

Chu Yan volleyed.

A huge sword forged from a dragon's spine was cold and dazzling at the moment, and it was drawn directly, clearly like a sword but not a sword, like a stick but not a stick, but at this moment, it showed the presence of rolling mountains and rivers, dominating the world.

The cold light from the anger is like the ancient **** of creation, breaking the sky and dividing the yin and yang, all the starlights are split.

The mighty guns and shadows bear the brunt of it, and they were swept away by swordsmanship, destroyed, and swept away. In an instant, thousands of aura black holes were blown up in the air.

Jianmang trembled like billions of bees, buzzing and trembling a little, these aura black holes all exploded, directly destroying that big net and swept away.

The two disciples at the guru level were too late to escape, swept by the sword gas, the blood in their mouths was sprayed out like money, spilled on their bodies, and instantly became two blood men.

Chu Yan stepped forward, in an instant, in front of the two.

"Ziwei door?"

He grunted.

The eyes of the two disciples were all fascinated by the blood, but they felt that in the **** rain, a figure, a mighty shore like a god, stood in front of them, almost breaking their souls.

When they heard these three words, they seemed to have caught the life-saving straw, and said in a hurry: "Yes, we are Ziweimen disciples, now you ask for forgiveness, and ..." "Death!"

Seems to be the verdict from the abyss hell.

Huh! Immediately, the two disciples were split in half from the middle, and immediately wrapped in a sharp sword-mang. In the blink of an eye, they turned into flesh, mixed with aura, and exploded together.

In the amazing momentum, Chu Yan turned, his sword pointed at Jin Tenglong, and his voice was faint, like judgment: "It's your turn."

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