Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1817: Huanggulou, His Royal Highness Chu dispatched

Shen Qing's white face is now fairer because of excessive blood loss, and even makes people feel almost transparent.

Although she is born with a powerful idol, she has a slimmer body than a normal girl.

At this time, the entire body was packed in a jar, and the auras gathered around, leaving only one head exposed.

Long hair dangles, if there is a seemingly ethereal atmosphere, even if it makes people feel that they breathe harder, they may blow her away.

"how do you feel?"

Chu Yan came over. The first sentence was still concerned about Shen Qing.

"Teacher ..." Shen Qing muttered.

She tried to open her eyes, trying to see clearly through her long hair.

At this time, seeing the teacher's vague figure, in front of herself, the girl felt an unprecedented peace of mind.

"Don't worry, you can't die. With your constitution, Master Bitong and me, you can recover within half a month."

Chu Yan comforted each other.

But when he said these words, His Royal Highness Chu was also very angry.

Injuries that can be healed in half a month are, naturally, nothing else in the eyes of others.

But you know, the injury now falls on Shen Qing.

Not to mention half a month, the injury that Shen Qing could be cured in five days was laid on the monk of the same level, and she had already died cold.

This time, Shen Qing, it can be said that she was able to come back only by relying on her life.

And how much hardships I had suffered along the way made Chu Yan distressed.

This is the only apprentice he has acknowledged and taught.

"Teacher ... the weapon you made for me ... I accidentally lost it ..." Shen Qing's voice was weak.

"In the last few days, you can heal yourself with peace of mind, and I will forge a more suitable magic weapon for you, stronger than the previous one."

Chu Yan said, "And who hurt you, where are they now."

Originally, Chu Yan did not intend to ask this question now.

But her first apprentice, when she woke up, turned out to be guilty and lost the Fangtian Huaji that she had made for her.

His Royal Highness immediately became angry.

If you hurt Shen Qing, no matter who you are, even if you are Zizimen ’s disciple, I ’ll kill you.

It ’s not you who started, Shen Qing will be like this now, and this kind of unnecessary mind?

"Teacher, I picked a pickle ..." "Well, I found one of the leaves."

Chu Yan said.

"The group of people said that they are abandoned ancient buildings ... If they want to buy, I don't sell them, they rush to grab, I show my identity ... they want to kill me ..." "Abandoned ancient buildings?"

Chu Yan remembered for a moment.

Huanggulou is a chamber of commerce in Baoxiang. The main force is in the northern region.

If in a world dominated by monks, a chamber of commerce is established and has a powerful force, then this chamber of commerce must also have monks.

Even it is itself a monk organization without sectarianism.

After knowing who started, Chu Yan's eyes narrowed: "Where did you meet them?"

"Anshui City ... in the mountains more than four hundred miles south ..." Shen Qing's voice didn't fall, and she coughed suddenly, and suddenly a blood arrow was sprayed out of her mouth.

"You heal first, I'll take revenge on you."

Chu Yan nodded, raised his hand a little, aura, injected Shen Qing's brows.

This reiki neutralized some of the raging reiki in Shen Qing's body, making her temporarily less painful.

And just that conversation had completely consumed her only remaining mind.

Suddenly, Shen Qing fell asleep in this jar.

Chu Yan turned and walked out of the room.

The conversation between him and Shen Qing had been heard by others.

Seeing Chu Yan's look at this moment, everyone knew what he was going to do.

"Although Anshui City is some distance away from Tianyazong, when A Qing returned, looking at her injury, naturally it was impossible to drift back along the current.

If that's the case, even if it's safe and sound all the way, when she drifts back, I'm afraid there's only a skeleton left.

I guess A Qing inspired the teleportation team.

She originally planned to return to the Xinxin Island, but at that time she was physically weak or was disturbed during transmission, so there was a deviation in the landing position, and then she relied on the boat to float back. "

Chu Yan speculated.

"So I estimate that from the time she was injured, up to now, it will only take a few hours.

That Huanggulou is not aimed at A Qing, it is very likely now, and has not yet left that area.

I'll go and see now.

If I just let this group of people leave, I won't be at ease. "

Chu Yan told Lin Miaoran and others not to panic, everything was done in accordance with the previous plan.

If Li Xiu and others return, let them stay at the Xinxin Island first, and recall carefully whether there have been any recent tracking or spying.

After all, it cannot be ruled out for the time being, is this incident a black hand behind Ziwei Gate?

After arranging a few words, Chu Yan came out of the palace, and immediately turned the stacked wave void bracelet.

After half an hour, Chu Yan came to Anshui City.

To the southeast of Anshui City is a mountain, and to the northwest is a lake.

Chu Yan hovered over the city, spreading his consciousness, and soon found the trace of the monk's fighting method four or five hundred miles to the south.

Anshui City is a medium-sized city in the kingdom of Baoxiang. No matter the city owner or the people who enter and leave, there are monks.

At this time, Chu Yan's unscrupulous glance here with divine knowledge naturally attracted a lot of dissatisfaction.

But when this group of people also peeped at Chu Yan with divine knowledge, and found how powerful His Highness Chu is, he immediately obediently started to shrink the turtle, pretending that nothing had happened.

With a distance of more than four hundred miles, Chu Yan did not use the overlapping wave void bracelet this time, but flew directly.

After landing, he quickly found a trace of the fighting method on the edge of a cliff, as well as the Fangtian Huaji, which was originally broken by Shen Qing.

"It really is here."

Chu Yan stretched out his hand and put Fang Tianhua's halberd into a storage ring, spreading his consciousness again.

A moment later, just a hundred miles away, a group of monks were found.

There are about twenty monks in this profession.

Most of them are in the Diyuan Realm.

But there were two more, luckily.

But this grand, it is only relative to the surrounding territories.

In the eyes of His Royal Highness, these two heavens have the same state of mind, not human.

"Hmm, I found you."

Chu Yan snorted and flew over.

At this moment, this pedestrian is still discussing the recent gains.

These twenty people, in a relatively neat team, were walking among the mountains at this moment.

At the center of the team is a tall young man.

At this moment, he was holding a spirit grass in his hand, shaking his head and shaking his head, and was proud of his face: "I really did not expect that in this remote and remote country, you can still get full 600 years of locust.

Compared to the spirits we earn from buying and selling goods this time, the value of this heart-dress is at least three times higher.

But the only pity, heh-- "

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