Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1825: Important news from Tang Lixing

The sea breeze blew and the waves billowed.

The sea and sky are the same, the blue is like washing.

Chu Yan hovered in midair and watched the disciples of Sun and Moon Shenzong leave.

The handwritten letter from Wei Changge, Chu Yan opened it in front of the two disciples of Sun and Moon.

In the letter, Wei Changge once again expressed his gratitude to Chu Yan.

It also shows that not only him, but his master, also admired Chu Yan's Gao Jie's sentiments.

In addition, the elders who are hostile to the black ancestor in Sun and Moon King Sect will ask his teacher to find out.

If there is news, Chu Yan will be notified as soon as he leaves the customs.

At the end of the letter, Wei Changge sincerely invited Chu Yan to visit Sun and Moon Shenzong.

It can be seen that Wei Changge is not as indifferent as he looks on the surface, but a temperament person with cold outside and hot inside.

As for him to get rid of the heavy gifts sent by the two younger brothers and sisters, Chu Yan is naturally not good at looking at each other.

However, since the two disciples of Sun and Moon Shenzong had already left, Chu Yan swept the two storage rings with divine knowledge.

Lingshi, Tiancaidibao, and Jade Bamboo Recording Gongfa.

Yes, Not Bad.

Even if there is no jade Jane that records the exercises, just those spirit stones and natural treasures, Chu Yan feels that he can praise Wei Changge: Real people.

How many pieces of spiritual stone are there, what are those natural treasures, and what exercises are recorded in the jade bamboo slips, Chu Yan naturally returned to the palace and opened it.

Just as he turned and was about to fly back to Suixin Island, a swimming fish under him jumped out of the water.

Although Tianyazong defends one side, it does not mean that it will expel the souls other than monks in the area of ​​Zongmen.

On the contrary, there is more protection for marine fish and shrimp in the Zongmen genus.

And these sea fish and shrimps are also plumper and more spiritual than other similar species in the sea because they live in this aura where the aura gathers.

However, Chu Yan's eyes immediately locked this swimming fish.

The appearance of a fish does not make people feel strange.

A fish just jumped out of the water at his feet, and it didn't matter.

But this is a carp.

Carp appeared in the sea.

And it's just a few feet outside the large island defense.

That makes people not only care, but also imaginative.

Chu Yan's first reaction was that this was Ziweimen's conspiracy, and when he raised his hand, he would break the fish.

But immediately, a voice sounded in his ear.

"See you six thousand miles southwest of Xinxin Island."

After the words fell, the carp was turned into a stream of water in the mid-cavity, with a bang, it fell back into the sea and disappeared.

Appearing in the form of a carp, it seems to attract Chu Yan's attention.

And this voice belongs to Tang Lixing.

Chu Yan groaned for a moment, but finally decided to go and see.

But in case it was a conspiracy of Ziweimen, he asked Ji Shi, who was lurking on the bottom of the sea, to go first.

After the news that there was no problem from Ji Shi, Chu Yan flew towards there.

Six thousand miles in the southwest, above the sea, this is actually a very wide area.

However, Chu Yan asked Ji Shi to investigate there first, so when he arrived, the target locked several nearby islands.

In this area of ​​the sea, there are three islands similar to Suixin Island, all of which were prepared by Tianyazong for the disciples of Tianxinjing.

However, none of these islands has an owner yet.

The island's lush vegetation is like a virgin forest, giving it an extremely wild beauty.

Just after Chu Yan arrived, another fish appeared under his feet.

What appeared this time was an extremely common marine fish.

"The island in the middle."

After passing this sentence, this sea fish also turned into a stream of water and melted into the sea.

Chu Yan flew towards the middle island, and as soon as he landed on the island, he saw Tang Lixing.

She was under a big tree not far away, holding her arms and looking at herself.

"You just came out like this?"

Chu Yan went to a place about thirty feet away from the other party and asked, "Isn't it that you have been watched by Ziweimen."

Before Chu Yan landed on this island, he had searched thousands of miles around with his divine knowledge and determined that no strangeness was found before landing.

But at this moment, he still did not relax his vigilance.

He and Tang Lixing did exchange some secrets, but to say that they completely trusted each other, Chu Yan could not do it at this time.

"Sometimes in the sects, it is more relaxed than outside."

Tang Lianxing frowned and looked at Chu Yan. "Why did you appear so long this time? I've been waiting for you for a few days. If I can't see you again in two or three days, the next meeting may be half a year After that. "

Chu Yan directly ignored the other's complaints and asked, "Is there anything important?"

Tang Lianxing frowned even more, apparently not satisfied with Chu Yan's attitude.

But after hesitating, she shook her head and did not care about this matter with Chu Yan.

She turned and said, "Come with me."

Chu Yan's consciousness had swept the island before. It was determined that there were only a few basic arrays arranged by the elders of the End of the World, so at this moment he followed Tang Lianxing toward the forest.

But even so, the fingers in his sleeve have been hanging on the stacked wave void bracelet in case.

After walking in the forest for a while, when she came to a slightly flat place, Tang Lixing stopped and said to Chu, "You arrange the magic array and soundproof array."

Chu Yan quickly swiped his fingers, and after a few auras penetrated into the void, he looked at Tang Lixing: "Well, what's the matter?"

Tang Lianxing did not directly answer Chu Yan's question, but looked at Chu Yan's fingers with an unexpected look: "Yuqi array?

It turns out that you have already reached this level, so it seems that I have a little more confidence in you. "

Seeing that Chu Yan ignored her, she said: "I have heard about the relationship between you and the Lei Yun party before, but you don't need to worry about it. I have already found a way to help you clear the relationship.

But Jin Tenglong was killed, do you know? "


Chu Yan shook his head.

Tang Lianxing stared at Chu Yan carefully, as if to judge whether his statement was true or not from his expression.

But in the end, she shook her head: "Actually, it's a good thing that he's dead, but this thing is over, no one will hold you, and you don't care.

I came to you today and I have another important thing to tell you.

Emperor Taiqing has identified a new candidate for the North King. "


Chu Yan blinked and asked: "What does this have to do with me?"

He can never choose me. "

"Of course not you, but this person, I have never heard of it before, this time it seems to come out of thin air, do you think it is incredible?"

Tang Pingxing said.

"You don't know?"

Chu Yan groaned a bit, "In fact, it is not strange to dig deeper. After all, how can he tell you everything he does."

"Not only that."

Tang Lianxing continued: "Among the four Heavenly Kings of Ziweimen, the newly established Northern Heavenly King is in the realm of duality of heaven and mind."

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