Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1830: Concentrate on cultivation

An hour later, the golden light disappeared over the ice field.

As the vortex quickly healed, the sky quickly moved upwards.

A moment of effort restored the former high ground.

The howling cold wind blows again.

The stars of snow began to slowly fall.

Chu Yan quietly looked at the three zombie dog demon in front of him.

The zombie dog monster's body seemed to be sprinkled with a layer of gold dust.

Before it looked like a root vulture.

It now looks like a root carving that is a bit more expensive than before.

At this moment this layer of pale gold, like a halo, flickered.

The zombie ogre still kept his chest up and raised his head, motionless.

Chu Yan thought for a moment and whispered, "Move it."

Grunting grunting-thumping-three tongues moved at the same time.

The iron rod-like tail swayed up and down, hitting the ice.

Chu Yan: "..." This dog seems pretty good.

At this time, the golden light on the zombie dog demon gradually dissipated.

However, Chu Yan noticed that the head of the zombie dog demon was first exposed, and the light finally dissipated.

And the position of the center of its head was also on the entire head, and the light finally dissipated.

"Let me see."

Chu Yan kept his head in the middle of the zombie dog demon from moving, and stared at it.

In the center of the zombie canine's head, a hair stood up.

If it is an ordinary dog, then this is not surprising.

But this zombie dog monster was made into a zombie more than 20,000 years ago.

Not to mention that its bones and bones are shrunk to form a ball, and the dog's hair all over the body has already clung to the body, becoming harder than the steel needle numerous times.

But now, this dog hair not only stands up, but also moves with the wind.

Trembling-At this time, the zombie dog demon seems to find something wrong.

Originally red, in the sunken eyes, a look of doubt appeared.

But because it did not have the order of Chu Yan, it did not dare to move.

After a long time, Chu Yan straightened up, his eyes dazzling: "Really."

Although it is only the recovery of a dog's hair, there are still many problems that can be solved.

But one thing was confirmed.

That is, by virtue of his current strength, he can exert part of the power of these six reincarnation disks.

And this piece of debris that belongs to the six reincarnation disks has now been confirmed.

It's just a pity that this zombie dog demon won't speak. Otherwise, Chu Yan could ask the other party's feelings.

After thinking for a while, Chu Yan patted the head of the zombie dog demon: "You go play first, and look for you later."

After speaking, Chu Yan rose into the air.

These six rounds of reincarnation are not the focus of his cultivation. Now that he has verified his guess at this moment, then naturally, he must return to the right path of cultivation.

However, for a period of time, I can urge six rounds of reincarnation from time to time to see if I can finally turn this zombie three-headed monster into a living creature.

If that's the case, it can almost be said to have reversed life and death.

Before Chu Yan flew away, he also glanced down.

The dog demon didn't know what the reason was, he was still sitting still, and soon, his body was covered with white snow.

Chu Yan left the ice field, but did not leave Xiao Qiankun World.

The world of Xiaoqiankun is not only a world of one side, but also a vast land of heaven and earth.

Chu Yan cultivates here without worrying about being affected or worrying about the impact.

Moreover, the rich and pure aura here can also make his practice more effective.

Sometimes, Chu Yan couldn't help but sigh, if only he could move in the cage of time and space.

But just think about it.

The cage of time and space is not only space, but also time.

With his current capabilities, it is impossible to do so.

In the next few months, Chu Yan practiced in the world of Xiao Qiankun.

If there is any simple matter, he will discuss it with Ling Xiu and Lin Miao Ran.

If things need to be told face to face, he is going out of the small Qiankun world, it is the practice room on the island of Xinxin, and it is convenient to meet.

On the side of the zombie three-headed monster, Chu Yan will urge the fragments of the six reincarnation disks every so often to see if the golden light can continue to change the body of the zombie monster.

At the same time, Chu Yan can also test whether he has made progress in his realm during this period of time by urging the six reincarnations.

As soon as time passed, two months passed.

It's September of this year.

However, these two months of Chu Yan were almost in the world of Xiao Qiankun.

Any environment here, so he did not feel the change of season.

As for other changes, there are still some.

Lin Miaoran's [Penquge www.biqugew.me] Daoji has become more and more stable now.

According to the current accumulation, by the end of this year, you should be able to be promoted.

Lin Miaoran himself was ready.

Even if I don't get promoted at the end of this year, I won't be able to suppress it until the beginning of the next year.

The body of Qingyu is so enviable.

From Yun Nishang's mouth that I visited some time ago, Chu Yan also knew that there was an elder in the purple house in the door, knew of Lin Miaoran's existence, and he had secretly thought of accepting the apprentice.

But now, I'm still watching.

In addition to Lin Miaoran, Jiang Panmeng, Su Jianyuan and others who had gone abroad also reported a slight improvement.

Among them, Chu Yan was most surprised by Furui.

After Furui was baptized in the spirit-cutting road and had the determination to leave the free-heart island to practice, the whole person seemed to be born and reborn.

Now her state has even surpassed Su Xinyu.

And judging from the news she returned, in the near future, she still has some adventures, and when she returns, she will definitely surprise "Chu Yan Da Fu".

In the past two months, the most frequent return was Uzrama.

In addition to her practice, Wusi Lanma and her elder Master Pituo at Qingqiumen seemed to have done some private medicine deals in private.

Specific details, Chu Yan did not bother.

But in the only two meetings, Chu Yan could feel that the charm of Uzrama had improved significantly each time.

And not only that, even when Uzrama appeared on Suixin Island, Chu Yan didn't find it.

Obviously, her nightmare body has now begun to show her own unique power.

As for Chu Yan himself.

After two months of practice, now when he urges the six reincarnations, the golden light wheel is one circle larger than the first urge.

To Chu Yan, the fragments of these six reincarnation disks now look more like a magic weapon in their own realm.

Every time this fragment is urged, Chu Yan will also call the zombie three-headed demon, and use the power of this six reincarnation disk fragments to try to continue to change the body of the zombie demon.

So to this day, after the light gradually dissipated, Chu Yan immediately grabbed the zombie three-headed demon in his hand and looked towards the other's head.

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