Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1850: Fire Element First

Chu Yan's head was billowing with white smoke at the moment, and the light behind him was like a neon mist, full of dreamlike flavor.

The handsome said that he was boiled, of course, that the white smoke from his head was like a pot of boiling water.

The handsome dad stared.

He looked at this moment, naturally, much deeper than the handsome.

At this point in his eyes, Chu Yan's whole body was surrounded by layers of killing charm.

"Yes, it must be that he watched me get promoted, have some insight, and let the destruction of the Dao marks in his body grow."

The man groaned.

He took a step forward.

The original calm void suddenly flashed.

The handsome dad immediately raised his hand.

clang! In his palm, a bright Mars burst into bloom, and in the void, a fierce ray, fleeting.

"What's going on, what's going on?"

Handsome with a dumb look.

It is clear that, in terms of truth, it is absolutely impossible for Chu Yan to shoot at his father for no reason.

But the flash that had flashed just now made his neck cold.

That killing intention cannot be faked.

"He's realizing, it's fine."

The handsome dad stared deeply at Chu Yan for a moment, "This opportunity is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity and cannot be wasted."

The man raised his hand and stroked in his palm.

Although there was a wound on the palm, no blood flowed out.

The wound on the palm of the hand was facing Chu Yan, the handsome dad's eyes were fixed, and the blood in his body was surging.

A golden red flame condensed into a ball and slowly squeezed out of the wound.

This flame, although the size of a fingernail of a thumb, gives people the feeling of burning the heavens and the earth and drying it up.

"Kirin is so fatal!"

The handsome opened his eyes suddenly.


Dad nodded, his wrists shook, and he suspended the ball in mid-air, and then flicked his fingertips.

Huh! Zhenyan turned into a streamer and quickly fell into Chu Yan's eyebrows.

boom! The original colorful streamer behind Chu Yan instantly seemed to be ignited oil, and instantly burned into a world of flames.

In the calcination of this flame, the breath of Chu Yan became more solid, thick and unpredictable.

"Absorbed so quickly?"

Handsome surprised.

As a unicorn, it naturally knows better than anyone, how big the flame power of that unicorn is.

Kirin's fire is not ordinary fire.

What's more, this is still the real inflammation from the ancestor Kirin.

Even if it is a little unicorn of its own, it takes at least seven days and seven nights to absorb that mass of destiny.

But what about Chu Yan?

And there was no discomfort at all.

Even if it is the first stage of the Zifu Realm, if you swallow that bite, you must wrap it with Reiki first, and then absorb it in strands. Without ten days and a half months, you dare not say you have absorbed it.

What is going on with you?

Suddenly, in the handsome mind, Chu Yan became an empty man who would never be filled.

However, compared to handsome surprise and doubt, his father's face was full of joy.

Reaching out his arms, Dad's hand suddenly held a piece of grass about the length of an adult's palm, but it was divided into five leaves.

This grass is not a common green, but a faint purple. When you get closer, you can immediately breathe a burning breath.

"South Li Minghuo grass!"

The handsome eyes suddenly widened, "Daddy, where did you find this good thing?"

"I picked it up."

Dad glanced at the handsome man and sent Nan Li Minghuo Cao to the handsome man. "Come, smell the smell, don't eat it, I will kill you if you dare to eat it!"


He was handsome and sloppy. He leaned in front of the purple Nanli Minghuo grass, and arched a pig's nose. He took a deep breath, and his face was instantly intoxicated.

"Dad was willing to let me take a sip of Nanli Minghuo grass. This is a rich flavor of flames." The Minghuo grass was squeezed into a palm, shattered into a dazzling purple light, and threw it towards Chu Yan.

Huh! Suddenly, this group of purple light was sucked in again by Chu Yan, a "filled man."

Handsome: "..." Why, there will be a little sadness in the air.

Before the handsome man spoke, Chu Yan's whole body, the flame suddenly expanded.

Dad grabbed the handsome man and stepped back quickly.

Almost as soon as they left the mountain, with Chu Yan's body as the center, it was like a volcano that had been dormant for 10,000 years, and suddenly woke up and erupted.

Rolling magma, rushing out in all directions, like a river, a mighty river.

The mountain below Chu Yan was immediately melted like a candle.

There are several mountain peaks around, and at this moment, like a candle, it melts slowly and then pours into the magma.

The center's Chu Yan, at this moment, seemed to be surrounded by fire.

On the surface of the lava around, the flames jump, like the spirit of fire, constantly jumping and evolving, forming fire horses, fire tigers, fire cows, fire lions, flame trees, flame peaks, flame palaces, as if it has become a flame country, flame world.

All flames come to life.

Looking at this scene, the handsome was dumbfounded and speechless.

Dad was satisfied, and nodded again and again: "Human monk, cultivate the eight elements of water, fire, light, gas, gold, and soil. I don't know the other seven, but the element of fire has since reached the highest level of the beast.

"More refined than I am now."

The handsome whispered aside, and then his dad patted his head hard.

"You can inherit blood in the future, not to mention that cultivation requires your own effort. You just didn't work hard before, just knowing to eat!"

Dad learned.

"Ah, I must work harder in the future!"

The handsome was scrambling in the air, and he did not forget to look in the direction of Chu Yan.

This blazing flame burned for about an hour. With Chu Yan's breath, he suddenly turned into a vortex, was sucked into his mouth, and formed a bright red light ball on the surface of his body.

The light sphere continued for a little more than half an hour, and continued to merge with the destruction of the rhyme in Chu Yan's body. Finally, after the black fine lines like lightning lines formed on the surface of the light sphere, the light gradually faded.

The turbulent air flow subsided.

Since then, Chu Yan's other, this is the end.

Opening his eyes, suddenly, Chu Yan felt a trembling spirit, and his whole body was transparent.

Although the realm did not improve, Chu Yan felt that his strength was one step ahead.

It's like the same size of steel. At this moment, this piece of steel has been calcined by a high-temperature flame, becoming harder and more flexible. The quality is not as many times as that of other steels of the same size.

Standing up, Chu Yan looked to the dad hovering in the air, and arched a hand and smiled, "Thank you for helping me, and congratulations on your promotion to the ancestor."

As soon as the words were finished, Chu Yan suddenly moved his mind and frowned.

Why did she suddenly find herself?

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