Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1855: Big fat pigs need to drill

Chu Yan didn't know how to answer Tang's question for the time being.

I've only been there once.

There is too little information available.

This person seems to be emerging from the ground.

But Chu Yan felt that he could think of something.

But these things, for a while, were dim, unable to get a glimpse of their appearance.

And let alone the appearance, not even a contour.

It's like you know that there is something behind this wall, but you don't know if it is large or small, square or round.

"There will be a chance."

Chu Yan groaned for a moment, and said, "If everything is as we have speculated, this time I will go to these caves and enjoy the land, and I should still meet him.


Tang Lianxing thought for a while and nodded in response.

Looking at the other side, after Chu Yan hesitated for a while, he still didn't tell the other side about what he suspected of seeing Tang Liyue.

Because, compared with Mu Wu, Chu Yan knows less about Tang Liyue.

Just a face-to-face before the teleportation.

If Tang Liyue has been hooked, then the other party will naturally come to the door in the future.

At that time, he knew more about Tang Liyue and told Tang Lixing no later.

Otherwise, tell Tang Lixing now, but if you ask me three questions, it's easy to make the other person uneasy.

Next, neither of them talked too much.

However, it is clear that Tang Lixing's attitude towards Chu Yan has become much softer than the politeness of the previous public affairs, but only when the interests were bundled.

Obviously, this is why Chu Yan asked Dad today to find the maggots buried in her body.

It's just that Tang Lixing didn't talk much about this roundworm.

After knowing it, she seemed to have forgotten about it and did not talk to Chu Yan again.

Chu Yan didn't care.

Because after talking with Tang Lixing several times, he already knew that this young girl was used to burying her mind in her heart.

It has to do with her experiences and encounters.

Just like Chu Yan, some secrets, even Lin Miaoran, he will not share.

The two waited for a while, Tang Lianxing and Chu Yan made an appointment for the next meeting, and left.

Because she left Ziweimen's sight for too long, she was also worried about causing suspicion.

Farewell to Tang Lianxing, Chu Yan meditates in situ, thinking about the problems and solutions he may face next, while waiting for the return of Kirin and his son.

About a day later, Chu Yan was moved.

Opening his eyes, the void in front of him tens of feet collapsed, forming a vortex.

The next moment, the whirlpool opened, revealing a passage.

Dad came out with a handsome man.

The handsome pig face can't see sadness and joy, but the father is beautiful.

I don't know where the father and son went and what they talked about this day and night.

Chu Yan did not have such a strong curiosity, so naturally he would not ask more.

When he came to Chu Yan, Dad reached out and grabbed it.

Suddenly handsome, or powerless handsome, was immediately thrown in front of Chu Yan by his father.

With a slam, the ground fell down.

The weight of a fat pig is comparable to a mountain.

"Uncle, you are ..." Although Chu Yan knew what the other party meant, Chu Yan still felt the need to confirm it.

"I'll leave it to you in the future."

Dad squinted and smiled.

Obviously, Dao was quite satisfied with the handsome care before Chu Yan.

Chu Yan was also satisfied.

Physically, that's also obvious.

When he was a fat pig, he was more handsome than before.

When fat pigs, it is directly bigger.

"But this kid, everything else is good, just too lazy, if you have any future things, let it do it for you.

It needs to be tempered.

Kirin, you can't succeed without discipline.

Let it do whatever it is dangerous.

Whatever is a dozen five, a dozen ten, the more challenging, all arranged for it. "

Dad waved his hands, looking handsome.

Seeing the handsome and trembling look, Chu Yan smiled: "I try to arrange."

Harvest fat pigs with a grieving look.

"What about you, uncle?"

Chu Yan asked after a deep groan.

Dad waved his hand and said, "I'm going to worship the ancestor first. After all, now I have become the ancestor. I need to do something about it.

If you need to contact me, you're looking handsome.

Now I tear the void, and it will not be as troublesome as before. "

"it is good."

Chu Yan nodded.

After a little thought, Chu Yan again said, "But there is one thing, I hope Uncle can promise me."

"But it doesn't matter. I didn't talk about it before. You and the handsome are like brothers. Don't be so polite, you will call me Dad in the future."

Dad spoke.

The ancestor spoke, but only promised.

Chu Yan shouted at Dad with a smile, and then continued: "This time, this group of sneak attacks on Dad, I don't know if you have any eyebrows about their heels."

Obviously, when it comes to this, Dad is very angry.

I actually need a junior to save.

It's too shameful.

The dad snorted and said, "I don't know for the time being, but although I don't know, I can ask those who know, and I have already remembered the taste of those guys.

I am now the ancestor, and I can look for their smell through the void.

As long as no one deliberately covers up for them and finds this group of guys, it's a matter of time. "

"That's it."

Chu Yan immediately said: "I hope Dad doesn't rush after he finds this group of people. Tell me first, because I have some plans and I may need them."

"no problem."

Dad promised to be very happy, "These guys, originally you shot, they can't escape.

That ’s so good. I went to find it, and when I found it, I told the handsome, and then the handsome notifies you.

I didn't shoot at them before I got your response. "

"Okay, then there is Dao Lao."

Chu Yan smiled and arched.

Dad glanced down at the handsome man: "Honestly, don't let it be delicious anymore!"


The handsome man was startled, and two big pig ears hurriedly fanned.

"By the way, when it comes to handsomeness, I'm curious about one thing."

Chu Yan said.

Hearing Chu Yan leading the subject to himself, the handsome suddenly felt a little bad.

Chu Yan glanced at the handsome and panicked, and smiled, "Daddy, I have always been more curious, what is the state of handsome now."

Kirin is not an ordinary monster.

It is difficult for ordinary people to judge their realm if they do not actively breathe out.

Chu Yan had many speculations about handsome before.

But more than half a month ago, it bit off half of the body of a dual monk in the state of mind and suddenly subverted Chu Yan's cognition.

Although that monk at that time was trapped in midair, he could not move.

But the monk has the true meaning of the body.

What the monk of the heavenly mind possesses is the true essence of the heavenly mind.

As a result, he was bitten off the right half of his body by a handsome bite.

The blood-stained hula scene is a bit infiltrating.

"The kid's realm?"

Dad's smile suddenly became meaningful.

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