Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1858: Master Bitong promoted

Under the same level of improvement, the lightning attribute element has been improved by four points, second only to the fire attribute element, which is higher than the other six.

Therefore, Chu Yan's decision this time was mainly based on the promotion of the thunder attribute element.

It was absolutely impossible for him to empty all twenty holes and heavens.

Ziweimen will never allow it.

Even they will find a way to prevent any situation where they are wrapped up alone by themselves.

"Specifically how to deal with it, then wait for Ziweimen to announce it, then look at it."

Chu Yan groaned.

He chose to increase the lightning properties, not only because the potential of the lightning properties is higher than others.

There is another reason, because Chu Yan now masters the magical Zixiao Thunder Dragon with thunder attributes.

If the thunder attribute element is improved, then the power of this supernatural power will naturally become more powerful like Tai Yi from the fire knife.

The immortal assembly is imminent, and it is imperative to improve their attacking ability.

But Chu Yan did not forget it.

His real hole card is his **** body, and the immortal demon body that is strong when strong.

"Thanks to this opportunity, I can just go to the bottom and see the strength of those heavenly minds in Zongmen."

Chu Yan did not forget what Murbu said.

"There are fifty disciples in Zongmen's heavenly state of mind, all of whom he believes have the hope of winning the top spot in the Qunxian Assembly.

And in his prediction at the time, I was the last of the fifty.

Although this has something to do with my hidden realm and strength, it also shows that in the End of the World, there are hidden dragons and crouching tigers.

In fact, if you think about it, I have never had a chance to see the real masters in Zongmen.

Those disciples who are only a mile away from the territory of Zifu rarely go out.

I definitely can't feel that I am invincible in the realm of heavenly mind because I have killed a few of them.

There are people outside, and there are mountains outside.

In my current situation, once it fails, it is likely to disappear forever. What I gained before will disappear all of a sudden and become nothing again. "

Chu Yan's heart secretly awakened himself.

However, it is obviously not the style of His Royal Highness to hit himself blindly.

"I am now at best, invincible within the duality of the state of mind, um, not only invincible, but also crushed and swept."

His Highness Chu made a relatively accurate judgment on his own strength at this moment.

The next time, Chu Yan entered the state of retreat practice again.

It wasn't until a month and a half later that time came to late November that Chu Yan made his first exit.

The reason was that Master Zitu Bi, Zeng Bi, finally couldn't suppress her realm and was about to be promoted.

And Chu Yan is now the two major achievements of Tianxin state of mind. According to the speed of his cultivation, the triple state of heaven state of mind will not be too far away.

Therefore, Zeng Bi's promotion this time has great reference significance for him.

Master Bitong's promotion was chosen on the Xinxin Island.

Chu Yan did not bring it into the world of Xiao Qiankun. On the one hand, it was a secret. He didn't want more people to know. Now he, Lin Miaoran, and Shen Qing knew it was enough.

The second aspect is that Zeng Bi's demand for Reiki is not so huge.

The Island of Hearts is enough for her, and there is even a surplus.

As for the third aspect, Chu Yan deliberately wanted to let the monks in the surrounding islands know that they had a triple master on the island of Xinxin.

In this way, Xiaoxiao can also be deterred, and some troubles that might have occurred can be directly dissipated.

Zeng Bi's promotion went smoothly.

Just as Chu Yan had expected.

Her talents are pretty good. For Xinxindao, she can be regarded as a blissful existence, coupled with Zeng Bi's current ideas.

So originally, in her plan, it may take sixty years to have the opportunity to touch the triple of the state of mind. After meeting Chu Yan, in just two or three years, not only can she be promoted, but also the triple state of mind is very likely. It's not the end of her fairy road.

In the fiercely swirling Reiki storm, Zeng Bi's body glowed with white light.

Soon after, a beam of light in the sky fell and enveloped it.

The barrier between Heaven's State of Mind double perfection and Heaven's State of Mind triple Cheng Cheng was easily and easily broken by Zeng Bi.

Since then, she has taken a big step forward fiercely.

The promotion was so smooth and easy, Chu Yan could even feel how much envy and surprise were revealed in those eyes peering around the sea.

During the promotion of Zeng Bi, Chu Yan has been carefully observing.

When the other party's promotion was completed and entered a stage of solidarity, Chu Yan also learned a lot of experience.

So he already has a lot of confidence in his future promotion.

Although he is now three times away from Heaven's state of mind, there is still a second complete state of mind.

But His Royal Highness Chu has directly passed this consummation, overlooking the triple state of mind, and even thought about it in advance, should you consider the promotion of Zifujing.

In the past few days of Zeng Bi's steady state, Chu Yan did not go to retreat to prevent any problems that needed him to solve.

But there was no problem. People who came to Daohe came a few waves.

These people can be roughly counted as: Xiao Qin, Cao Jing, Sun Mou, Yang Yuyan of the Leiyun Party, Zhuang Die, a neighbor of nearby islands, Kong Xian and Yun Nei clothes.

They either have secretly or secretly investigated Chu Yan and Suixin Island, some of them are more directly Chu Yan ’s partners, so they all know that do n’t look at Zeng Bi as the servant of Chu Yan ’s name, but in fact, who would really Think of a monk who has reached the triple state of mind today and who is also an alchemist as a servant.

And everyone can see that Chu Yan is more dependent on Zeng Bi. For example, during the time of his retreat, many things on Xinxin Island require Zeng Bi's realm and force to deal with it.

Therefore, in the eyes of everyone, Zeng Bi is the servant of the name, the right arm of the fact.

So when coming to Daohe, naturally it is impossible to come empty-handed.

Xiao Qin and others from the Lei Yun Party intentionally drew Chu Yan. Although the gifts were not many, they were absolutely precious.

Kong Xian and Yun Nei clothes, including Lin Miaoran and Li Yangyi on the island, and the news that came back one after another afterwards. They all rushed back to congratulate Usila Ma, Su Yuqing, Li Xiu and others. They all gave their own wishes. .

However, it was more than ten days before Zeng Bi saw the congratulations sent by the crowd.

At this time, the people who came to Daohe almost left.

However, Zeng Bi was surprised and moved by the congratulations and gifts of so many people.

"Think of me back then, it was really unreasonable ... I almost made a life-long regret, but now ..." Master Bitong couldn't help but reflect deeply on Chu Yan's original attitude.

However, Her Royal Highness did not give her the opportunity to be sentimental.

He directly interrupted the other party and asked, "You are now in a triple state of mind. Some elixir that could not be refined because of insufficient realm before, can you try it now?"

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