Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1868: Lord i am wrong

The four monks in the family looked at each other, grinned, and didn't open their mouths. They looked at Chu Yan and cut fish fillets.

They had already seen it at this time, and Chu Yan was a monk with a "successful reverence in heaven".

The state of mind is at the top of the state of mind.

But of the four of them, two of them have a dual state of mind.

"Yeah, you know how to stew soup with fish heads.

One of them had a double state of mind. At this moment, his nose sniffed, and while smiling, he glanced at the man who just spoke.

The only one of the three men ’s minds was aware of the heavy state of mind, Xiao Yan took a step towards Chu Yan, approached the pile of fish scales, and said to himself, “This thing is left here, and the aura is a bit wasteful.”

Between the words, the hand naturally grabbed and fished, and put Chu Yan's fish scales there, and put them in his own storage bag.

Chu Yan looked up at him, and he waved with a smile: "You're busy."

Seeing that Chu Yan was indifferent to their actions, the four of them looked at each other in unison, and continued to chat there.

A slice of a big fish is not a big deal for Chu Yan. Luck is like a knife. In a moment, a whole sand wind fantasy mist fish is cut into thin slices like cicadas.

"Okay, it's ready to eat."

At this time, the nun once again made a surprise sound.

Between the words, the four surrounded them. Among them, the man who had just taken the fish scales, didn't know where to take out a pair of jade chopsticks, and went towards the fish fillets.


Chu Yan frowned and drank.

The four of them stopped, looking at Chu Yan, with an incredible look in their eyes.

The look, the expression, seemed to be saying: Do you speak to us again?

Can't you see the current situation?

The scene was quiet for a moment, and the heavily-minded male Xiu smiled that day, and he said without fear: "Do you know who we are?"

"Drop the fish scales and roll."

Chu Yan's eyes narrowed and he glanced at the other side.

The sharp man in his eyes made this man's heart tremble. If he had come to his mouth, he couldn't say anything for a while.

"Ha ha."

At this time, the two men in the heavenly state of mind who had spoken before made a sound of chuckle, but pointed out their fingers and said, "Do you know who we are?

He deliberately bit the word "Sanxiu" tightly and wanted Chu Yan to know his identity.

Chu Yan glanced at him, sneer: "Dare you say?"


The four family monks glanced at each other for a moment, feeling that the atmosphere seemed a bit wrong.

How do I listen to the other person's tone, as if I really want to know where he came from, and then get revenge?

You are a layman in a dilemma. What is so arrogant?

The thought of that, the male mind that day was also a little bit up.

Their number and realm both have absolute advantages. If at this time they are frightened by a two-day retreat with a heavy state of mind, it is one thing to spread a joke to others, and I am afraid they will all fall into dismay.

"Boy, let me tell you."

On this day, the dual male Xiu sneered, "We are the Canghuai Xu family, a ten-day heart Canghua Xu family.

I don't want to care about juniors like you. Now you kneel and slap three heads at each of us, and then get out of this hole. For today's things, we will assume that nothing happened. "

In his tone, he was full of lofty and magnanimity, as if he had forgiven Chu Yan, and Chu Yan was grateful.

Chu Yan's eyes were faint, and Aura lifted up a fish fillet, his tone was also extremely indifferent: "When the fish fillet is picked up, you leave the fish scales that just stole me, and then each one of them breaks an arm. Otherwise, I I will kill you. "


"So brave!"

That day, the nuns, who were in a state of mind, yelled angrily.

As for the two men who have just opened their minds, the killing intention has emerged in their eyes at this moment: "junior, you are seeking your own way of death."

Chu Yan no longer cares about them, but the aura holds the fish fillet and floats towards the tumbling hot water.

"Uncle Liu, he's offending our Xu family!"

The female Xiu couldn't stop her anger and turned to the dual monk's state of mind that day.

"Well, I'll see what he can do."

Tian Xinjing, the second male Xiu, holding his arms, sneer again and again, "Don't let him run away later. This kind of casual and unreliable meditation does not punish him severely, and it is difficult to prove my majesty of the Xu family."

At the moment, the two nuns, who have a heavy state of mind, walked in two directions, with bad eyes, staring at Chu Yan.

His Royal Highness Chu was unmoved.

His gaze kept on the fillet.

The fish fillets are thin and light, and almost transparent under the moonlight. When they touch the boiling water, they almost turn white and reveal a strong flavor.

Cooked! Handsome saliva can't help it.

Four Xu family members flashed in their eyes.

The next moment, Chu Yan appeared in front of the male Xiu who had a heavy state of mind that day, sweeping his opponent's upper body into plasma with one palm, grabbing his opponent's storage bag with a split hand, and volleying again with the palm of the girl.

The distance between the two sides, but more than ten feet.

Even if it was more than ten miles, the nun could not escape, not to mention that for the monk, it was just a short distance away.

boom! With a muffled sound, the nun's body was directly crushed into a ball of meat, which had not yet spread out. It was a creeping human shape, with a strong **** smell, and quickly spread around.

And those two men with dual minds, although they saw them, had no time to respond to their brains and bodies.

"Canghuai Xu family, right, wait for me to go out and see who gave you the courage to make you respect the superior!"

Chu Yan yelled, and slap the two heads of the heavenly state of mind that have never spoken.

The handsome man immediately cheered, rushed over, swallowed his entire body into his stomach.

At this time, Chu Yan, before returning to the group of boiling water, Reiki carried the fish fillet to her mouth.

Throughout the process, the electric light flint almost killed the other three in an instant.

And this fish fillet is just cooked, it is soft and glutinous, and the taste is the best.

Take a bite, and suddenly, it is extremely delicious, like ice and fire, blooming on the tip of the tongue, and it feels so happy that it pierces from the tail vertebra to the heavenly soul cover.

Chu Yan exhaled a breath, looking at the promoted heavenly mind duo Xiu Xiu.

This male student just talked a lot and said a lot.

At this moment, the entire face was pale, and his body was so soft that he could hardly stand still. His eyes were full of fear, and his brain was blank.

He was not a fool, and the moment he reacted, he knew that today was over.

The other party can't handle it at all.

Killing three people around him in an instant, even if he can increase his power tenfold now, it is impossible.

"Master, lord, I, I, I was wrong ... sorry ..." After a while stunned, the masculine man with a double state of mind, groaned and uttered a word, thumped to his knees, slammed his head and smashed This sand is banging.

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