Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1885: Opportunity to hatch

"It's nothing ..." The handsome man looked at the pond in doubt, observed it for a while, and found that the pond had nothing special except that it pulled its face a little bigger.

It didn't understand why Chu Yan suddenly stood here as if he had become a stone man.

The handsome wanted to ask, but watching Chu Yan's intent look, and worried that he would disturb the other party, he waited for a while.

Waiting time is not long.

Soon Chu Yan's eyes moved and took a step back.

Handsome asked quickly: "Is there anything special about this water?"

Chu Yan shook his head: "I don't know exactly what kind of water this is, but when I just looked at it, I suddenly felt like I knew each other."


Handsome eyes widened, small ears raised, listen carefully.

But at this time, Chu Yan did not continue to talk.

He flipped his wrist and took out something.

The handsome man looked intently, and found that it was a wooden box obtained from the young monk.

Handsomely remember that there was an egg in the wooden box.

Chu Yan opened the wooden box at this moment.

A trace of cold air permeated from the wooden box.

Chu Yan's eyes brightened.

At this time, the handsome also understood.

The egg in the wooden box was kept in a cold environment.

And this pool of water seems to be better than the scales stuck in the wooden box.

The handsome mind was guessing this way, and Chu Yan had already begun to act.

He will lean the wooden box containing eggs and lean towards the sink.

At the beginning, there was no special reaction.

But as soon as it was within three feet, the surface of the egg had a slight sheen.

The closer the distance, the brighter the egg's light.

Of course, of course, the light did not reach the level of a pearl in the end. When it was almost affixed to the water, the gloss on the surface of the eggshell was only about the same as the darkest kerosene lamp in the world.

But in this process, Chu Yan's guess was confirmed.

This cold spring water is really like the vitality of this egg.

More precisely, it seems to resonate with this egg and hatch it.

Because at the last time, Chu Yan could even faintly feel that there was a powerful heartbeat unique to life in this eggshell.

Inside this eggshell is a powerful creature.

And this creature, because Chu Yan discovered this mysterious spring at this time, seems to have the possibility of coming out of the shell in the future.

As soon as he thought it, Chu Yan never hesitated.

He delved deeper, and soon found the depths below the spring.

Suddenly, he relaxed.

This spring is not a living spring.

All the spring water was packed in the stone-built pool in front of him.

Further, after confirming that there is no matrix method, Chu Yan reached out to grasp in order to avoid accidents. He grabbed the spring water, together with the pool, and the surrounding land ten feet wide and two feet deep. , Once again entered the small world of Qiankun.

In the small world of Qiankun, there are almost all kinds of landforms on the continent.

The only difference is probably the range is much smaller.

But there is no shortage of circumstances.

Chu Yan quickly found a cave very similar to the environment here.

It's just incredible that this cave is on a flat ground, and the other three sides are also plains.

But on the other side, it turned into a deep canyon.

At the time when this small world was built, the thoughts of the mysterious woman were very imaginative.

Chu Yan even suspected that the other party did not even consider the layout at all, that is, they spliced ​​together in various environments and various landforms to form this small world.

In the cave, all the ground, pools, and springs held in his hands were settled.

Then Chu Yan carefully, supported the wooden box with aura, and hung above the pool.

The bottom of the wooden box was almost separated from the pool water by a layer of paper.

This is also the best place to discover when Chu Yan tempted before.

In this position, the center of the eggshell jumps most vigorously and regularly.

After being properly placed, Chu Yan observed another half an hour and confirmed that there were no abnormalities. Then he left Xiaoqiankun World and returned to the underground cave.

"How's it going?"

Although the handsome disdains the egg, he is actually full of curiosity.

"There shouldn't be any major problems, and then it's up to the fortune."

Chu Yan said after a moment of groaning, "It depends on the providence if it can hatch."

After a pause, Chu Yan continued: "Let's leave here first and wait for the gray mist to dissipate, it will definitely be exposed here, and it will certainly attract nearby monks."

"it is good!"

He nodded handsomely, froze, and jumped to Chu Yan's shoulders with great skill.

Chu Yan was handsome and turned into a streamer. He just flew out of the cave and looked towards the sky. Between Duns, his brows frowned slightly.

It seems that he was delaying time.

Before the handsome came out to find food, they found that the gray mist space began to dissipate.

It took me some time to inspect the egg, and at this moment, the mist was completely gone.

The sky at this moment has become the same cold moonlit night as in the desert.

Even at this time, Chu Yan could breathe the familiar taste.

"I don't know how long that array has disappeared."

As soon as Chu Yan's thoughts came to her mind, suddenly, in the distance, the sky was filled with dust.

The sand and dust were as high as one thousand feet high and mighty, like a big river tide, coming in rushing, the momentum was amazing, and even the ground was shaking.

And the surface of the sand and dust is a condensed human figure.

This human figure is also as high as a thousand feet, as if it was the horrible sandstorm it rolled up.

However, once Chu Yan's knowledge was swept away, he knew that this was a supernatural power.

At this moment, he also found several figures in the sandstorm. Among them, there is no lack of heavenly mood, and there must be a monk of heavenly mood.

And almost at the moment when the sandstorm appeared, on the other side, a thunder light suddenly fell from the sky.

With a click, after tearing the clear night sky, it suddenly turned into five or six branches, parallel to the ground, and flew towards Chu Yan in the direction.

Immediately after the lightning, a mottled multicolored mist suddenly rose between heaven and earth.

In this light and fog, more than ten people soon emerged.

Each figure gives a fluttering feeling.

The last moment seemed to be thousands of miles away, but the next moment, this mist seemed to infiltrate into the void, and then condensed from the void, less than 500 miles away from Chu Yan.

At the same time, whether it is a sandstorm or a monk in Thunder Light, it seems that they have found each other's existence, and suddenly, speeding up.

Rumble! Suddenly, the earth shook and the sound of waves rolling violently spread, all the monsters and bones on the ground that had been neatly sized neatly were scattered, mixed together, and it was not clear who was who Yes.

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