Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1896: Come to the door

The territory of Tianyamen is less than seven thousand miles away from the teleportation array.

However, Chu Yan did not go directly to Tianyamen at this time, but first meditated in the nearby mountains and forests for two days.

At this time, Dongtianfudi had just closed, and Tianmen Gate was very close to the entrance of Dongtianfudi.

At this time, if you find the trouble of the Tianyamen, it is easy to think of the monk with a yellow face.

Then attracted the attention of Ziweimen.

Therefore, after waiting for two days, Chu Yan flew out of the forest and headed towards Tianmen Gate.

When flying out of the mountains and forests, Chu Yan's eyes were as dark as ink, not white.

Not only that, at the moment he flew out, all the birds and beasts flew to the ground, and the atmosphere didn't dare to spit it out.

The often lively forest is so quiet that it feels secretive.

It wasn't until Chu Yan flew out of this range, and it took a long time in the forest, that the sound of birdsong and beasts gradually came.

At this moment Chu Yan flew towards the Tianyamen, using neither the image of waxy yellow face nor the imagination of the square face, but his original appearance.

According to Chu Yan's original idea, if he went to Tianmen Gate at this time, if he did not use the ghosts of Wansheng, but used his own face, it would be easy to suspect that there was any relationship between him and the monk with a yellow face.

After all, Tianyaomen and he Chuyan have no hatred.

And the waxy yellow-faced man killed Master Tianyamen, which led to a real shot, and then he muttered nothing.

A few days later, Chu Yan ran to Tianmen Gate for revenge.

As long as the person is not bad, they will be connected.

But the one behind the gates of **** was unwilling to live or die.

According to his own words, he would never change his face and do what this "snake and rat ant" would do.

To kill, kill it upright.

The one behind the gates of **** is reluctant to use the face of all beings.

And Chu Yan wants to fight against the real man in Zifu of Tianyamen, this time he has to rely on his strength.

For a moment, the two were deadlocked.

In the end, the man behind the gates of **** told the truth to Chu.

"I have ... supernatural powers ... bystanders ... visible ... not ... remember ..." This statement was made intermittently, and it might not be understandable for others.

But Chu Yan immediately understood.

The man behind the gates of Hell, though disdain to hide his identity, did what he called the "chicken dog thief".

However, he has a magical power so that others can see him, but he can't remember it.

To put it bluntly, he hit others, and afterwards others wanted to be held accountable, but after racking his brains, he couldn't remember what the person who beat him was like.

After hearing about this supernatural power, His Royal Highness was very coveted.

However, the man behind the gates of **** broke his cold water.

The other party said that this supernatural power requires a strong sense of knowledge.

Although Chu Yan's consciousness is stronger than the same order, even higher order.

However, the distance is too much to be able to perform this magical power.

Since the other party said so, Chu Yan could only give up.

So he lowered his ontological consciousness and replaced him with the body behind the gate of hell, and Chu Yan was flying in the direction of Tianyamen straight in the air.

The man behind the gates of **** disdains to use any magic weapon.

There is a ready-made folding wave void bracelet, he doesn't need to, just fly forward.

However, it is clear that after this period of cultivation, his strength has recovered a lot, and this body that controls Chu Yan has become more and more handy.

At full speed, shortly after, I saw the Tianyamen far away.

Tianyamen was built in the mountains.

Looking at the surface, the immortal peaks stand tall, magnificent, surrounded by clouds and mists, the aura of energy gathers, all kinds of buildings, half hidden, the dragon and the snake rise from the land, and flutter.

If the light is from the scale of the Zongmen, compared to the broken star tower, Xuanyue gate, etc. of Yunaojiang State, the Tianyamen is more than ten times larger.

And the number of monks in Zongmen is not comparable to that of Zongmen in Xinjiang.

Tianyamen, but there is more than one real person in Zifujing.

Within a radius of 300,000 miles, Tianyamen is a behemoth, and there is no other sect or family that can compete with it alone.

It is for this reason that the large mountain guard of Tianyamen has extended to a distance of two hundred miles from Zongmen.

A layer of silky transparent light film, reflecting the morning glow at the moment, gives a magnificent and strange feeling.

Chu Yan stopped at a distance of less than three hundred miles from the Tianyamen Gate at this time.

He looked up and looked forward, his eyes were deep, like an ancient well, without waves.

This distance, naturally, there are some disciples of Tianyamen who met Chu Yan.

The disciples responsible for the inspection at such a long distance are naturally not high, at most, they are like Ningmai.

But because they are less than three hundred miles behind, they are their own ancestral gates, so the disciples of these days are straight, and they are not afraid of Chu Yan.

What's more, in their opinion, if there is a teacher who came to Tianmen Gate in advance, it must be brought in by the deacons or elders in nearby towns, and there is absolutely no such thing to fly over by himself.

This behavior is either casual or insensible, or it is intentional provocation! So even though Chu Yan was flying in the air at this time, showing the realm of the heavenly heart, these disciples in the condensed veins not only did not have awe, but yelled at him: "Zongmen is important, no one is waiting, leave quickly, otherwise don't blame us You're welcome, Tianmen Gate! "

"Heh ... heh ..." Chu Yan sneered.

This sneer, in the eyes of these Ningmaijing disciples, is no doubt provocative.

One of the disciples, with a cold hum, immediately excited a messenger.

Immediately, a spirit boat flew from a nearby mountain with the clearing.

Above the Lingzhou, a monk wearing the robe of the Master of the Heavenly Gate, his eyes were cold, his hands were behind his back, and a handsome man looked coldly at Chu Yan: "Who is doing it in front of my Heavenly Gate!"

Chu Yan's eyes did not turn, and he raised his hand to point at the other side.

Ding——A soft sound came from the void, like two jade stones, and they bumped lightly.

A ripple, like ripples, spread out.

On that day, Master Gengmen was swept by ripples, his eyes flickered and his body trembled. At the next moment, the body, along with the spirit boat under his feet, appeared cracks like porcelain, and the space suddenly exploded.

Because the spirit boat kept flying forward, the flesh was mixed with debris and swept forward ten miles, as if it were a **** river that fell from mid-air.

Seeing this scene, the few disciples on the ground were frightened, all of them face-to-ear, with soft knees, kneeling on the ground, shivering, and their hearts almost stopped beating.

Chu Yan didn't look at them any more and went directly to the front of the mountain guard at Tianyamen.

Then, in the eyes of these terrified disciples, they threw a punch.

Suddenly, the mountains and rivers shattered, and the sun and the moon sink.

The silky hill-guard array suddenly shook violently like boiling water.

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