Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1909: One of the treasures from the Great Saint

After weighing, Chu Yan decided to temporarily bury this matter in his heart.

If you know some important clues at that time, and you are sure of it, you will have time to tell Tianya Sect.

Imagine that if you practice on an island, you can hear the conspiracy of the demon clan.

In this way, the plan to cover the sky has been leaked into a sieve.

With the size of Tianyazong, it is impossible to know nothing about it.

So while the group of monsters did not leave, Chu Yan began to get busy.

The Kaizhi period monsters on the island and a few ordinary metamorphosis monsters want to solve them all at once, so that there is no fish in the net. After Chu Yan ’s promotion this time, it is not difficult.

What might really be a little tricky is the two half-step ancestors.

The bald male demon wearing a crimson robe has been talking with other demon beasts throughout the process.

There is also a half-step ancestor, who is in a white robe.

And also covered all the figure with a robe, only under the hood, there was a trace of black gas.

Chu Yan was too unscrupulous to prevent himself from being probed, and would be perceived by the other party, so he still kept a little distance.

So by this time, he was still unclear about the appearance of the white robe.

But one thing, Chu Yan can now be determined, that is, these two half-step ancestors carry heavy treasures.

Chu Yan felt a little tricky, in fact, more of it is on this treasure.

There are not many treasures for monsters and beasts, but once used, they will be very troublesome.

So at this time, Chu Yan did not rush out, but made various preparations under the island.

Fantianyin is ready to go, and it can seal the void of three thousand miles at any time.

In addition, Chu Yan is laying a powerful array under the island.

These formations ensure that most monsters on the island can be instantly shattered into pieces.

Twenty-eight fierce souls Dinghaizhu were also prepared and were responsible for devouring the remaining souls of the demon.

After everything was prepared, Chu Yan's consciousness was refocused on the top of the island, waiting for the opportunity to shoot.

But this time, the situation has changed a little bit.

The treasure that he had been guessing before, at this moment, even the two and a half step ancestors came out on their own initiative.

When Chu Yan arranged just now, the bald demon was telling other demon beasts what they needed to do next.

When everything was properly arranged in Chu Yan, the bald demon turned around and smiled: "Actually, this time, in addition to letting us know how things were arranged before you, the Patriarch also prepared three treasures as Rewards after this mission is completed. "

After he finished speaking, he did not sell Guanzi, and took out the first treasure directly.

It was a drop of dark green waterdrops.

But in a flash, all the monsters present changed their faces.

Because although this seems to be a drop of water, in a flash, the **** smell of Wu Yunlunbi rushed out.

Not only that, but when you look closely at this moment, it seems that you can see a big river covered with fog in the depths of the dark green blood beads.

The river meanders and I don't know where it leads.

And in the mist, it seems that you can see the ruined aftermath of a large ship, revealing a sense of death and despair everywhere.

"This is ..." Among the monsters, several transformed monsters took the lead in recovering.

At this moment, their breathing became extremely rapid, and their eyes flashed with excitement and incredible expression.

Even the enchanting female demon before, at this moment did not focus on the bald male demon, but blinked his eyes, staring at the dark green blood beads.

At this moment, Chu Yan also found this blood bead different.

"Not only contains amazing blood, but also can feel a hint of space operation, as if it can communicate with another void."

Chu Yan secretly said.

Since this promotion, he has a deeper understanding of the way of space, so at this time, his feeling is more profound than the sum of these monsters on the scene.

Looking around at the monsters around them and seeing the greedy look of their eyes, the bald demon smiled with satisfaction, and said, "This drop of essence blood was given to my ancestor by the Sage Master.

Now my ancestor took this treasure out in order to reward you. "

"Sage Sage!"

"It turned out to be the blood of King Sage!"

"Great sage! That is many times more powerful than the ancestor!"

"If you can get this drop of Sperm Ancestral Blood, refine it and melt it into my bloodline, although I will not stand on the ground to be holy, but the strength cultivation will definitely increase greatly, and more importantly, the future cultivation At the same time, you can also get the help of this drop of essential blood, so that it is extremely fast and leaps and bounds! "

After hearing the origin of this drop of essential blood, all of a sudden the group of demons on the scene seemed to have exploded, and they discussed it warmly, with a pair of eyes, staring at this drop of dark green essence. blood.

The more eager the group demon's performance is, the more satisfied the bald demon's expression is.

After the group of demon gradually became quiet, the bald demon continued: "You said that this drop of essence blood, melted into your own bloodline, can indeed help you to improve vigorously.

Kaizhi will transform into an instant, and its impact on the ancestors will be 1,000 times and 10,000 times easier than others! And if you look closely, this is not just a drop of the blood of the Sage of the Stygian River, but it also contains a small world of Qiankun opened by the Sage of the Stygian! If any one is fortunate enough to get into it, they can learn from it and even learn from it, it is possible! "

This time, the scene seemed to be boiling oil, poured a spoonful of boiling water, the atmosphere boiled and exploded.

"Great magical power!"

"This, this is beyond my imagination!"

"Oh my god! If this is the case, wouldn't it be equivalent to being a small peasant in the human race in the mortal world, and the dragon robe will be added in an instant?"

"It's like a little mouse, who suddenly became the king of all hands, you can pick the stars and get the moon!"

A group of monsters in the intellectual development period roared repeatedly, and the roaring sound even formed a hurricane, which caused the island to tremble and rows of trees sway wildly.

The other eight demon-shaped monsters, the look in their eyes, is more eager, staring at the drop of dark green blood, seems to have turned into a stone carving.

"This is just one of the rewards for this mission."

It seems that the emotions of these monsters are intentionally mobilized. When the emotions of the monster door have settled down for a while, the bald monster begins to speak again.

With the sound of the words, the bald demon looked at the other half-step ancestor who was wearing a white robe and had not made a sound before.

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