Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1911: I'll kill this monk

The monsters on the scene hadn't had time to respond. The island on the sea suddenly swelled from the center of the island at their feet.

In the cracks of unknown length, white light spewed out almost piercing the eyes of the blind.

A terror force that seemed to be erupting from hundreds or thousands of volcanoes suddenly opened the island and skyrocketed.

boom! It seemed as if the sun was rising in the vast sea.

Thousands of miles away from the sea, all of a sudden, a huge wave was suddenly set off.

The rolling sound waves exploded all the sea water in the air and shattered it into heavy rain.

And hundreds of miles of sea water around the island, when it was sprayed into the air, was burned into steam by the scorching flames and air waves erupting from the island.

This group of monsters gathered on the island was even blown into the air by this sky-breaking force.

Thunder and lightning, water, fire and wind, meteorite torrents, the various killing arrays buried before Chu Yan, now showing the peerless heavenly prestige, intertwined with each other, vertical and horizontal, these monsters and beasts, into it, in a flash, torn into pieces, and fly away .

Those monsters that opened the intellectual period almost disappeared in an instant, in a bleak white light.

There are a few metamorphosis monsters, but they have not been spared.

After being penetrated by lightning, he was torn into pieces of flesh.

Some were engulfed by the fire, blinked and burned into coke, and were instantly smashed into powder by the wind.

There was also Jianguang that was hit from all sides, and was instantly poked into a sieve, and then exploded.

Originally, there were a total of eight metamorphic monsters and two half-step ancestors. When they rushed out of the killing range, there were only three metamorphic monsters and two half-step ancestors.

All other monsters can't be broken anymore, and finding a complete finger can be considered a miracle.

The five demon who survived the fluke were all in shock at this time.

Looking at the sea that had already disappeared into smoke, there was now a terrifying horror with a diameter of more than a thousand miles. These five monsters only felt that their blood was cold.

Among the five great demon, the slim figure before was also there.

It's just that she was scared now as if it was a blank piece of paper. She looked at the big pit that the sea water was pouring backwards, and it was probably impossible to fill up for a long time. What's the matter! "

The voice just fell, and an extremely powerful thought, swept from a storm.

In the pouring rain that the seawater turned into, there was even a roar of steel torrents at this moment.

This sound, I am afraid that in a short time, the big demon that has just entered the heart of the sky, or just transformed, can be directly shattered! The five great monsters looked at each other, and there was shock and anger in each other's eyes.

At this time, it was still the bald demon who issued the order: "Go away!"

At this moment, they all felt that they were being targeted by a certain sect.

And this sect must still make every effort to intercept them.

If you scatter and leave here, it is equivalent to separating the fighting power of this sect, and their chance of escaping will also become greater.

But immediately, in the heavy rain, a sneer came: "Can you go?"

Bang! The world roared.

The five headed demon who had just spread out had their hearts together.

Almost instantly, they could see that the void in front of them, accompanied by the heavy rain formed by the sea water, was rushing towards themselves at a rapid speed.

It is equal to this, this piece of void is shrinking sharply! The space is encased in seawater, and blinking kung fu is like a deep-sea behemoth. The force of violent impact and collapse, even a continent, can be directly smashed and sinking.

Bang! Two and a half steps ancestors were forced to retreat.

And the three transformed monsters were hit by huge waves at this moment, and they flew back like meteors suddenly. The blood arrows in their mouths spewed violently, and even the flesh and blood on their bodies ripped a terrible crack, the blood flowing out The heavy rain around them was stained scarlet.

At this time, Chu Yan's figure suddenly appeared in mid-air.

One finger, one song, like a dragon, a tiger, or a leopard, the body moved, and a roar of a lion broke out. It was shocked that the severely deformed monster was stiff and could not move.

At the next moment, Chu Yan took off the head of a big demon.

And the demon lost his head body, and disappeared strangely in a white light.

Immediately afterwards, Chu Yan appeared in front of two other transformed monsters.

Uh! Chu Yan's fist, like a piece of tofu, pierced the chest of the demon in front of him, and he held the beating heart of the opponent in his hand.

With a squeeze in the palm of your hand, the heart was crushed, and Chu Yan flicked it again, flicking away this incomparable monster, and immediately disappeared into a white light.

At the next moment, Chu Yan came to the enchanting Banshee.

The banshee felt the danger coming, her body full of muscles, and at this moment they were all tense, as if they were steel.

But Chu Yan put his fingers together, turned into a hand knife, and swept one by one.

Suddenly, there is a sharpness that divides yin and yang and tears apart the universe.

By the time the Banshee reacted, she had been halved by Chu Yan from the middle.

Immediately after the white light flashed, the Banshee disappeared into the rain curtain.

To be precise, she disappeared into the white belly of a white pig like a black hole, just like the two pretend monsters.

"It's a monk!"

Chu Yan just shot continuously, and also let the remaining two and a half ancestors find his tracks.

The bald demon, exclaimed in silence at this time, an indescribable anger and panic, as if it were fire and water, in the chest, he was constantly helping and shocking.

A monk can wipe out their army almost instantly.

Is the other party a real person from Zifu?

As soon as he thought about it, the bald demon shuddered and only felt his scalp numb.

But at this time, a ray of sound was heard clearly.

"Just a monk with a double mind.

His state is not as good as ours, so I just used the formation attack.

Don't worry, he is not our opponent. "

Hearing this, the bald demon immediately turned his head and looked towards the white robe not far away.

He naturally knew that it was the companion who was around him.

Hearing the other party's words at this moment, the bald demon's heart moved, and suddenly, he wanted to understand the key.

This is indeed the case. If the opponent's real number and strength are dominant, just press it directly, why use the formation method.

And the death of the few big monsters just now, only the other party was hiding in the dark, with the help of magic weapon, the sneak attack was successful.

At this time, they are not only two metamorphosis monsters, but also the pinnacle of metamorphosis monsters, which can be called the existence of half-step ancestors! Thinking of this, the mood of the bald demon suddenly stabilized, the panic in his eyes disappeared immediately, replaced by a ray of sharp edge and killing intention.

"You come to break this blocked void, and I will find this guy and smash it to pieces!"

The bald demon screamed angrily, and in an instant, his head was infiltrated with infinite blood-colored silk threads, dense and dense, as if it were countless silk, spreading out into the surrounding seawater.

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