Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1921: District demon soul

The light of the heavenly punishment flashed, and a **** light oscillated out, wrapped around the Taigu demon soul flag and the Taiko demon soul charm.

On the surface of the two treasures, all the monsters roared at once, and the murderous intention and anger in the sky were almost written as a **** killing character, which shuttled from the depths of the void to kill the souls.

The cold breath, in an instant, turned into a terrifying cold wind, blowing towards Chu Yan.

Immediately, the grass around Chu Yan was frozen into ice sculptures.

Chu Yan's eyes were faint, and he didn't move.

There was a chill, less than a foot in front of him, and it turned into hoarfrost, but it dissipated in a moment.

The demon souls in the two magic weapons kept roaring and roaring, struggling, seemingly recognizing the identity of the Chuyan human race and unwilling to be sacrificed by him.

But no matter how they struggle, there is no way to affect Chu Yan.

As the blood ring tightened and tightened, the extent of those demon souls struggling became smaller and smaller.

In the end, the blood light covered two magic weapons.

Both the Taikoo Demon Soul Banner and the Taikoo Demon Soul Talisman were quiet, and they hung in silence in front of Chu Yan.

Chu Yan condensed his eyes and looked towards them.

In the depths of these two magic weapons, uncountable demon souls, all kneeling quietly in front of themselves at this moment, no longer making a sound.

At the same time, Chu Yan also felt that these two magic weapons had a **** connection with himself.

This is the performance that the sacrifice can only have.

Chu Yan nodded in satisfaction, took the Taiko demon soul flag, and waved it gently.

In an instant, the dark clouds covered the sky, the land was thundering, and countless monster spirits turned into a tornado, pulling up suddenly, wooing, continually spreading. The feeling of ruining the world.

Chu Yan flicked his fingertips again, and the archaic demon soul charm turned into a golden light, and appeared almost a hundred miles away when his fingertip disappeared.

At the next moment, a mountain there disappeared like a powder, and fell suddenly.

Looking around, my eyes were suddenly empty.

After knowing these two magic weapons, Chu Yan turned his wrists away and put them away, his eyes deep, and looked at the third treasure hovering in front of him—the drop of essence blood of the Great Sage.

Chu Yan can feel the rich blood in the essence blood at this moment.

However, if absorbed directly, it would be too violent.

Because before Chu Yan had heard the bald monster, Sage Sage was still in this drop of blood, sealing a space.

Enter the space and have the opportunity to comprehend the inheritance of the Sage Master.

Chu Yan's exercises and inheritance, as well as the power of essence and blood, naturally come to Chu Yan.

But this is after all a drop of blood of the Great Saint, and has the magic control of the Great Saint. Compared with the magic weapon, it is more likely to cause the perception of the Great Sage.

Moreover, Chu Yan was worried about how to deal with the Sage of the Sage River in the space of the essence and blood.

"If there is a way to cut off Sage Sage's induction of this drop of fine blood, that would be great."

Chu Yan was thinking in this way. After hearing the gate of Hell, a faint word came: "In ..." "Huh?"

Chu Yan blinked.

The man hasn't made a sound for a long time. Why did he suddenly speak today?

And looking at what it is now, even knowing what you are thinking?

"I don't know ... Dao ... but ... look at you ... complexion ... can ... guess ... what are you thinking ..." It seemed like a stutter, explained at the moment.

Chu Yan narrowed his eyes and nodded, "Can I go in?"

"Yes ..." "What should I do if Sage Sage sensed it?"

"It ... no ... induction ... this ... sperm blood ... and space ... is ... independent ..." The other party explained this, and Chu Yan understood it suddenly.

When the Sage Master condensed this drop of blood, he cut off the induction with it.

Apparently Sage River Sovereign didn't even care about who this drop of blood would reward him.

It's like the Dasheng pulling a leg hair and giving it to the little demon below, whoever takes it and whoever takes it, anyway, I don't care much about the leg hair.

It seems that I was worried before.

With a slight laugh, Chu Yan raised his hand and pointed at this drop of essence blood.

At the moment when his fingertips touched this drop of essential blood, Chu Yan immediately felt that a force of suction came from this drop of essential blood.

At the same time, the essence and blood suddenly expanded suddenly, turning into a vortex almost as tall as a person. With a whine, Chu Yan was sucked into it.

With a flower in front of him, Chu Yan suddenly found that he had come into a vast void of smoke.

At the foot is a la la la, the white water is surging at this moment, there is a sound of palpitation.

In front of him was a thick white mist.

There was a faint vagueness around him, and the silent shadows of large and small ships could be seen.

The breath of openness, depression, and despair suddenly came over from the surroundings, and even made people uncontrollably, there would be a feeling of stomach cramps.

This is like a place where shipwrecks often occur.

Because of the strong white fog, the sailing ship hit the reef and ran aground. The people on the ship either fell into the sea and drowned, or they were dragged away and eaten by the monster hidden in the white fog.

Chu Yan closed his eyes and pondered.

In just a few moments, he could clearly hear the sound of water waves, the decay of ships, the crumbling of wood peeling off, and the sharp hissing from the depths of white fog from time to time.

There was something in the white mist.

"Ji-Ji-Ji ---" A horrifying voice suddenly sounded above Chu Yan's head.

Chu Yan opened his eyes.

The thing seemed to be taken aback, and with a cry, it suddenly disappeared into the depths of Baiwu.

Soon afterwards, a fine voice rang from all directions.

The voice became louder and denser, like many people, waking up one after another, and then joined the discussion.

"Someone came in!"

"It's a human race."

"Human race, human race is good, the skin is tender and tender, I haven't tasted human flesh for hundreds of years."

"It's a pity that there is only one human race, and it's not enough to stop the teeth."

"You can't say that. The blood of this human race is quite strong. Ah, just breathing, I feel like I'm drunk."

These voices are so dense, I do n’t know how many of them, they are talking about Chu Yan unscrupulously, just like discussing fresh and delicious ingredients.

At this moment, Chu Yan can even feel that in this white mist, a pair of coveted eyes is looking at himself, looking at the most delicious part of them.

The originally quiet white mist accelerated the flow rate at this moment.

A gust of wind and the cold that stung the bone marrow blew up on the sea.

The sound of laughter and sharp and sharp discussions are getting closer and closer to Chu Yan, as if they were a group of predators, surrounded by their prey, waiting for a swarm to dismember the prey.

These voices clearly passed into Chu Yan's ears.

The corner of Chu Yan's mouth slightly raised an arc, and a moment later, a sneer smile was issued: "Different demon soul-"

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